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Help with Commando PVP gear


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I'm working on my commando's BM gear but ran into a serious problem. Between the head, chest, boots, and pants alone, I gain over 200 accuracy. I do not feel too excited about ACC. I do not feel like it is that important of a stat to stack on my bm gear like this. From what I understand it reduces the targets chance to parry, deflect and all that other bull, but since I do not have this problem so often, it seems like such a waste that this isnt 200 surge or crit. What stats should I be looking for? I want to keep the eliminator set, because it is the best for gunnery tree, but the bm gear is killing me. I can always switch the enhancements out, but what should I be looking for? more power, crit, surge, or is there something I'm missing with accuracy? Please, someone help me out for my gunnery spec commando.
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I'm working on my commando's BM gear but ran into a serious problem. Between the head, chest, boots, and pants alone, I gain over 200 accuracy. I do not feel too excited about ACC. I do not feel like it is that important of a stat to stack on my bm gear like this. From what I understand it reduces the targets chance to parry, deflect and all that other bull, but since I do not have this problem so often, it seems like such a waste that this isnt 200 surge or crit. What stats should I be looking for? I want to keep the eliminator set, because it is the best for gunnery tree, but the bm gear is killing me. I can always switch the enhancements out, but what should I be looking for? more power, crit, surge, or is there something I'm missing with accuracy? Please, someone help me out for my gunnery spec commando.


What you need to do is spend several hundred thousand credits swapping the mods about until you have the mods you want in the gear you want.


Costs about 27k -30k to extract each rank 24 and rank 25 mod IIRC.

Edited by Gyronamics
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