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Any possible way to make Gunslinger good in PVP?


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well im lvl 35 right now and i'm mostly in SS and man do i hit like a truck in pvp. My maraudar feels more squishy then my slinger actually. We get a lot of CC so remember to use it. Also Hunker down for immune to CC effects which lasts like 20 secs i think.


Position yourself in a great spot and keep moving with the combat. Don't try to be in the middle of big group, always try to stay away or on high grounds like the catwalks in huttball. Just pelt down your blaster bolts (we're range abusers so abuse melee mostly, leg shot ftw).


I usally go into cover pop smugs luck for the instant crit on my snap shot charge burst. Once i crit i go for the aimed shot (since spec i get the buff quick aim, 1.5 cast time on aimed shot) and thats another heavy hitter. I sometimes, which i should use all the time, use flourish shot to get the targets armor down my 20%. Then i just pelt on them from above using charged burst, trick shot, quick draw, and people usually die very fast.


I come out of a warzone with 6+ medals and top kills and most damage more then half the time. what i did to put my mindset with the cover was thinking i was in a gunfight and i needed to move cover to cover and pop off as many shots as i can. That got me into it.


Also remember to use pulse to knock those heavy melee hitters off the catwalk and use your flash grenade and dirty kick. Combine that with headshot when they are stuned and watch their heads roll.


This. Read through the posts here and take from it what you can. Like this guy, my marauder feels like wet tissue getting ripped apart instantly. Aside from top damage, kills, least deaths, and most medals, God help anyone who looks at me funny. I don't care about your buddy coming to help, if I'm going down, you will always go down with me. Like I always say on my Gunslinger Saboteur..."Pwnt."

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The thing with the gunslinger is yes you can do well in the damage tables get medals etc etc especially if go for the aoe specs.

Howver the question I often ask myself is are we actually making any difference to the outcome of a warzone and the answer has often to be no.


Lately Ive been in quite a few warzones where 2 or more pub gunslinger did more damage than the top dealing imp but we still lost those warzones very badly indeed.


Doing aoe damage is all well and good but if you dont actually kill anyone them ur basically useless.


A team of 8 gunslingers will never win a single warzone whereas 8 sages would roll any other group you could think of.


I would disagree. Although one person cannot win a warzone, between playing as a Gunslinger Saboteur and knowing how to play each map I can think of 3 or 4 games where I didn't go where I knew I was supposed to and we lost.


Civil War I go mid and rip healers apart. If that isn't working, I'm running and gunning (at reduced dps of course) but annoying the hell out of the enemy and picking off those poor poor stragglers. Then I'm off to defend the side. So much aoe damage and with a good partner we can keep the enemy team from capping. I've done it, and knew that I helped win those.


Huttball is a little different. Depending on the opposing team I can "patrol" a specific area giving anyone dumb enough to look my way a bad day. Other times I'm protecting ball carrier with leg shots and pulse detonations. Enemy ball carrier? Unless he or she is out of LOS or too far they're cc'd and dead unless the enemy team is dropping a whole lot of ordinance, cc, time and attention on me.


Only thing that makes me sad is people don't vote MVP for top damage/kills/medals/a lot of other stuff. QQ.

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HAHAHA I thought for a second I was reading another countries Forums. .. What the hell are all of you smoking? Gunslinger/Sniper is the absolute most terrible class to pvp with in this game. It's not so bad 1-49 but just wait until you get into the 50 bracket where your ranged aimed shot occasionally lands for a crappy 746. Oh and I'm sorry to break it to you but unless they change aimed shot to tech damage and give us some kind of escape move or speed burst, the patch isn't going to do diddly squat for this class. If you are 1v1ing anything other than another smuggler or cloth wearer at 50 then either A. they are bad or B. you outgear them.
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Sad, another guy who got rolled a few times in the 50s bracket and thinks it's the class.


GS will regularly top damage and kills (well, besides healer "kills") in all-Battlemaster/WH warzones. Until you learn that firsthand, you have little to add here.

Edited by flem
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My build is good for burst kill and holding doors and turrets. GS universally stinks at huttball, but you have lots of cc to use to help your ball carrier survive and advance the ball. You can flash if your group is not tarded and get your carrier a much needed heal resolve/cc breather to either pass or get past an obstacle. Hunkerdown is nice to guard ledges.




I have my grenades on a low cooldown which lets me semi spam them on turrets and doors which is great when caps are being attempt click and spam that special you'll hit the cappers.


Turrets I have xs fly-by, plus the scrambing shield with hunkerdown to give the team a 20% mitigation. KB's, snares, CC, AOE and burst.


The turret build is what it should be called.


just try and move around to keep up ballistic dampners when your hunkerdown is on cool down. It gives you additional mitigation and keeps you in good habits because you should be moving forward and backward with your team if you are getting good.


I also do a lot of suicide bomber. Running in if my team is trying to cap right/left, I'll distract a side. Because of AOE cc you can really screw up a teams timing on getting reinforcements to a door/turret. Especially solo since no one will break your stun and if your cyber tech like me you actually have two ranged AOE stuns. Of course you can buy ranged AOE stuns from me for a nice little fee.


The cooldown is getting reduced from 5 minutes so I expect to see an uptick in business.


So you do the following as a suicide bomber.


Rush in Thermal Grenade. Pop defenses. hunkerdown. Maybe toss another one. Whatever get them all on your as most teams even though 2 people are enough to kill one gotta stay around. Its just to tempting. Then AOE. Pop a stim. Try and get a freighter fly-by off.


maybe use sab and shock charge if you can. Just hold them up as a group. A good team can usual take out the defenders and start the cap process and its a long way from mid to the turret rear if your cap has started and the 4 kill bandits couldn't resist that bait.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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