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Rakata Gear


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So I'm pretty much completely geared out on my Trooper now in Rakata. Missing just a couple of Rakata pieces nothing huge. But I'm thinking that I may have peaked a little earlier on in my gearing process.


My stats:


While I've seen my Aim, HP, my and power stats all increase as I've traded out champion and columi gear for rakata I've noticed by crit has steadily dropped. From approx 36-38% self buffed to 31%.


I'm starting to see deminishing returns on crit now 40 crit rating is only about a 1% crit chance now. I'm wondering if I should keep pushing for 40% crit by swaping out the eliminator main hand and off hand for the medic stuff which has crit instead of power on it. Or if I should just leave things be.


thoughts? Can anyone in full rakata eliminator gear post there stats so I can see what the sets crit chance is?

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So I'm pretty much completely geared out on my Trooper now in Rakata. Missing just a couple of Rakata pieces nothing huge. But I'm thinking that I may have peaked a little earlier on in my gearing process.


My stats:


While I've seen my Aim, HP, my and power stats all increase as I've traded out champion and columi gear for rakata I've noticed by crit has steadily dropped. From approx 36-38% self buffed to 31%.


I'm starting to see deminishing returns on crit now 40 crit rating is only about a 1% crit chance now. I'm wondering if I should keep pushing for 40% crit by swaping out the eliminator main hand and off hand for the medic stuff which has crit instead of power on it. Or if I should just leave things be.


thoughts? Can anyone in full rakata eliminator gear post there stats so I can see what the sets crit chance is?


I am in full Rakata Eliminator that has been modified with grade 25 drops. I can post my stats for you in here once I log on in a little bit.


From reading your post though I can at least offer advice. Don't go for 40% crit, you start hitting diminishing returns at around 30-35% self buffed so shoot for there, personally I stopped at ~30%. Once you have 30-35% crit self buffed start stacking power. As for other stats go for around 75% surge rating and then start stacking accuracy(I haven't found a need for more than 100% accuracy but the extra armor pen you'll get from it will be better than the severe diminishing returns you'll get from stacking more surge past 75%).


My Stats:

1892 Aim

1764 Endurance

Damage Range: 793-1069

Bonus Damage: 472

Accuracy: 100%

Critical Chance: 32%

Critical Multiplier: 76%


This is with full Rakata Eliminator Armor, Rakata Power Assault Cannon, Rakata Eliminator offhand, Rakata Eliminator Earpiece, Rakata Eliminator Implant, Rakata Combat Medic Implant, Rakata Belt and Wrists with augment slots, Rakata Power Relic with augment slot, B-B-B Matrix Cube, and Rakata Stimpack on. Chest was remodded for Crit/Surge instead of Crit/Accuracy, and Legs were remodded for Power/Surge instead of Crit/Accuracy.

Edited by Ganrax
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I haven't found a need for more than 100% accuracy but the extra armor pen you'll get from it will be better than the severe diminishing returns you'll get from stacking more surge past 75%).


Not sure if troll, but..... For the record, >100% accuracy does ~NOT~ produce armor pen, it gives you a chance to negate their defenses (as in, shield, dodge, parry, etc). There's a gigantic difference.


The problem you're having with your dps is that Rakata gear has terrible enhancements for DPS. T2 gloves and helmets have the best enhancements you can get outside of the drops off final HM bosses. Use your PvE and PvP commendations to buy T2 gloves and hats from the jedi and smuggler vendors, since both have the same mods/enhancements. You don't want the trooper ones since they sacrifice DPS stats for endurance, something you won't need in full Rakata. The Jedi pieces feature a lot of crit while the Smuggler pieces have a lot of power, so mix and match to find a set up you like (and I'd remove and bank the Rakata mods, just in case they ever make accuracy useful). Swapping out the 20power/51accuracy for 34crit/48surge is going to give you a pretty big bump up in damage once you're done.


As for the accessories, avoid the Rakata Earpiece since, again, it's optimized really poorly for us. You'll get more mileage out of a level 49 mastercraft with an augment slot (and it's quicker to make than grinding out dailies for a subpar Rakata).

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Not sure if troll, but..... For the record, >100% accuracy does ~NOT~ produce armor pen, it gives you a chance to negate their defenses (as in, shield, dodge, parry, etc). There's a gigantic difference.


