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How similar is merc to commando?


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I think Merc is considered the commando equivalent on the imperial side...


I currently have a 50 guardian, sage, vanguard, scoundrel (well, almost 50) on the Republic side, and had been working on a commando (lvl 25 right now, just started). With the information on Legacy, it seems like I'll benefit more from having lvl 50s of different BASE classes, which means it's time I branch into the Imperial classes.


I had really been having fun with commando though. Especially visually wielding a giant cannon! I was a little bummed to hear that mercs use two pistols instead.... but, aside from that, how similar/different are the two classes?


If anyone who knows a little about both could enlighten me. Will it be really similar to the commando I've been playing, just visually different weapons. Are do different weapons account to different skills/playstyle as well.


If it's more different than similar, I think I'll end up picking another Imperial class. But I really was enjoying commando's playstyle.

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Same playstyle, different visuals. In terms of combat animations, the Merc is perhaps closer to the Gunslinger with the whole dual wielding thing. But the gameplay is a mirror of Commando.


I've tried both and I found the Merc combat animations feel more 'snappy' than Commando and are more flamboyant (compare Death From Above and Rocket Punch with Mortar Volley and Stockstrike for example). Commando also seems to have some animation lag, especially on attacks like Mortar Volley (which I understand they are fixing in 1.2).


If you're interested in a different storyline then you'll enjoy Merc as the story is good. But if you're after a different playstyle to Commando you won't find it, Merc plays the same as Commando. It might not feel it sometimes because of the different weapon styles, but essentially it is exactly the same.

Edited by Cernow
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If you're interested in a different storyline then you'll enjoy Merc as the story is good. But if you're after a different playstyle to Commando you won't find it, Merc plays the same as Commando. It might not feel it sometimes because of the different weapon styles, but essentially it is exactly the same.


Thanks for the reply! I was actually asking if the play styles were the same, because I had been enjoying commando play style. I was hoping they were the same -- it'll let me get over the disappointment that I'm not using a giant cannon, lol.


And actually, since you mentioned the Merc story is good.... and while this might not be the best place to ask, but if you have experience in the other Imp stories... how would you rate the stories respective to each other?

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Thanks for the reply! I was actually asking if the play styles were the same, because I had been enjoying commando play style. I was hoping they were the same -- it'll let me get over the disappointment that I'm not using a giant cannon, lol.


And actually, since you mentioned the Merc story is good.... and while this might not be the best place to ask, but if you have experience in the other Imp stories... how would you rate the stories respective to each other?


I've played Bounty Hunter to 50, Inquisitor to 50, Imperial Agent to 39 and Sith Warrior to 19 so I've seen all the Imperial storylines to some degree. I tend to play Light Sided characters so what follows is from that perspective.


Both Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent are excellent stories. BH has a lot of daring deeds, IA has plenty of intrigue and subterfuge. Scripting and Voice acting is good on both. IA a bit more of a struggle for Light Side because of your companions, but is still very viable. BH suits Light Side nicely because several of your main companions lean this way.


I didnt enjoy the Sith Inquisitor storyline nearly as much. It wasn't awful, but it seemed more contrived and whilst the voice acting was ok, the script the voice actors were given was rather cliched. Playing as Light Side was viable but a struggle as youre always at odds with the goals of the Sith. Dark Side would probably be easier.


Sith Warrior story I just couldn't get on with. I played this one as Dark Side but didn't like where it was headed with the cruelty and torture. I didn't like the male voice acting much either, too smug and arrogant (I realise that suits the Sith, it just didn't suit me).

Edited by Cernow
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