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Grand Moff Rycus Kilran - looks stupid


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Hi Everyone,


I was wondering if I was the only one who is unsatisfied with Kilran's ingame looks in FPs?

If I look at his Holonet entry I see a charismatic military man, but ingame he look lie a well-fed elementary school boy. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

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Time does crazy,horrible things to us. We get older, our metabolism slows down and we put on weight, we lose hair and grow it in places it need not be seen. War does crazier and more horrible things to us physically.


Years have passed and time has taken it's toll on Kilran. Look at Darth Baras from the comics to now, look at Satele Shan from the comics to the trailers to now. Everyone has aged in common ways aside from the few who are immortal our were kept alive for hundreds of years.


I haven't put much thought into it overall, but having the faces I am familiar with age makes the game more realistic for me.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Years have passed and time has taken it's toll on Kilran. Look at Darth Baras from the comics to now, look at Satele Shan from the comics to the trailers to now. Everyone has aged in common ways aside from the few who are immortal our were kept alive for hundreds of years.


Aging is an issue of course, and comparing Baras' appearance in SWTOR and the comic is a good point, but let's not forget that in Threat of Peace the characters looks were far from their finalized versions in the game. ToP transpires after "Return", and Satele looks nothing alike in the two. Back on Kilran, actually he looks a lot younger in game than in the previously released media.

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