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Suggestion: Allow us to use multiple companions for group content


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In short, I think it’d be cool if we could take multiple companions along for group content – perhaps in ‘heroic’ areas we’d be allowed additional companions.


I’m sick of sitting in the Fleet spamming ‘LFM for regular Foundry’ (or whatever the Flash Point happens to be) for hours on end without ever filling the group. It’d be quite handy if I could simply grab 3 of my companions and attempt the FP.


Now I know a cross server LFG system would fix this issue for the most part … but in all honesty I’m not playing this game for the MMO portion, I’m simply playing for some good Bioware story telling and the Star Wars universe.


Sometimes I’m sick of dealing people – sometimes I don’t want to wait 10 minutes while the Tank takes the neighbor’s dog out for a poo, sometimes I don’t want to wait while our 13 year old healer eats his dinner because he ‘forgot’… You’ve created a HUGELY immersive game here, and in some cases other people really ruin it.


Now I know this kind of goes against the hole MMO concept, but maybe this can be you’re unique twist on the series … it’s a Single Player MMO – It’s an MMO, but only when you want it to be. Take your other masterpiece games (Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age) for example, I love gearing out all of my companions and grabbing several of them and taking on the world … I never have to wait on them and they’re always ready to go… You have everything in place to do this in SWTOR already.


Companions aren’t that smart in Flash Points compared to real players, so they’ll never do as good of a job, but that’s the price you pay if you choose to do a Flash Point alone… this still gives players an incentive to group up with others.


Put limits on it if you want, only allow us to take multiple companions in 4 man groups, maybe only regular mode – maybe regular and heroic (if the player dares to try…).


If you’re catering to the casual players I feel this would help. Personally I don’t have much time to play, so when I do play, I want it to be immersive and nonstop – I don’t want to spend all of my time at the Fleet spamming ‘LFM’… or dealing with the 13 year old who forgot to eat his dinner…



Please allow us to take multiple companions to complete group content.

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An additional thought, though it'll make it more complicated to do...


For those low level chars who don't have 3 companions yet, you could allow them to 'hire' a companion for a chosen Flash Point or amount of time.


How you choose the class or type of companion could be done multiple ways .. could be something simple like Tank, Healer, Ranged DPS, Melee DPS ... but I'd also include a gear option.


Example, I'd like to take a green geared DPS and it'd cost me 1000 credits ... then I'd like a blue geared Tank and it'd cost me 2000 credits ... a purple geared Healer would be 5000 credits etc.


This'd help those level 20 players who can't field a full 4 party group yet.


Just a thought...

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Just a thought...


and like your others a good one


It won't be anywhere as good as a good group of players so once the LFG system comes in for pve it will never be too many people's first preference (especially if it means gearing them all up), but doing something is better than nothing and we have these companions so why not use them?

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I do like the idea. My issue would be micro-management of the companions though. I think this would require a hefty reworking of the AI. I already get pissy with my healing companions who seem to want me to die from time to time, lol.
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I do like the idea. My issue would be micro-management of the companions though. I think this would require a hefty reworking of the AI. I already get pissy with my healing companions who seem to want me to die from time to time, lol.


True - I wonder if they could do like they did in Dragon Age where you assign your companions 'if - then' parameters.

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Would be nice, gives more use for them, as well as need/reason to gear more than one you usually use. Would also love the ability to bring one with you for group content in general (with other people).
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I would very much like to be able to use more than one companion at a time, on my jedi i'm pretty much forced to use Doc since i'm a DPS and lose health very quickly, and since i can't tank i find a lot of the bosses very hard to beat. I would very much like to be able to have two companions out at a time in order to be able to fight these bosses.
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I agree with all what you're saying, but only for flashpoints and, even so (maybe), in your storyline. But that's another point to discuss, I guess.


And though, as you said, quit a bit the multiplayer massive's essence from a MMO (no matter if highly focused about single player things or just saying, PvE, still this is a multiplayer videogame because you can share whatever you wish with other persons), a lot of people could do this, but almost all flashpoints requires some tactics to pass them good enough. That's for real players, and I dunno companions are smart enough while they are just machines, only focused to eat npcs one by one (although you order them to do what they really need to, quite hard while you need to fight as well them, but guess is possible... targeting, ordering and attacking or healing... think about it, too challenging to be really true about things like this are really easy to do. C'mon!).


Only you could get a real chance with two as much if you're quite higher with your level experience that the flashpoint's level requiered (so you need to be more patient to increase your level that the requiered enough... but with some real persons, of course). Not the same chance if you do that only by one companion, that's quite impossile if you're not really high level comparing with the flashpoint's difficulty, of course.


In fact, the idea is pretty exciting, yeah. At least you make to coopearte among themselves when combat and explore time, :p And not just only bringing to yourself one by one to help you.

Edited by XGSTAR
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In short, I think it’d be cool if we could take multiple companions along for group content – perhaps in ‘heroic’ areas we’d be allowed additional companions.


I’m sick of sitting in the Fleet spamming ‘LFM for regular Foundry’ (or whatever the Flash Point happens to be) for hours on end without ever filling the group. It’d be quite handy if I could simply grab 3 of my companions and attempt the FP.


Now I know a cross server LFG system would fix this issue for the most part … but in all honesty I’m not playing this game for the MMO portion, I’m simply playing for some good Bioware story telling and the Star Wars universe.


Sometimes I’m sick of dealing people – sometimes I don’t want to wait 10 minutes while the Tank takes the neighbor’s dog out for a poo, sometimes I don’t want to wait while our 13 year old healer eats his dinner because he ‘forgot’… You’ve created a HUGELY immersive game here, and in some cases other people really ruin it.


Now I know this kind of goes against the hole MMO concept, but maybe this can be you’re unique twist on the series … it’s a Single Player MMO – It’s an MMO, but only when you want it to be. Take your other masterpiece games (Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age) for example, I love gearing out all of my companions and grabbing several of them and taking on the world … I never have to wait on them and they’re always ready to go… You have everything in place to do this in SWTOR already.


Companions aren’t that smart in Flash Points compared to real players, so they’ll never do as good of a job, but that’s the price you pay if you choose to do a Flash Point alone… this still gives players an incentive to group up with others.


Put limits on it if you want, only allow us to take multiple companions in 4 man groups, maybe only regular mode – maybe regular and heroic (if the player dares to try…).


If you’re catering to the casual players I feel this would help. Personally I don’t have much time to play, so when I do play, I want it to be immersive and nonstop – I don’t want to spend all of my time at the Fleet spamming ‘LFM’… or dealing with the 13 year old who forgot to eat his dinner…



Please allow us to take multiple companions to complete group content.


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I would love this. I prefer to play in groups but it is very hard to find groups for heroics or flashpoints and I refuse to spend what litle time I have to play looking for a group that I never find. So far I have done 2 heroic missions and 1 flashpoint and I have been playing since day one. If I could use my companions I would probably enjoy the game more as i would get more content.
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  • 2 months later...

Ok no secret here 400,000 people have left The Old Republic. Why in the world does EA / Bioware handy cap players who can't finish quests or are just to bored with LFG. Why can't I group with 3 companions for a full group? If they would have this option and continue the story line people would love this game.


-Drackkor Marr

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