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Early access is done in waves for a reason..


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If they let all of us on at once the servers would not be able to handle it and you would be sitting here complaining about them not working. EVERY MMO is like this on release.


They are doing this in increments so they know how much hardware they need and what tweaks need to be done. Use some common sense and stop complaining about something so simple.


Also read this:

"You may play up to 5 days early"

Learn what the word "may" is. I am sure its a safe bet that if you pre-ordered we should be able to play within the next couple days.


Some of you act as if they are doing it on purpose and they do not want you to play.


I'm stoked and can't wait to play :)

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The servers can take it. This was tested during the last 2 beta weekends. Other MMO's did not start like this. Rift had an early access that was open to all who pre-ordered at once and it worked fine.


I am not crying etc about not being on yet, have not and do not intend to make a whine post...


I just think these are not valid points you have raised.

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Ok so you are saying the reason is what then? The only possible reply you could have is they don't want us to.


Use your head its the obvious reason...


These forums are going to be just like WoW's I can already tell.


Between idiots thinking they are doing this on purpose for no reason and idiots thinking AA is useless..../facepalm

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What makes the crying even more amusing is it's not even the 15th yet. People should be happy they are starting early and stop crying like children because they did not get in. The forums are so slow right now from people making QQ post...
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No one is crying..


You as you made a Fanboy thread telling people not to cry when they weren't, using arguments that have no weight.


The only person "crying" here is you for the fact that people haven't given you a high five for your post, but instead of highlighted its flaws.


It's not even like you are posting a response to "Why is Early Access being done in waves".

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I believe and this is only in my opinion,is that they are staggering people in is due to quest mobs in zones,you really dont want to be one of ohh say 50 people trying to get the same mob,i know it's few and far inbetween but really there is some,and staggering seems like a very good idea imo.
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