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My Hybrid DPS Merc Build (PvP)


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This seems kind of obvious now I think about it so I apologise if it's common knowledge and I've dubbed it "mine".


Anyway, I switched to pyrotech in PvP because arsenal means your tracer is locked 90% of the time in 1 on 1s, so you basically get whooped by any player who knows what they're doing.


I now love pyrotech, it's so much fun LoSing and kiting stacking dots, and being able to 1 on 1. However, with the tree at full I have problems getting the raw burst I need to finish people off, particularly classes that can alt-heal.


This build means I get the crazy rail shot procs and buffs, incendiary missile, 2/3 of burnout and sweltering heat (which are godsends), shield cd, and a tracer missile to burst people down when they need finishing off or when hurling at range. Other benefits include muzzle fluting and stabilizers being worthwhile for 2 skills instead of just power shot.


The trade off is of course losing TD but I can live with losing the LoS ability considering TM can get nearly as high.


I'm also not sure about how I've placed my bodyguard points. I can't decide between more vent heat or more crit chance but I figure this build will be very heat hungry.




Any suggestions appreciated.

Edited by Diddley
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This spec has one major problem, in order for you to reset the cooldown of railshot you have to use powershot or unload, tracer missile and power shot are pretty much equal but using it will cause you to lose dps due to missing out on railshot procs.


The Hybrid spec I liked to run is similar but takes the utility from arsenal and adds it to the dynamic gameplay of pyro. You get Afterburners (the rocket punch knock back) and Power Barrier (the improved damage reduction from using powershot) in exchange for losing out on Thermal Detonator.

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This spec has one major problem, in order for you to reset the cooldown of railshot you have to use powershot or unload, tracer missile and power shot are pretty much equal but using it will cause you to lose dps due to missing out on railshot procs.


The Hybrid spec I liked to run is similar but takes the utility from arsenal and adds it to the dynamic gameplay of pyro. You get Afterburners (the rocket punch knock back) and Power Barrier (the improved damage reduction from using powershot) in exchange for losing out on Thermal Detonator.


That's true, however the armour debuff is certainly useful for the team as is being able to have another decent cast if one is interrupted in a 1 on 1. I'm not too fussed about knockbacks when sweltering heat gives decent enough kiting abilities, and energy rebounder keeps your shield on a decent cool down.

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This issue has been discussed exhaustively in other reads. Try a search of the forum to read more but to sum it up: A hybrid is viable yes, but is not as good as full spec one way or the other.
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one thing everyone seems to forget and is oblivious to




That's true, HOWEVER your most-used attacks Powershot, Unload and Railshot all do weapon damage, so they do get reduced by armor.

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