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People who stand IN acid and pull you in...


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look at it this way, the cowards only do it because they KNOW they cant beat you fair.


I pull people into acid/fire on my sin all the time. The goods get out, the bads let me lock them down there.


When people pull me into acid/fire quite often I run behind them and punt them back in, killing them instead.


I certainly can kill people 'fairly' whatever that means in PVP but it's just faster to get rid of noobs this way. Or reverse a ball being carried and score, or get rid of a critical healer quickly, etc etc.


Most people that whine about acid/fire are just bad at cc and counters and die in regular 1v1s just as hard.


So to echo some other posters here...


L2P /thread

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I pull people into acid/fire on my sin all the time. The goods get out, the bads let me lock them down there.


When people pull me into acid/fire quite often I run behind them and punt them back in, killing them instead.


I certainly can kill people 'fairly' whatever that means in PVP but it's just faster to get rid of noobs this way. Or reverse a ball being carried and score, or get rid of a critical healer quickly, etc etc.


Most people that whine about acid/fire are just bad at cc and counters and die in regular 1v1s just as hard.


So to echo some other posters here...


L2P /thread


Lol QFT.


Anyway, the announcer even says it himself, so it's all good.


If i get pulled into the fire I can either 1. Charge someone nearby, 2. Camo out of it or, 3. Take it like a ***** that I was meant to and get my own back later on.

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I pull people into acid/fire on my sin all the time. The goods get out, the bads let me lock them down there.


When people pull me into acid/fire quite often I run behind them and punt them back in, killing them instead.


I certainly can kill people 'fairly' whatever that means in PVP but it's just faster to get rid of noobs this way. Or reverse a ball being carried and score, or get rid of a critical healer quickly, etc etc.


Most people that whine about acid/fire are just bad at cc and counters and die in regular 1v1s just as hard.


So to echo some other posters here...


L2P /thread


lol sonny boy, i have no problem surviving your cowardly tactics, and i would say id take you out even with a half health disadvantage. i frequently 1v3 good and fully bm players, im saying as in general, theres no way in hell anyone can take me, and they NEED pits, unfortunately i couldn't say i could own you because darkness sins are still in need of nerfs, it is known by all, considering i have one of them too, its not and l2p issue, this game is such a *********** stun fest beyond reasonable amounts for a broken resolve system that chances are you wont have your break cc off cd, and any good player stuns mid pull.

and noone who uses pull does it for the team, you noobs just think is so lulzy then scream for nerfs when we survive it AND kill you. dont talk l2p when you dont know how.

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Played Marauder and Powertech.


Love to pull people like you in acid or fire.


Simple reason you die faster vs having to wack you with a lightsaber all day and night.


( 1 ) Stay out of Huttball

( 2 ) Stay away from the hazard's rockworm's - Barron Deathmark

( 3 ) If you have the ball get rid of it or be focused on.

( 4 ) Marauders have Phantom use it. "Anni Phantom ability to cloak for 4 seconds and not take damage from either or till you can get away ".

( 5 ) BBQ Sith Warrior - Try to target some one else and leap away or again Phantom.

( 6 ) Get your resolve up - No stun or lock down effects.

( 7 ) Popscile Sith - Carbonite can freeze you for 2.5 to 2 seconds depending on the armor the bounty hunter is wearing. You can break this stun and get away before you either ( A ) die in pool of acid or ( B ) Burn like a crispy critter australian style.

( 8 ) Rocketman - Jetcharge can stun you so running threw acid or carrying the ball over a open bbq pit is not a good idea.

( 9 ) Electro-Dart - Simple easy to use and easy to break free of but also your down fall if your hanging out over a bbq pit or running over one that is about to ignite.

( 10 ) Force Choke the mother ****er that's in the acid with you.


#10 made me smile. Thank you. I'm not even a jugg/mara/guard/sent and it still made me smile. I may roll one of those classes just to do that.

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#10 made me smile. Thank you. I'm not even a jugg/mara/guard/sent and it still made me smile. I may roll one of those classes just to do that.


That only works over the flame vents, in the acid pools they are suspended in the air and don't take any additional damage :(

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i frequently 1v3 good and fully bm players, im saying as in general



, theres no way in hell anyone can take me, and they NEED pits



, unfortunately i couldn't say i could own you because darkness sins are still in need of nerfs,



Death knell of a bad. I lose so opponents are cheaters and OP and not playing fair. Yet I can own everyone. Does not compute.


Best counter to pulls into acid/fire: push w and walk out. GCD means they have 1.5 to throw that stun. The people complaining about electro dart stuns are even funnier because it has a travel time to boot.

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and noone who uses pull does it for the team,


Also incorrect, I use it to reverse huttballs and score all the time. I am always pulling melee off a critical target like our healer, it is just even more efficient to put the bad melee who stood in LOS of a pit into acid/fire while beating on a healer for 10 minutes instead of beating him into a stain normally.


You can fight in corners, you can fight braced up against a wall where you are unable to be pulled because you'll clip the wall. Bads just have a very 1v1 trading face-slapping mentality for pvp (everything else is 'dishonorable, lulz) and don't know how to think along diagonals, verticals, behind you, above you, below you. Typical uncreative mentality of bads.

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