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Mercenary Beast Mode


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Level 44 Arsenal Merc, been averaging 200k+ damage against other PuGs on a full duration game.


Beast Mode happened last night.


Here is a Huttball game, 301k damage 60 kills 0 deaths, pics below.






I am loving my Mercenary at this point in time. Does anyone else feel like they couldn't have picked a better class?

Edited by iDubstep
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I've yet to see any definitive evidence that states what or how they plan to nerf BH. Obviously the pyro tree is the easiest place to imagine, but who knows what it'll be. As long as these adjustments have been tested in a practical environment (raids and PVP) rather than a best-case scenario (I.e. paper and pencil) then I'm sure they will not induce mass reroll-itis. I can only hope it doesn't involve an adjustment to our heat resource.


Edit: BH is awesome, especially in BG spec. Just be wary of the naysayers, as everything is relative; relative to player skill, effort, gear, key binds, matchups, etc. Take what you hear with a grain of salt, unless they provide evidence.

Edited by _droider_
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Level 44 Arsenal Merc


Here is a Huttball game, 301k damage 60 kills 0 deaths, pics below.


I am loving my Mercenary at this point in time. Does anyone else feel like they couldn't have picked a better class?


Level 25 PT Pyro


Random Huttball game, 323k damage done, 51 kills and 5 deaths, cba to post pics :)


My main is close to R70 and Arsenal Merc specced and believe it or not... the low level PT Pyro has more utility and at level 35 it is a very lethal little firebug.


Mercs are easily countered and rendered useless, but if left alone... you pay the price.


I feel like I should have picked Powertech upon early access instead of Mercenary.

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Level 25 PT Pyro


Random Huttball game, 323k damage done, 51 kills and 5 deaths, cba to post pics :)


My main is close to R70 and Arsenal Merc specced and believe it or not... the low level PT Pyro has more utility and at level 35 it is a very lethal little firebug.


Mercs are easily countered and rendered useless, but if left alone... you pay the price.


I feel like I should have picked Powertech upon early access instead of Mercenary.


Yeah I got out DPS'd last night by a PT Pyro and have been thinking the same thing. I really want the utility of the class.


Is the mirror for Troopers as good as the PT Pyro?

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FYI- Scroll over your kills to see killing blows. Kills involves anything that you remotely touch that dies. Seeing killing blows helps see how well you can burst. It may not be completely accurate, but the characters with bigger burst usually get more killing blows.
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I've only seen two other players hit over 300k total in games so far. What would you consider a more than nothing in the 10 - 49 PvP bracket then?


usually people that hit over 300k used AOE or Dot Spam.


AOE damage is not useful in a Warzone except for long aoe that prevent door capping. I already got 350k and 72 killing blow on my PT, spamming flamethrower , death from above , my explosive dart etc. But as soon as you get a 40 healer sorc/sage, that damage mean nothing.


So as exemple, you did 1k on everyone, there was five people , you hit for 5k. The sage will heal that with one tick , negating your aoe. Same goes for dotting everyone around you. That buff up your dps score on the board at the end but in reality, you did nothing useful. Its all healable.


So who is more useful? The Merc that spray the area of random target (lets take 5) and deal 1500 dmg in aoe to everyone or a smuggler that burst a healer down to 0 ? The smuggler of course, because now people will be more vulnerable without the healer and he will take them down one by one. The longer people stay up, the more damage they do, the more chance they can cap, kill the tank or healer , pass the ball etc. So if you see a sniper in between 3 players and you just aoe the whole pack, youll get more dps of course but everyone will be at 75% of their life after the aoe while an ops or assassin would have killed the sniper , preventing alot of damage for his team.


Same goes for the killing blow. If you heal someone who will kill people or if you just do 1 dmg to someone that will die in the near future , you get a killing blow. Thats why some healer get 40 killing blow when they did 12k damage in a full huttball. Did they really kill 40 people? no...


Im not trying to discredit you or being rude/troll. I dont have a video how you played it or etc. and its not the point but just to say the truth, the end score board really mean nothing.


Like one game on my PT i was fetching the ball, running , scoring and end up with 200 objectives points when i solo scored 4 times... whaaa?


The score board doesnt count how much people i throw/kill in acid and fire. Score board doesnt count how much time i push people down the catwalk with my assassin, preventing a score. The scoreboard dont count it when you push away 7 people that was running after the ball carrier and because of you the team win. Scoreboard doesnt count when im too far from the door in stealth with my smuggler beside the pillar, waiting for someone to try to open it so i can kill/stop them. After a certain range, you dont receive objective points but if i was closer , i could be detected or stealthscanned.


So to please the scoreboard, instead of pushing them away, you should aoe to be better at the end but that mean the ball carrier will die! --- see the logic?


So wise players dont give a F about the scoreboard because they know what they did and if they were useful or not.


thats my opinion though, it may differ from player to player but scoreboard for me is only e-peen stroking.


edit: if you think you have been useful like bursting down important target, helping your team and threw an aoe once in a while then its cool if you are happy about it. The thing is, you must be proud of yourself and you must be useful :)

Edited by Wrathoran
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To your point about ending a game with 200 objective points being confusing after running the ball consistently I had a question about that as well.


I was in a game two nights ago and a tanky Operative that I know held the ball probably 1/3 of the game always trying to score and successfully doing so a couple times.


He ended the game with half the objective points I had when all I did was follow him around trying to keep people off his back.


EDIT: And I never even touched the ball!