The problem you're having with your dps is that Rakata gear has terrible enhancements for DPS. T2 gloves and helmets have the best enhancements you can get outside of the drops off final HM bosses. Use your PvE and PvP commendations to buy T2 gloves and hats from the jedi and smuggler vendors, since both have the same mods/enhancements. You don't want the trooper ones since they sacrifice DPS stats for endurance, something you won't need in full Rakata. The Jedi pieces feature a lot of crit while the Smuggler pieces have a lot of power, so mix and match to find a set up you like (and I'd remove and bank the Rakata mods, just in case they ever make accuracy useful). Swapping out the 20power/51accuracy for 34crit/48surge is going to give you a pretty big bump up in damage once you're done.


As for the accessories, avoid the Rakata Earpiece since, again, it's optimized really poorly for us. You'll get more mileage out of a level 49 mastercraft with an augment slot (and it's quicker to make than grinding out dailies for a subpar Rakata).


I know it lowers their defenses but I have seen several threads saying that they actually see increased damage for higher accuracy making us think that higher accuracy actually affects armor pen. Bypassing their defense stat would not increase damage.


There is absolutely no point to stack Surge over Accuracy once you reach the heavy DR at 75%. You'll be dumping tons of points into Surge and getting extremely little return and eventually capping at 79%.




You can keep stacking it if you want but see for yourself just how little return you'll get.


As for switching out mods, I would actually suggest the OP just gets more Rakata weapons(extremely easy to get) and rip the mods out of those to remod his gear and lose some of that accuracy for surge. One has a good power/surge enhancement and the other has a good crit/surge enhancement. I just used those to fix my gear, didn't have to bother with the PvP ****.


Also, I haven't seen a level 49 Mastercraft Earpiece/Implant that actually gave me a stat boost over my Rakata gear. Maybe the Cybertech/Biochem crafters on my server aren't making the right ones but I end up losing more stats than gaining(even with an augment) so I keep them on my companions.

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This is from a arsenal mercenary perspective, but most of it should be for the most part the same. Went here after i googled something (i forgot what)


If you want to maximize your stats here are some tips, assuming you do HM or NiM ops weekly.


If you aren't an armormech, you should get Orange (customizeable) bracers and belt. With a Rakata (58) armoring that drops from Soa or Karagga, and a Rakata Mod you ripped out somewhere or dropped from HM/NiM you can get



+122 Aim

+81 Endurance

+11 Crit or Power (depending on your variation)




Non-Augment Rakata

+103 Aim

+71 Endurance

+11 Crit


Bracer has +85 Aim, 74 End, 37 Power


You can get a light armor belt with Spaceship commendations, or look on the GTN for heavy armor bracers/belt.


Also, Columi implants with augment slot are better than the Rakata variants.

I use:


Columi Implant w/ augment slot (+28 aim augment used)

+125 Aim

+80 Endurance

+48 Acc

+41 Crit




Rakata Eliminator Implant

+103 Aim

85 End

+44 Crit

+51 Surge


To make up for the extra acc, i re did my enhancements on my Rakata gear with Power/Surge and Crit/Surge enhancements


My guildie is trying to proc an augment on a Columi earpiece with augment. I dont have one atm to compare stats.


One final thing, if you already have 5 piece Rakata, You'll notice Rakata gloves and legs have +112 Aim (i think they have a bit more endurance though). If you want to get +10 more Aim, replace either one (only one, so you retain 4 piece set bonus) with Rakata Combat Tech. They both have +122 Aim, and you can replace the enhancements if you wish. You can also, if you have a +61aim armoring, make your own orange gloves and fill out the slots with rakata grade mod/enhancement to get a +122aim rakata equiv.



I'm still missing some pieces(i have Columi gloves, waiting on a +61aim armoring to drop to make orange gloves or the actual token, also waiting on guildie to make earpiece). Once i hit over 32/33 % crit and 75% surge i started looking for power. (2 +41power crystals on weps for example)


With only self-endurance buff on (no stim, other buffs) i have

1858 Aim

Bonus damage: 446.9. Primary weapon damage 715-944.

1681 End

33.87% Crit (34.99% Tech crit thanks to cunning)

98% Accuracy (108% Tech Accuracy)

76.49% Crit Multiplier (surge)


Also note, these stats are with +40aim and +40cunning from datacrons.

As for my accuracy, i keep reading in different places that either say to aim for 98% accuracy or 100% accuracy (108/110 tech). Can someone clarify? With 1.2 putting more emphasis on unload, i may have to get that extra 2%. But that shouldnt be hard, i kept most of my acc enhancements


I havent compared the columi implant/earpiece with augment to cybertech earpiece or biochem implants, +augment, that offer a lot of sidestats (power, crit, surge, acc depending on which) over aim.

Edited by Dookies
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