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Crit Crafting 2nd tier purples


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I am an armormech and I wanted to get some input from others on high level crafting.


I have a couple rare schematics (have yet to see anyone else on the server that make them) that come from a blue - purple - purple line. It was quite painful to get them (4 Mand irons each to blow them up with a minimal chance of getting any schematic, let alone a good one) Now that I have them, i find they sell pretty well. But, I have yet to crit any of them. I think I'm about 0/20. Anyone want to share their experiences/rates with these types of items?

Edited by Aleaucent
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I have one of the level 50 dropped recipe helms which I RE'd into a redoubt purple, i sell and make them often, but ive only sold/made about 10 since i got it, and none of them have crit, because the first time one does I'm setting it aside for my tank alt. But yeah, 0 crits on them so far.




I did BUY a DPS one off the GTN that was the same type of item (level 50 recipe RE'd into a "Critical" purple) and it did have an augment. It was also DIRT CHEAP (30k for a level 50 augment purple helm? *** MENG)


It's possible but like everything else in crafting here in tor


its random ><

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First, congrats on getting those patterns... I had to search high and low to find someone with them to even confirm they existed! Anyway, if you take a look on Ask Mr. Robot's Item Database, we have all of the crafting chances for recipes.


Here's a link to a blue - purple - purple line example for dreadnaught boots.


We don't have the augment crit chance, if that's what you're looking for. But we can look into adding that in :)

Edited by Zoopercat
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Thanks for the info...some good stuff.


But yes, I was looking for augment slot chances. since i made this post I did finally manage to crit on Vehamance Nemisis Bracers but that makes me somewhere around 1/30 so far. So its definately low, but i would think it would be on par with getting augment slots in rakata gear (or i just got lucky going 3/12 on crit crafted rakata).

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Make sure you are using a companion with +crit chance to your crafting profession. Max out that companion's affection. Those are the only 2 ways to increase the chance of getting an augment slot on a new item.


I use Tanno Vik to craft all of my armormech items, he does pretty well at getting crits on crafting attempts and seems to crit just as often on green, blue or purple items regardless of item level. Having said that, he can easily go 20+ attempts without a crit. It is just random, after all.

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Sounds about right. I've gone zero-for-20 and then had 3 out of 5 crit for me.


Don't know why but when you crit they seem to come in bunches.


The bright side is even without an augment slot, those high-end recipes make great 'starter raid gear' and WILL sell on the GTN for a good price.

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Sometimes....I have an 'Endowment' purp blaster lvl 50 and I can't give em away. I was unaware RE worked on purps to get higher tier purps (shows what I know....) so at least I can nuke them.


Only thing worse than going 0-for-X is getting a proc and it being 'Leadership' on a lvl 50 item. Uggg...I've had it happen a number of times.

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Sometimes....I have an 'Endowment' purp blaster lvl 50 and I can't give em away. I was unaware RE worked on purps to get higher tier purps (shows what I know....) so at least I can nuke them.


Only thing worse than going 0-for-X is getting a proc and it being 'Leadership' on a lvl 50 item. Uggg...I've had it happen a number of times.


Beware what purples you RE for better schematics. Only RE purple items whose base schematics were blue, and only the first tier of purple will yield a better schematic. Stop after that. Do not RE the purples whose base schematics were green. Those are already at the end of the branch.

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Downface is right, you only get a 2nd tier purple from patterns that STARTED as blue. The tier 1 purples will be redoubt, critical, and overkill. You can RE those to get a higher tier purple, for example, endowment. But do not RE the endowment, it won't get you anything better.


Here's and example list for a blue base pattern compared to a green base pattern.

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