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Server transfers


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This game needs server transfers sooner rather than later. We need to be able to move servers if we need to for raiding or server pop reasons.


You're right. While they are working on that, you should roll up a toon on the server that you want to play. Bet you get to 50 long before they finish the code.

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Yeah but that's the issue with people that have absolutely no interest in alts. They just unsubscribe. And never come back.


Bioware screwed themselves by artificially keeping the pops low so the servers didn't melt. And now most of us are paying the price for them choosing a subpar engine that couldn't handle things, AND releasing the game with all the glaring performance issues.


I love the game, and I really hope they can see that transfers would retain so many people like me that have unsubbed.

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I've never really been a fan of restricting a toon to a specific server. I used to play Guildwars and they didn't seem to need to do that. You rolled your toon and played. If there were too many people in a zone, the server would spawn another instance of the zone, or District as they call it over there. It works pretty well. I'm surprised Devs don't adopt that feature for modern MMO's.
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I agree

My server, Ahto Server has dropped it's population dramatically past week.

i'm not going to pay for next monthly payment for a dead server nor anyone else will i assume.

They MUST fix this or else it's going to be a disaster

hope they do it fast

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Get to 50 and Valor level 80?


Yea right.


Not to mention u lose all your legacy experience... which could be VERY valuable later on in the game. Not worth it to me. Im legacy level 30 with 3 geared level 50s....

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