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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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hey, i told you how it is, ive proven myself where ever i go when it comes to PVP, i shouldn't need to justify why 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 will affect group balance in 8 vs 8 unless precautions are made, im pretty sure it's easy to see that.


I gave my opinion and you called me a troll.


Please, nerd maintain.

Edited by Scotland
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I went on to give my view on how they might work, never said it would.


At least i tried to be constructive.


"Arenas dont work in a mmo, FACT. now drop it and go play a game that will support arenas, like DCUO."


Thats not constructive champ. You should express you concerns rather then plainly stating NO! Thats hating and i thought u were a player hater? lol

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"Arenas dont work in a mmo, FACT. now drop it and go play a game that will support arenas, like DCUO."


Thats not constructive champ. You should express you concerns rather then plainly stating NO! Thats hating and i thought u were a player hater? lol


you should read the rest of my replies.


That was the name of my guild yo.

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hey, i told you how it is, ive proven myself where ever i go when it comes to PVP, i shouldn't need to justify why 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 will affect group balance in 8 vs 8 unless precautions are made, im pretty sure it's easy to see that.


I gave my opinion and you called me a troll.


Please, nerd maintain.


Anyone who liked arena in wow knew 2v2 was the most unbalanced bracket lol and we are not talking about 1v1...thats dueling and is not even close too arena, what we want is some skill/survival/communicative 3v3/4v4 arena types where you play at a high level and count on others mistakes too take the win.

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Anyone who liked arena in wow knew 2v2 was the most unbalanced bracket lol and we are not talking about 1v1...thats dueling and is not even close too arena, what we want is some skill/survival/communicative 3v3/4v4 arena types where you play at a high level and count on others mistakes too take the win.


Which will only work if separated from the rest of the game, which i did already mention.


You cannot balance 4 vs 4 and 8 vs 8 adequately. Well it hasn't been done to date.


Thats my opinion.


Edit: I have actually seen it done, in SWG. Maybe something could be learned from that. They had a queue system where the group could queue up with a min of 4, and matches could hold up to 16 players on each team.


The last 2 years of that game had the best group balance ive seen in any game.

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I don't even care anymore. you can think what you want, but the fact is your just an ignorant player if you want to separate the community. What would that even accomplish, I have already said there should be no special gear rewards in the ways of getting better gear then could be obtained otherwise through RWZ. So you will have the community split up just because you don't like players who do arena.
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I don't even care anymore. you can think what you want, but the fact is your just an ignorant player if you want to separate the community. What would that even accomplish, I have already said there should be no special gear rewards in the ways of getting better gear then could be obtained otherwise through RWZ. So you will have the community split up just because you don't like players who do arena.


Thats not my reason at all, and being aggressive with me will get you no where, chum. You should just calm down.


Some players prefer 8 vs 8, some prefer 4 vs 4, played alot of 4 vs 4 and up in alot of games. "In my experience", class balance can become an issue, "A VERY BIG ISSUE" when trying to balance the different group sizes out.


I know this game needs something to liven the PVP spirits, but i dont believe Bioware focusing on releasing ARENA type matches is the answer. I came to this game with around 40 people from different games/guilds/countries all or most have played at the highest level of every game they've played. Most to all have now quit due to no competitive group PVP. Is this an option failure or an overall system failure. That's not my decision to say.


When it comes to community splitting, bioware did that themselves with not integrating cross server queues quicker.


Take The Fatman for instance, 3-4 weeks ago it had 3 instances of the fleet with healthy populations, now you are lucky to have over 150 people on the first instance.


What im saying is this, there is alot more to fix before they bring something new out and mess that up too.

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Thats not my reason at all, and being aggressive with me will get you no where, chum. You should just calm down.


Some players prefer 8 vs 8, some prefer 4 vs 4, played alot of 4 vs 4 and up in alot of games. "In my experience", class balance can become an issue, "A VERY BIG ISSUE" when trying to balance the different group sizes out.


I know this game needs something to liven the PVP spirits, but i dont believe Bioware focusing on releasing ARENA type matches is the answer. I came to this game with around 40 people from different games/guilds/countries all or most have played at the highest level of every game they've played. Most to all have now quit due to no competitive group PVP. Is this an option failure or an overall system failure. That's not my decision to say.


When it comes to community splitting, bioware did that themselves with not integrating cross server queues quicker.


