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Assault Vanguard PvP vid


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Ok, im not the best but with the same skill set i'm wondering why you are doing so little damage? i do 3ks when i crit normally, even on tanks. Maybe because im more geared but yea. You need to use your recharge cells more often, your wasting precious dps you could be adding. also you should be aiming down healers always not other dps. To really screw someone up, pop your temp buffs, incendiary round, assault plastique, high impact bolt, stockstrike, and hopefully another high impact bolt, if not then ion pulse.


currently the time of damage should be like this (using my own personal experience)


1k + 4k + (3k+4k) + 4k + 2k. That should be all done within 3-4 seconds if your doing it right. Also don't forget the dot tick which is another 400 somewhere within that.


1k from incendiary round

4k from crit high impact bolt

< 3k from crit stockstrike

4k from crit assault plastique > appears at the same time

4k from crit high impact bolt

2k from crit ion pulse

500 from dot from previous within this fight


thats 18k damage, most healers will be decimated by this, also considering i usually do 4k-4.8k with HiB and AP on them so 18k is the minimum.


Basically get the eliminator set for the 15% crit on HiB, yes you dont have concussion gernade but the HiB is IMPORTANT.


gear up for crit and surge and mainly crit, even with 31% normal + 25% battle focus + 15% from set gear, HiB just doesn't crit very often. and most often is deflected or miss entirely.


I have only really pulled this off once, with all the crits hitting against a jedi Knight. Usually something doesn't crit in the rotation but even then the damage should be around 8k which will still shock anyone, jsut wont kill them if the opposite occured


- i play tank vanguard - enjoying the dps build cause im bored.

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Your ammo management could really use some work. There were loooong spans of time when you were basically just Hammer Shotting, which is pretty negligible. A lot of the time it's better to just slip out of combat and R&R rather than stay in autoattacking (save for situations where you're preventing a cap).


Weaving in Hammer Shots when you're below 7 ammo is critical to keeping pressure on. Just throw it in and get back to blasting.


Also, in Voidstar in particular, AOE is very helpful. Elsewhere it's usually just meter padding, but people clump up enough that a Mortar Volley > Ion Cannon combo will really do some damage. Healers just can't keep up with that, and it has the benefit of interrupting all caps for the duration (since that tends to be where clumping happens).


Edit: AOE comment- it's good on offense and defense. Voidstar is essentially about getting more kills than the other team overall due to the respawn mechanics. Other elements play a part, but moreso than the other WZs, you want to be enabling as many kills as possible. Getting 5 people down to 70% in six seconds goes along way.

Edited by omarunaoe
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First off, thanks for posting the video, always fun to watch another vanguard in action.


As for feedback:


1.) Try not to apply Incendiary Round (IR) on a target that is less than a quarter health or when you are at ~ 3-4 ammo. They die and you just wasted 3 ammo for less than 1k damage in addition to you gimping your ammo regen for the next 20+ seconds.


2.) Voidstar is our AOE heaven. Numerous times were there opportunities for you to mortar volley or pulse cannon 3+ enemies. Some say that it is just for meter padding but honestly, the ratio of damage per ammo usage is off the charts, AOE away. Hutball and Alderan are a bit different unless your doing it on the node but still, same principle applies.


3.) I would recommend switching to the capped door during Voidstar to help keep baddies from uncapping it. Half the team stayed on the left door while the right was being capped (first set of doors), not good objective play.


4.) Popping Crit and Relic Cool-downs when you are at 1 ammo (3:10) is not a good idea, wait until you can at least get off the AP, IR, HIB, SS, HIB combo to capitalize on the temporary buffs.


5.) Good job with the taunts! Any vanguard, DPS or Tank spec who isn't taunting as much as possible = fail.

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Hey guys thanks for the feedback! Any advice is always welcomed. @SirWai: My damage is low because in the video I'm just in eliminator centurion gear/pve gear. Please keep in mind in the video I'm only valor rank 30 as well. I'll start using my recharge cells a bit more as well thanks for that! @omarunaoe: before even posting the video I saw what you were talking about. Thanks for the input, I absolutely need to work on this. @KoshrBacon: Thanks for the aoe tip, I really need to work on incorporating that into my rotation. Also, thanks for the IR tip, and the other ammo management feedback! Overall, thank you for the responses and the effort to build another strong vanguard player :).


-Harald Abbaton

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Hello everyone, thought I'd add to the Vanguard community and record my first pvp video. I'm valor rank 30 in the video, and I still have alot to learn about playing the class. So any tips are welcome. Thanks!




-Harald Abbaton


I'm not sure if you posted this video to show something or ask for help. I have to be honest, I only saw a few mins of it, but none-the-less, I have a few pointers for you.


