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Quickbar mayhem and key bindings


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:eek: I am having the same issues with the quick bar, not exactly your issue with using "duck" per say, but mine will only give me bar 1 & 3 and resetting to default changes nothing. Even using the "unlock" lock and then trying gives the same results. Your issue seems similar, in that the quick bar "changes" back to default after using a specific feature. I believe the quick bar is actually hard coded to be specifically set to the character and as a new perk or skill becomes available through a new level, this is added to the quick bar in a particualr slot, there by changing anything done by us to modify these positions. I am hopeful, and have seen information regarding this, that 1.2 patch will finally fix these panels and allow for us to locate them where we want and set them up the way we want and need for our specific style of game play. :cool:
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Well, as a smuggler, we get a cover bar that pops up whenever we enter cover. In a way, this is a fifth quickbar that no other class gets. You can turn this off if you like, but its very helpful to use for cover only abilities. I believe the way new abilities work is that it gets put in the first available slot starting with bar 1, then 2, etc.
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How do I turn it off? I'm happy to have all of my quick bars on (wide screen and all), I just want what I put where to stay there; the ability can wink on or off all it wants, but if it messes with the key I've bound to a particular spot I get annoyed.
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How do I turn it off? I'm happy to have all of my quick bars on (wide screen and all), I just want what I put where to stay there; the ability can wink on or off all it wants, but if it messes with the key I've bound to a particular spot I get annoyed.


Preferences -> User Interface -> Quickbars -> Enable Cover Bar

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I really like the changing bar. I never need my cover only abilties when I'm not in cover so it's really handy to have these on the pop-up quickbar (this quickbar only pops up when you enter cover).


There are some abilties, because of limited slots on the quickbars that I actually have on both my main bar and my pop-up bar. So if you really don't like things changing at all, just do this. Hit F to drop down in cover. Now make your top bar identical to your default top bar. Problem solved (you can also turn off your cover bar in preferences). But really, I would say try getting used to the pop-up quickbar. When you're level 50 and have more abilties than will fit on your bars, you will love this feature.

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I really like the changing bar. I never need my cover only abilties when I'm not in cover so it's really handy to have these on the pop-up quickbar (this quickbar only pops up when you enter cover).


There are some abilties, because of limited slots on the quickbars that I actually have on both my main bar and my pop-up bar. So if you really don't like things changing at all, just do this. Hit F to drop down in cover. Now make your top bar identical to your default top bar. Problem solved (you can also turn off your cover bar in preferences). But really, I would say try getting used to the pop-up quickbar. When you're level 50 and have more abilties than will fit on your bars, you will love this feature.


This is what I do. My normal bar is exactly the same as my cover bar save for the cover only abilities. When I switch to cover everything stays in the same spot and I get the new abilities added. I used to do the same on my rogue in WoW with the stealth abilities.


Of course, I rearranged the other day and I can't find anything anymore... :confused:

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