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Livestream - Guardian - TOFN EU


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So I'm streaming every minute I play this game and I figure someone might be interested.


Right now I'm mainly leveling through questing, 1-spacing through all the sidequests and watching the storyline. Later on I will PvP and Raid. I am a pretty good player but I don't pay a lot of attention while leveling and have basically no experience from the beta.


It's running at a pretty high quality and I have my mic open and ready to do some interacting with the viewers so you're more than welcome to join the chat and talk to me. Ask any questions or drop any tips about anything, bet it JK itself, my streaming or RL advice about Cooking. Any feedback is welcome, there or here.


Bonus: As a viewer of my stream you'll practically be a member of my guild since you'll have the fantastic experience that is listenting to the awesome bros of Ventures chat on voice.




Feel free to drop comments in this thread, it bumps it saves me the trouble of making my guildies bump it =D

Edited by Sensational
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