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Did I Spec Wrong?


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I'm just wondering...did I choose the right spec? I use Focus because it's geared toward the Shii-Cho form, which is what I usually use. I want to inflict a decent amount of damage but still want the slight defensive boost it gives However, I rarely do any PvP, and I've heard this is a PvP spec. Can I still do well in PvE if I use Focus?
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It's not a PvP thing so much as whether you want to do straight-up damage (Vigliance) or damage over time (Focus). The main problem with Focus in PvE is more that it apparently (I don't use it myself) relies heavily on Force Exhaustion, which is the 31-point skill, and the big Force Sweep buffs aren't until Tier 4. So, the Focus tree is pretty top-heavy.
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