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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ideal Crew Skills for Non-PvE'er?


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Hey everyone,


I've been 50 on my Sith Juggernaut for a little over a month now; 18+ days played, Valor Rank 58, mostly Champion gear... Haven't run a single hard mode or operation. The highest flashpoint I've run on any character is Athiss.


Currently I have 400 Artificer/Arch/TH, but it feels useless to my playstyle, and I'm not sure if 1.2 will change that for me. Being nearly fully geared in Tier 2 PvP gear makes trying to get purple versions of my schematics pretty useless, not to mention daily quest rewards.


I'm wondering if I can get more bang for my buck by switching to something else like Bio (for the consumables), Synth (for the upcoming crafted custom gear), or Slicing + two mission skills (for profiteering). I care about my character's physical appearance, but none of the other status symbols really appeal to me (white crystals, rare speeders, etc.)


Anything that takes dungeon drops is pretty useless to me. I know you'll say getting a few of those mats isn't that hard to do, but I really barely have time to get in my PvP dailies each day.


Looking forward to reading your opinions; thanks!

Edited by Brahmabull
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Personally, I'd wait to see what 1.2 brings.


If you really want to switch right now, I'd go with Biochem. You won't be able to make the top-tier reusables without dungeon drops, but the blue versions are quite nice in PvP.

Edited by Grimgrey
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Do you have a link or anything on this? Or just speculation?


I'm fairly confident I read it somewhere with guild summit updates and forums, but I can't remember where. I could be wrong. If I come across it again I'll let you know.

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