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This game needs more KOTOR.


How about a "Galactic History" gamemode only available to Subscribers, where you play through some of the galaxies toughest battles in the perspective of the main protagonists of that battle, the battle for the Star Forge, play as Revan, the battle of Alderaan, play as Either captain Jace Malcom or Satele Shan, The sacking of Coruscant, fight as Darth Malgus OR as Master Ven Zallow, this one could possibly be a PVP arena mode where you face eachother in a 1v1 duel

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I would kill to see Zaalbar, ESPECIALLY on Kashyyyk. Once condition though: There had better be a picture of Mission Vao somewhere near him. I don't care if it's really a stick-figure scratched into some tree bark outside of his place, but a picture there had better be.


That scrappy kid deserves some credit.


Or a holo message even?

Edited by Skorz
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Hk-47 and T7 was companions in both and Obisidian didn't borrow them from Bioware, when someone creates a Star Wars character it is automatically a part of the Star Wars I.P. which means anyone can use that character. If Bioware wanted to use Mira or Hanharr they could, just like Obsidian could use T7 and HK 47. Heck if the time period permitted it and George didn't object they could have used Plagueis.


T7-01 was never in KoTOR, that was T3-M4

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Maybe as a continuation on Revan's story? Perhaps he runs to Kashyyk after

You defeat him on the Foundry.

After all he's been imprisoned for centuries, is not fully sane and - oh yeah -

has fallen to the Dark Side, unless slaughtering billions of innocents - not all of whom are actually Sith or even realize they have Sith blood - is Light Sided, the Jedi way, or any of a half dozen things Revan claims during the Foundry? Not to mention the last lines... It sounds as though he's figured it out but only as he's vanishing.

Maybe we'll actually be able to convince him that he's NOT. Doing. The. Right. Thing. this time?


That would be a nice way to have Zaalbar show up. We would need his help, have to visit the shadow lands... Oh this could be so much fun! Maybe he can persuade Revan to listen to us... mutters about obstinate Jedi/Sith.


I have to wonder if revan's insanity is because of his imprisonment or because of his mind wipe. Ever since Kotor 2 there has been this impression that his old personality has been at war with his post-wipe new personaltiy. His actions in the foundry actually fall in line with the original revan, even before he fell to the darkside. Revan was always an ambitious, ruthless person willing to sacrifice millions, even his closest friends, in order to achieve victory. It is this that lead to his arrogant assault on the Emperor himself(Both times, actually) and probably made him an easy turn to the darkside since he was already walking the line as it was.


I think Revan's psychological fate is something that has been in the making since his mind was wiped, and that its conclusion, if there is one, should be one side or the other of his personality finally asserting itself. If the original wins over, a fall to the dark side is inevitable. Only the redemption he recieved through his mind-wipe and love and support of bastila, someone long gone, can keep him on the right path. There are very interesting possibilities..

Edited by Zyrious
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