Take The Fatman for instance, 3-4 weeks ago it had 3 instances of the fleet with healthy populations, now you are lucky to have over 150 people on the first instance.


What im saying is this, there is alot more to fix before they bring something new out and mess that up too.


So your reasoning behind not considering arenas at all is that the game has issues that need to be fixed first..


Because no one ever said it didnt.. There are always going to be issues that need to be resolved its up to the development team to do that and forums are used to express ideas concerns and frustrations that will ideally benefit the game in one way or another.. By saying "No! play another game if you want to do arena, arena is going to ruin everything" is just stupid! And yes your not the only one saying it so im saying this in general. Not sure if you know this but the customer is always right. Disrespect and neglect them and you basically have none and thats what is happening here.


People need to STOP associating the downfall of WOW arena with what we want implemented here. Because its obvious blizzard havent taken the appropiate steps to balence out the arenas.. Arenas in WOW have become more about being 'out geared' rather then being 'outplayed' and that was the major problem which can be avoided here.


Im pretty sure people are still playing WOW arenas regardless of the balence issues.. Wanna know why? Win or Loose theres a thrill and an adreneline rush u get from knowing you tactically out played another team co-ordinating with your teams player classes and abilities. Thats what arena should be about and thats whats lacking here.


Rated warzones would be great if you had more then one team to play against let alone have enough people logged on to play with, without pre-organising a time and date for a series of matches...Arena is totally different to War Zones. Its not a face smashing contest with who has the better comp out of random compositions. Its more controlled in many ways.


The objective in this thread is to raise awareness to our cause. If you play this game for PVE or role playing fantasies good for you thats great! Arenas have never been a requirement only an option and i can guarantee even PVE orientated people will do them...


We basically have a desire for "Arena style" gameplay within the star wars environment. And where theres a will theres a way.! If you have no positive suggestions to add im not sure why people are even posting in here. Theres so much hate in the community for a variety of reasons blame the developers not the people trying to improve the game...


Hatertrons please disengage Positrons are coming for u.


Edited by Extortioninc
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So your reasoning behind not considering arenas at all is that the game has issues that need to be fixed first..


Because no one ever said it didnt.. There are always going to be issues that need to be resolved its up to the development team to do that and forums are used to express ideas concerns and frustrations that will ideally benefit the game in one way or another.. By saying "No! play another game if you want to do arena, arena is going to ruin everything" is just stupid! Not sure if you know this but the customer is always right. Disrespect and neglect them and you basically have none and thats what is happening here.


People need to STOP associating the downfall of WOW arena with what we want implemented here. Because its obvious blizzard havent taken the appropiate steps to balence out the arenas.. Arenas in WOW have become more about being 'out geared' rathen then being 'outplayed' and that was the major problem which can be avoided here.


Im pretty sure people are still playing WOW arenas regardless of the balence issues.. Wanna know why? Win or Loose theres a thrill and an adreneline rush u get from knowing you tactically out played another team co-ordinating with your teams player classes and abilities. Thats what arena should be about and thats whats lacking here.


Rated warzones would be great if you had more then one team to play against let alone have enough people logged on to play with, without pre-organising a time and date for a series of matches...


The objective in this thread is to raise awareness to our cause. If you play this game for PVE or role playing fantasies good for you thats great! Arenas have never been a requirement only an option and i can guarantee even PVE orientated people will do them...


We basically have a desire for "Arena style" gameplay within the star wars environment. And where theres a will theres a way.! If you have no positive suggestions to add im not sure why people are even posting in here. Theres so much hate in the community for a variety of reasons blame the developers not the people trying to improve the game...


Hatertrons please disengage Positrons are coming for u.




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Arena ruins games. It destroyed WoW PVP I do not want to see that in SWTOR. Basically flavor of the month comps will be rewarded for having the right class at the right patch.


Not sure if you have noticed but SWTOR is basically modelled on WOW with a sprinkle of space dust. Gear gap ruins any PVP environment if its truly meant to be balenced everyone would have exactly the same cc stuns/durations and equal gear levels. But hey people still play it because its still enjoyable and only frustrating to players who cant stand being beaten. Probably because they dont duel enough to figure out class mechanics have no keybinds and arent tactically minded. Whats funny is leveling through PVP in this game i felt overpowered by certain classes critting me for 3k+ sub level 50 when im hitting for 2k max but doesnt mean it wasnt fun.