- You REALLY have to focus on your Ammo management. Keep the regen at 3-4 at all times. Blowing all your cd's everytime they are up, is a major DPS decrease, as you will regen Ammo much slower and having less Ammo in the long run to work with.


- I'm not quite sure if you only did it in the beginning of the video, but you are gimping your burst potential in your opener (we are only talking opener here, not priority). The rotation should be:


1. Buff/Assault Plastique (as the dmg is delayed)

2. Icendiary Round (to open for HIB and get your DOT's rolling)

3. HIB (no need to explain)

4. Stockstrike (for the 45% chance on HIB reset)


Following this order, will more or less make sure that Assault Plastique and HIB hits the same time, making it harder to heal through.


I really dislike playing Assault (not tanky enough for my taste), but have tried it a few times. I've gotten AP/IR/HIB to all crit within the same GCD for over 9K. I'm in full BM (4 x Supercommando with DPS mods/enhancements), so properly a little lower numbers for you. But if you like the playstyle, you can look forward to some awesome opening bursts later on.

Edited by noerregaard
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Hey guys thanks for the feedback! Any advice is always welcomed. @SirWai: My damage is low because in the video I'm just in eliminator centurion gear/pve gear. Please keep in mind in the video I'm only valor rank 30 as well. I'll start using my recharge cells a bit more as well thanks for that! @omarunaoe: before even posting the video I saw what you were talking about. Thanks for the input, I absolutely need to work on this. @KoshrBacon: Thanks for the aoe tip, I really need to work on incorporating that into my rotation. Also, thanks for the IR tip, and the other ammo management feedback! Overall, thank you for the responses and the effort to build another strong vanguard player :).


-Harald Abbaton


Well, if you want to get better, here's a complete and total break down of the attacking side of the video. These are just things I would have done differently or things that are clearly wrong. A lot are minor things that pulling all together will create substantially stronger play. Also, I make a lot of these mistakes when I play. Practice and review make better, sadly not perfect.


General comments:

1.) Ammo management issues that has been previously mentioned.

2.) Engaging targets at high health while you have no ammo with Assault Plastique. This is very inefficient.

3.) You tunnel vision hardcore. There are multiple opportunities you had to make significant impacts on a target swap. Situational awareness is critical in PvP, even more so for a burst build.

4.) Many of your Cryo Grenades are used at inopportune times; same for Neural Surge.

5.) Harpoon usage is far too infrequent.

6.) You frequently wait too long to engage a target. It looks to me like you are viewing the 10m range of Ion Pulse as your engagement range.

7.) The Sith had three healers it looks like to me. Only 1 (one of the Sorcerers) looked like he was good to me. This is a great game for good use of the map and Harpoon. You can Harpoon people both out of range and out of LOS of a healer or do the same to the healer.


Play Review (I tried to make a list of literally everything you could have done better and I'm very detail oriented when it comes to PvP):

1:10-- Smart to use cooldowns to open a match, but bad when the target is clearly going ot LOS you. There are 4 seconds of wasted buff time here.

1:24-- Targeting Juggernaught with Soresu form with Guard on Assassin who is being targeted by your team. This is an excellent chance to exploit Guard by swapping to the lower mitigation target. This will bypass the Juggernaught's mitigation (everything but straight damage reduction). You will kill the two faster especially with the others attacking the Assassin.

1:34-- You taunt the Assassin at ~35% health immediately after he has finished off his target and is out of range of allies.

1:48-- You have taunt up but to not use it on your Sorcerer target while he is attacking a low health ally. Your target is getting heals (and goes out of burst range) and you have a clear visual on multiple healers.

1:50-- Consider using Reserve Power Cell with Recharge Cells to help get back into superior ammo regen.

2:28-- Poor use of Neural Surge here. You only hit one target. You end up resolving him which prevents a Cryo stun from an ally a moment later.

2:40-- Activate Reactive Shield while behind enemies running towards the capped bridge.

2:45-- You wait to engage the Mercenary inside Ion Pulse range. Hammer Shot here. Idle GCDs are wasted.

2:49-- Engage the Mercenary healer with Assault Plastique which takes you to 1 ammo. You don't have a HIB proc up, Reserve Power Cell, or Recharge Cells. He is at full health. You won't kill him. You are just keeping your ammo in low regen longer. It takes you 30 seconds to kill this target and with the help of two others. You are fighting on the wrong side of the bridge and allowed a Sorcerer to cross unhindered.

3:31-- AoE taunt on single target with single target taunt up. This prevents you from being able to use AoE taunt in an ideal situation 8 seconds later.

3:33-- Incendiary Round on a target at ~60% health with Assault Plastique already on the target. You are in Ion Pulse range. This will do more damage for less ammo in a shorter period of time. This is not a situation for Incendiary Round.

