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Need server mergers!


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My server, Infinity Gate (Republic) has almost no one on, ever.

I haven't even done a hardmode or Ops and I have 2 50's ready to go!

I play on The Fatman (Imperial) and things are going on all the time.

I just don't want to leave 2 max level on a ghost server is all :mad:

Maybe merge a few servers so I can play with some people?

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European servers will need to merge a few servers in the next few weeks/days as theres been a steady decline in subbs and after this fiasco with Bioware practically saying "Frak you europe" and "New potential subbs are priority over current paying customers" I expect a big decrease in players..
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they could also do what wow did, battlegroups, which is still all seperate servers but when you go to pvp you get to play with people from like 5 other servers too. i really dig that it has made the Q time on BGs drop WAAAY down from what it was before. wouldnt help for like normal raiding/grouping etc tho. i expect in like oh 3-6 months some merges
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