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it looks pretty good , you took all the cookie cutter talent. You will do massive crit on railshot.


The only thing i would change (but its minor) is Prototype electro surge to Prototype burn enhancers. 6% more crit is lot and since your target will always be on fire, you gain quite the dps. It apply to flame burst too who is your main spam when not railshotting

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I've yet to see any definitive evidence that states what or how they plan to nerf BH. Obviously the pyro tree is the easiest place to imagine, but who knows what it'll be. As long as these adjustments have been tested in a practical environment (raids and PVP) rather than a best-case scenario (I.e. paper and pencil) then I'm sure they will not induce mass reroll-itis. I can only hope it doesn't involve an adjustment to our heat resource.


Edit: BH is awesome, especially in BG spec. Just be wary of the naysayers, as everything is relative; relative to player skill, effort, gear, key binds, matchups, etc. Take what you hear with a grain of salt, unless they provide evidence.


here is your quote:

Tracer Missile is a community favorite, and I can flat out state that if you pull the Tracer Missile stun on a skilled player, you are not going to live. It’s not working. Alright, if you know how to use interrupts, we see people stand there and they die. But that said, it is also dangerous to have people in a state where they can have a fairly decent DPS rotation with almost no effort. That isn’t good long term for them either. It is boring and it doesn’t add as much combat adrenaline as we want. So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping.


I've only seen two other players hit over 300k total in games so far. What would you consider a more than nothing in the 10 - 49 PvP bracket then?


lowbie bracket stats are irrelevant. post your stats when you hit 50

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usually people that hit over 300k used AOE or Dot Spam.


AOE damage is not useful in a Warzone except for long aoe that prevent door capping. I already got 350k and 72 killing blow on my PT, spamming flamethrower , death from above , my explosive dart etc. But as soon as you get a 40 healer sorc/sage, that damage mean nothing.


So as exemple, you did 1k on everyone, there was five people , you hit for 5k. The sage will heal that with one tick , negating your aoe. Same goes for dotting everyone around you. That buff up your dps score on the board at the end but in reality, you did nothing useful. Its all healable.


So who is more useful? The Merc that spray the area of random target (lets take 5) and deal 1500 dmg in aoe to everyone or a smuggler that burst a healer down to 0 ? The smuggler of course, because now people will be more vulnerable without the healer and he will take them down one by one. The longer people stay up, the more damage they do, the more chance they can cap, kill the tank or healer , pass the ball etc. So if you see a sniper in between 3 players and you just aoe the whole pack, youll get more dps of course but everyone will be at 75% of their life after the aoe while an ops or assassin would have killed the sniper , preventing alot of damage for his team.


Same goes for the killing blow. If you heal someone who will kill people or if you just do 1 dmg to someone that will die in the near future , you get a killing blow. Thats why some healer get 40 killing blow when they did 12k damage in a full huttball. Did they really kill 40 people? no...


Im not trying to discredit you or being rude/troll. I dont have a video how you played it or etc. and its not the point but just to say the truth, the end score board really mean nothing.


Like one game on my PT i was fetching the ball, running , scoring and end up with 200 objectives points when i solo scored 4 times... whaaa?


The score board doesnt count how much people i throw/kill in acid and fire. Score board doesnt count how much time i push people down the catwalk with my assassin, preventing a score. The scoreboard dont count it when you push away 7 people that was running after the ball carrier and because of you the team win. Scoreboard doesnt count when im too far from the door in stealth with my smuggler beside the pillar, waiting for someone to try to open it so i can kill/stop them. After a certain range, you dont receive objective points but if i was closer , i could be detected or stealthscanned.


So to please the scoreboard, instead of pushing them away, you should aoe to be better at the end but that mean the ball carrier will die! --- see the logic?


So wise players dont give a F about the scoreboard because they know what they did and if they were useful or not.


thats my opinion though, it may differ from player to player but scoreboard for me is only e-peen stroking.


edit: if you think you have been useful like bursting down important target, helping your team and threw an aoe once in a while then its cool if you are happy about it. The thing is, you must be proud of yourself and you must be useful :)



Agree wit'cha.

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Im pretty sure the most an Arsenal Merc can hope for on most WZ's about 300-350k. We rarely even see those numbers due to our lack of dots in the spec.


My personal best is 533k as pyrotech, and even then i wast 2nd only to a power tech pyro.


Arsenal is extremely good single target dps but terrible when dealing with multiple targets.


Sure arsenal gets all the qq. But it's pyrotech thats the scarey spec.


Id much rather go against another arsenal merc than a pryo if i had a choice. At least you know how to stop an arsenal spec BH.

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Im pretty sure the most an Arsenal Merc can hope for on most WZ's about 300-350k. We rarely even see those numbers due to our lack of dots in the spec.


My personal best is 533k as pyrotech, and even then i wast 2nd only to a power tech pyro.


Arsenal is extremely good single target dps but terrible when dealing with multiple targets.


Sure arsenal gets all the qq. But it's pyrotech thats the scarey spec.


Id much rather go against another arsenal merc than a pryo if i had a choice. At least you know how to stop an arsenal spec BH.


No offence but that is utter nonsense. 400-500k is easy on an Arsenal merc, and it is definitely not terrible dealing with multiple targets. We can easily switch between targets, probably even easier than a pyro as throwing incendiaries round on several people will jack up your heat big time.


I'd much rather go against a pyro. Cure the burns and laugh as he tickles you with rapid shots.

Edited by Sinsavz
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