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Not sure if you have noticed but SWTOR is basically modelled on WOW with a sprinkle of space dust. Gear gap ruins any PVP environment if its truly meant to be balenced everyone would have exactly the same cc stuns/durations and equal gear levels. But hey people still play it because its still enjoyable and only frustrating to players who cant stand being beaten. Probably because they dont duel enough to figure out class mechanics have no keybinds and arent tactically minded. Whats funny is leveling through PVP in this game i felt overpowered by certain classes critting me for 3k+ sub level 50 when im hitting for 2k max but doesnt mean it wasnt fun.




ive heard it all now.

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People need to STOP associating the downfall of WOW arena with what we want implemented here. Because its obvious blizzard havent taken the appropiate steps to balence out the arenas..


If the team in THIS game cannot even balance out, let alone fix the current issues with the PvP, what makes you think Mythic can create such a good system? I'm sorry, but if Blizzard is still having issues with arenas, then I have 0 hope Mythic could pull half what they could. The PvP team in this game is horrid period, and no matter what solid ideas make their way to the forums (and there have been some good ones), they will largely go ignored because of their lack of competence.


Until this team shows me (or anyone else who PvP's for that matter) that they care about the PvP in this game, which they haven't due to the hundreds of thousands of PvP types who have unsubbed and moved on, I don't forsee anything like this coming down the pipe. Coming up on 9 months into the game, and one of the HUGE factors of this games demise rests squarely on the shoulders of the PvP team, because they failed to deliver. Asking them to create a new system now, is flirting with disaster, considering their track record.

Edited by Pistols
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If the team in THIS game cannot even balance out, let alone fix the current issues with the PvP, what makes you think Mythic can create such a good system? I'm sorry, but if Blizzard is still having issues with arenas, then I have 0 hope Mythic could pull half what they could. The PvP team in this game is horrid period, and no matter what solid ideas make their way to the forums (and there have been some good ones), they will largely go ignored because of their lack of competence.


Until this team shows me (or anyone else who PvP's for that matter) that they care about the PvP in this game, which they haven't due to the hundreds of thousands of PvP types who have unsubbed and moved on, I don't forsee anything like this coming down the pipe. Coming up on 9 months into the game, and one of the HUGE factors of this games demise rests squarely on the shoulders of the PvP team, because they failed to deliver. Asking them to create a new system now, is flirting with disaster, considering their track record.



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And before anyone gives the "GW2---> or why not just unsub" rhetoric, I do in fact enjoy the game, in large part due to the IP of this game, as I am a SW nerd. ;) I want nothing but success from TOR, I want to see many who have left return back to the game (PvP'ers), I want to play on a healthy server...I want everything you want in a fun engaging PvP system (whether it be Open World, WZ's, Arenas, whatever). I hate seeing my friends list of 50+ gone. I hate being the only member of my guild active (and that's a fact), I hate going into WZ's knowing the bell curve has just dropped by 9,000 drooler points. I do want this game to do well, I do want PvP here to be epic, and I do believe this game is pretty solid....it just needs more attention to many aspects of gameplay.


Sadly we have the ones calling the shots in this game, thinking PvP updates is not that important, nor do they even realize so many have left due to being ignored. It's when I get to this point in my tl;dr post, that I begin to understand why this game is losing so many people. They simply...do not care. If they did, we wouldn't be clamoring for this. Until then I will continue to trololol the forums and make fun of roleplayers. :D

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And before anyone gives the "GW2---> or why not just unsub" rhetoric, I do in fact enjoy the game, in large part due to the IP of this game, as I am a SW nerd. ;) I want nothing but success from TOR, I want to see many who have left return back to the game (PvP'ers), I want to play on a healthy server...I want everything you want in a fun engaging PvP system (whether it be Open World, WZ's, Arenas, whatever). I hate seeing my friends list of 50+ gone. I hate being the only member of my guild active (and that's a fact), I hate going into WZ's knowing the bell curve has just dropped by 9,000 drooler points. I do want this game to do well, I do want PvP here to be epic, and I do believe this game is pretty solid....it just needs more attention to many aspects of gameplay.