3:38-- You finish off a double dotted target with less than 5% health with Ion Pulse. This is a waste of 2 ammo. Let dots finish the target or Hammer Shot if you want to be sure.

3:44-- This is an ideal time to use Recharge Cells. It will keep you in better ammo regen.

3:46-- You use Cryo on a full health Sorcerer. This isn't effective use of a stun. You may need it later. You were in interupt range with Riot Strike off CD if you were thinking about using it for that.

3:47-- A low health Juggernaught jumps in while the Sorcerer is CC'd at 85%. Good target swap opportunity.

4:12-- You have a clear visual on a healer who is healing your target and unhindered. He's standing far away from the combat for a reason, and you have Harpoon up. No reason to leave him out of the party.

4:14-- You have a clear visual on a second healer who is unhindered but continue to tunnel vision on the Assassin. Your single target taunt has also been up for a very long time with your target attacking others.

4:15-- Target is clearly out of burst range in your current condition- no ammo, no Recharge Cells, no HIB proc up, no Reserve Power Cell. This is when you need to reassess and reset. Find someone an ally is attack and Hammer Shot them. Don't waste time and ammo continuing to try to kill someone getting substantial healing.

4:29-- Visual on healer being harassed and trying to escape. Also, your single target taunt is up and your target is attacking others.

4:34-- You are low health, low ammo, have Harpoon up, and a visual of a healer near the edge. Consider a suicide Harpoon kill over the edge. If you are going to die, no reason not to try to take someone at high health with you.

4:45-- You kill the Assassin. You have been attacking him for the past 41 seconds.

5:06-- You have a clear visual on a healer at very low health with a low health Vanguard on him but instead engage an Assassin at high health.

5:10-- The Vanguard has been killed an the healer is at critically low health and healing himself. You continue to engage the high health Assassin until 5:14 at which point it takes you another 3 seconds to tab over to the low health healer (I know tab targetting is terrible sometimes). You die the healer lives and goes back to basically full health. You can tell as you still have him targeted going across the bridge.


***Note: Target aquisition and prioritization is absolutely critical in PvP. Here you had an opportunity to make a difference in this fight by easily killing a healer, which would have allowed the Vanguard to pull back to the group living at least a little longer. You spawned for this life at 4:48 and died at 5:19. You killed no on, you did not assist in the capturing of a point by making it easier or via CC, the damage you did was quickly healed after you died. That's 31 seconds of minimal impact. If we combine this with the 30 seconds of fighting the Mercenary healer on the wrong side of the bridge and the 41 seconds of tunneling on the Assassin, we have 102 seconds of being marginally effective. At this point in the video, 39% of your time in the game so far has been without real contribution exclusively due to your target selection.***


5:41-- You Neural Surge here to try to pop an Assassin out of stealth. Use Stealth Scan (it doesn't look like you have it hotkeyed to me) instead. It is superior because it is targetable (you can lead target) and doesn't cost ammo, has a shorter cooldown, and does not put Neural Surge (which has many uses) on CD. You also take 6 seconds to re-engage a target. This is too long.

5:48-- You have a clear visual on a healer who is healing unhindered after getting the Heal "buff" in the corner. This was a good opportunity for a swap to Harpoon and swap back to target. It ended up not mattering much as your team was on him by 5:51.

5:58-- You taunt a healer. This is a waste of taunt.

6:00-- Sorcerer activates speed. You follow with HIB. He was unresolved. You should have Harpooned or Cyro'd to prevent him from escaping your team.

6:16-- You use Cryo on a full health healer in a 4v1 while you are about to die.

6:33-- You take far too long to engage. This was an ideal situation for a Mortar Volley.

7:04-- Sticky Grenade would have been superior to Assault Plastique here. There aren't many situations where it is superior, but they do exist. I don't know if you have this on your hotbar.

7:49-- Again, you engage the Mercenary healer by leading with Assault Plastique when you do not have the ability to follow with burst. This would have been a good time to use Neural Surge as an interupt. It takes you 25 seconds to kill the healer with assistance due to low ammo and failure to use Neural Surge to interupt.

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Nueral surge won't remove someone from stealth. Although, it will stun them. So, it's only useful if you stun the stealther while you can still see them to knock them out with some other ability. And, even that should only be done if stealth scan is down.


That was one hell of a critique. Of course, nobody plays perfectly. There is always room for improvement.

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@noerregaard the video was posted in the attempts to add something to the Vanguard community while at the same time to receive constructive criticism, and thank you for your constructive criticism.


@Coramac: Thank you very, very much for putting in that much time to provide me with such plentiful constructive criticism. I can't thank you enough, and I'm sure the information you provided will not only assist me, but it will also assist other new and upcoming Vanguards.



Again, thank you everyone for the help and constructive criticism provided.

Edited by SBrodan
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