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PVP Gear/Gameplay SOLUTION Conversation


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I have read a lot of posts today about PvP gear and gameplay. One of the most common things I have heard is "Well true PvPers want..." Imo PvP is a community, and even the most casual of PvPers are a part of that community. Casual gamers make up a great deal of the ppl in que, and their opinions are just as important as any. The good of many will alway out way the good of the few, but its seems that the PvP community is somewhat split on what PvP should be. I think its clear what each side wants, but I think it would be nice to find some solutions with compromise.




In my solutions I will reference FPS multiplayer quite a bit. Please dont take it as me trying turn your MMOs into FPS multiplayer lol. Game genres evolve by borrowing from other genres, its a fact. The most successful gaming franchise of all time, Call of Duty, became so by toping their smooth FPS with a clean layer of MMORPG. I dont see why all MMOs cant ask for the favor to be returned.




PvP Gear Progression


One guys says "I put in the time and I want the gear and stats to show for it"


The other guys says "Well I dont have that kind of time and all PvP gear should be equal"


Then another guy says "I put in the time and I dont want the gear advantage because my skill is no longer tested"


Then another guy says "Its an MMORPG!, how can you not have progressively better gear"


All good points imo. My solution would be to have progressively better PvP gear that did not effect stats. Wait... how in the **** do you do that? :)



1. Perk System


In a game like CoD, as you progress your lvl, you can unlock certain abilities. CoD calls them perks. For example at lvl 30 I can unlock Extended Sprint, at lvl 40 I can unlock a motion sensor, lvl 45 no falling damage. If I were to translate this system to SWTOR it would go like this


Cent Gear- has 1 perk slots


Champ Gear- has 2 perk slots


BM Gear- 3 perk slots


War Hero- 4 perk slots


Then your valor would unlock certain perks


Valor Rank 30 unlocks- 30 secs of 30% increased sprint or Decrease other teams speed by 30% for 30 secs


Valor Rank 40 unlocks- 30 secs of a full resolve bar for your team or 30 secs of no resolve for the other team


Each perk would have a CD of course, and there would be team CD so perks would not be able to be stringed together in an unfair way


Note how each perk had a counter perk. The beauty of this system is that DPS and HP are never effected. A fresh 50 vs a BM would be a fair fight that tested skill, yet the BM guy is still rewarded for his time and effort with perks. I also want you to note that the perks help the entire team, and that the perks help complete objectives. This system is not too fare from the Set Bonus system that is already in the game.


2. Medal Bonuses


Another skill based reward for players could be what CoD calls a Point Streak. If a player can kill X amount of players and complete X amount of objectives without dying, then that player gets a bonus ability. An example for SWTOR would be


If you can receive 4 medals without dying your entire team will then receive some type of buff and your toon will be able to do a major DPS or Healing AoE that can not be interrupted.


Note that a fresh 50 can receive Medal Bonuses! The medal bonuses will give DPS abilities, yet any skilled player, regardless of gear, can achieve them. Meanwhile you also cater to less skilled players with the team buff.



What does the above accomplish?


1. The gear gets progressively better and rewards the player that earns it

2. Good players are CONSTANTLY being rewarded regardless of gear tier

3. Better gear gives a STRATEGIC advantage, that also helps the entire team

4. Fresh 50s can compete

5. Valor rank means something

6. A team with 2 BM geared guys could carry a whole team being that the Perks and Medal bonuses effect the entire team







2. Premades

This is such a simple fix lol. FPSs have had figured out for years. All you need to do is give more options in the que menu. CoD calls it Mercenary Mode, and it means premade groups are not allowed to que in this mode.


Note that in this mode you could be grouped with all BMs or no BMs, its random and you could not ask for more than that imo.




Not one of the above ideas were my own. I just took a look at what games like CoD and Battlefield have had success with. I cant overstate the fact that games like the above are virtually stand alone multiplayer (PvP) games. CoD and Battlefield live and die based on how good there PvP is. What MMO lives and dies based on there PvP? Why not take a lesson from FPS? They took a lesson from MMOs, and now look at them.


Please feel free to add your own suggestions or critique the ones above. I would just like to ask that you use compromise in your suggestions. Its clear what each side wants, Im just trying to see if we cant find some common ground that makes both parties happy.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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this is all nice but it does not solve one major problem:


there is a split between those who like gear progression pvp and those who loathe it.


my fix for that would be to make two types of queues:


a) gear based - where your hard earned gear is used

b) skill based - where everyone has full set of gear of the same tier (for example: champion)



the only problem would be that in type a) would be populated by battlemaster gear players alone (which to me is fine, but i reckon they would cry that they can't roflstomp ungeared players)

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this is all nice but it does not solve one major problem:


there is a split between those who like gear progression pvp and those who loathe it.


my fix for that would be to make two types of queues:


a) gear based - where your hard earned gear is used

b) skill based - where everyone has full set of gear of the same tier (for example: champion)



the only problem would be that in type a) would be populated by battlemaster gear players alone (which to me is fine, but i reckon they would cry that they can't roflstomp ungeared players)


I think two ques is a great idea.


I also want to point out that in, I guess ill call it the CoD system, in the cod system the gear progression only gives situational advantages. In no way will it effect the ability to kill or be killed.

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It's not too hard to get decent pvp gear and the divide between decent pvp gear and the best pvp gear isn't that much. That's a good balance between the extremes.


I seriously doubt that those completely against a gear based system are going to play this game very long no matter what.

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