Sadly we have the ones calling the shots in this game, thinking PvP updates is not that important, nor do they even realize so many have left due to being ignored. It's when I get to this point in my tl;dr post, that I begin to understand why this game is losing so many people. They simply...do not care. If they did, we wouldn't be clamoring for this. Until then I will continue to trololol the forums and make fun of roleplayers. :D


I want a Green card, but they are not giving them to me

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If the team in THIS game cannot even balance out, let alone fix the current issues with the PvP, what makes you think Mythic can create such a good system? I'm sorry, but if Blizzard is still having issues with arenas, then I have 0 hope Mythic could pull half what they could. The PvP team in this game is horrid period, and no matter what solid ideas make their way to the forums (and there have been some good ones), they will largely go ignored because of their lack of competence.


Until this team shows me (or anyone else who PvP's for that matter) that they care about the PvP in this game, which they haven't due to the hundreds of thousands of PvP types who have unsubbed and moved on, I don't forsee anything like this coming down the pipe. Coming up on 9 months into the game, and one of the HUGE factors of this games demise rests squarely on the shoulders of the PvP team, because they failed to deliver. Asking them to create a new system now, is flirting with disaster, considering their track record.


' The PvP team in this game is horrid period,' spoken like a true baddie if your not enjoying it as is then you shouldnt be playing this game at all. The only reason im un-impressed is the fact that they dont even have cross server ques currently in place i find that ridiculous... and has killed off the remaining pvp finatics .But who said this was going to be instant? I think we all know that bioware/EA seem to have forgotten about us all together.. I mean for christ sakes their releasing a new WZ? Without cross server ques? WOW thats AWESOMEEEEE great design/development decision there that will definately get everyone renewing their subscriptions...


Point is regardless of what you people may think people still love this game and want to play it... were just trying to give suggestions to the development team on things that may improve it.. "All i hear is goo goo gaa gaa i dont want arenas because i think it will hurt the game" ... if you guys havent already noticed the game is already BROKEN... And arenas wont fix anything but at the very least with revitalise some old and new subscriptions give us another reason to play this game...


Fact is Arena = Money


Despite the balence issues Rop Pardo cant AXE them in WOW because their so popular. The fact that he was in a high level EverQuest guild with server firsts wotevers... is probably the reason why he doesnt know why PVP'rs love them so much. They just didnt know how to seperate Arena from PVE. Thats why hes having all the balence issues.


"It's tricky, now that we've gone down that road, because we have a passionate, large audience that enjoys it - the Arena, the e-sport - so we can't just chop off that head. We can't just say, "We fouled up and will go back to how it used to be before," because we have a really passionate audience that wants it in the game." - Rob Pardo.





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' The PvP team in this game is horrid period,' spoken like a true baddie if your not enjoying it as is then you shouldnt be playing this game at all. The only reason im un-impressed is the fact that they dont even have cross server ques currently in place i find that ridiculous... and has killed off the remaining pvp finatics .But who said this was going to be instant? I think we all know that bioware/EA seem to have forgotten about us all together.. I mean for christ sakes their releasing a new WZ? Without cross server ques? WOW thats AWESOMEEEEE great design/development decision there that will definately get everyone renewing their subscriptions...


Point is regardless of what you people may think people still love this game and want to play it... were just trying to give suggestions to the development team on things that may improve it.. "All i hear is goo goo gaa gaa i dont want arenas because i think it will hurt the game" ... if you guys havent already noticed the game is already BROKEN... And arenas wont fix anything but at the very least with revitalise some old and new subscriptions give us another reason to play this game...


Fact is Arena = Money


Despite the balence issues Rop Pardo cant AXE them in WOW because their so popular. The fact that he was in a high level EverQuest guild with server firsts wotevers... is probably the reason why he doesnt know why PVP'rs love them so much. They just didnt know how to seperate Arena from PVE. Thats why hes having all the balence issues.


"It's tricky, now that we've gone down that road, because we have a passionate, large audience that enjoys it - the Arena, the e-sport - so we can't just chop off that head. We can't just say, "We fouled up and will go back to how it used to be before," because we have a really passionate audience that wants it in the game." - Rob Pardo.






Pistols got you riled, thats funny.

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Pistols got you riled, thats funny.


lol rifled.. nah just stating a case.. but can u trolls come up with something better? your horrible at your jobs i noticed you deleted your TROLL Legacy picture from your forum account? any reason for that kid?

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