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Empowerment...is it worth it?


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Currently I'm PvP-ing and I want to take Empowerment. I find myself always in a pinch for Rage and I feel Empowerment would help out a lot. Currently I use this spec




I was thinking of changing to this one.




I feel that 1 Rage every 3-4ish bleed ticks is worth more than 4% force crit.


Any thoughts? I'm open to suggestions or opinions about Empowerment.

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I won't comment on your spec (to each his/her own)


But I will say that I use empowerment and it's decent.. The times when it procs are great especially when it procs during an opener FC -> DS -> BA -> Rupture (Proc) Annihlate.


Come ranked wz's though I will be specc'ing out of it to spend those 2 points elsewhere.

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This build has the most utility and survivability imo.


80% movement speed is a godsend ability in Huttball to help your WHOLE party, not only yourself. And it helps a lot in Civil War to get first to one of the nodes.


Empowerment helps A LOT with rage generation if your target is constantly bleeding. It would be stupid imo if you didn't take this ability cuz More Rage = More Dps


I also took 1 point out of subjugation, cuz 1 sec or 2 sec doesn't make really much difference cuz you already have Force Charge as an interupt. (you can put this 1 talent point somewhere else if you want)


Don't go for Malice talent, cuz your bleeds are the only force attacks that benefit from it, you're not suposed to use any other force attacks. And you already have Juyo Mastery that gives you 15% more crit chance. Malice is nice tho when you're still running in Centurion and Champion gear, but when you're full BM geared this talent wont help much.



Btw, use Sweeping Slash when you have rage left after a fight. You will build Fury with it, so you can start your next fight with Berserk or Predation up. Also, when you have rage left and you're carrying the ball in Huttball, just keep using Sweeping Slash so you can use predation for the "OP" (imo) movement speed for 10 seconds. (When I'm solo queing and playing in Huttball, I NEVER lose that WZ unless I'm playing against a really good premade, Predation is just too nice for scoring)

Edited by WokeSmeed
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I won't comment on your spec (to each his/her own)


But I will say that I use empowerment and it's decent.. The times when it procs are great especially when it procs during an opener FC -> DS -> BA -> Rupture (Proc) Annihlate.


Come ranked wz's though I will be specc'ing out of it to spend those 2 points elsewhere.


I appreciate that, I have tried out many a talent and have cut out the ones that didn't really fit me.


I figured the opening Rage would help a lot, I feel that I wouldn't be rushed to generate enough Rage for Anni and my bleeds




This is all you need. 80% movement speed is a godsend ability in Huttball to help your WHOLE party, not only yourself. And it helps a lot in Civil War to get first to one of the nodes.


Empowerment helps A LOT with rage generation if your target is constantly bleeding. It would be stupid imo if you didn't take this ability cuz More Rage = More Dps


I also took 1 point out of subjugation, cuz 1 sec or 2 sec doesn't make really much difference cuz you already have Force Charge as an interupt. (you can put this 1 talent point somewhere else if you want)


Don't go for Malice talent, cuz your bleeds are the only force attacks that benefit from it, you're not suposed to use any other force attacks. And you already have Juyo Mastery that gives you 15% more crit chance.


This build has the most utility and survivability imo.


Btw, use Sweeping Slash when you have rage after a fight. You will build Fury with it, so you can start your next fight with Berserk or Predation up. Also, when you have rage and you're carrying the ball, just keep using Sweeping Slash so you can use predation when running with the ball. (When I'm solo queing and playing in Huttball, I NEVER lose that WZ unless I'm playing against a really good premade, Predation is just too nice to score)


Thanks for your input. Unfortunately I just cannot justify myself taking the increased Predation talent due to me using my Fury on Berserk or Bloodlust 90% of the time. The second point in Subjugation is very much needed for me because interrupts are my bread and butter and I LOVE using Obfuscate.


I will try your build out sometime though, it looks pretty fun for Huttball

Edited by jitsuo
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I do 400k+ damage every game these are the builds i prefer imo for pvp still find that deep wound and pulverize are simply just a waste of 4 points that could be better spent else where for pvp if rupture did almost the same damage as deadlysaber i could see puting points into it.





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I do 400k+ damage every game these are the builds i prefer imo for pvp still find that deep wound and pulverize are simply just a waste of 4 points that could be better spent else where for pvp if rupture did almost the same damage as deadlysaber i could see puting points into it.






Can't justify not taking Pulverize. Anni-Rupture eats a LOT of damage away from anyone. If I can DS->Rupt->Battering->Anni->Force Choke->Rupture then most classes are in BIG trouble

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