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Gunnery commando pvp set question


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Should I take the "Combat Medic" armor over the "Eliminator" set?


It seems to me that accuracy is not as good as alacrity. Actually I'm not sure what accuracy really does, I never seem to miss anyway. Any advice from fellow gunnery commandos would be appreciated.

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accuracy is great vs tanks if over 105% accuracy you will destroy the tank classes and most other classes it mitigates armor.


With gun spec higher damage is better because stacking alacrity will never make your cast fast enough to over come the damage gain with higher accuracy.

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As an FYI I'm assuming you are not a BM.


Most of the eliminator set is your best bet. As previously discussed above alacarity is not your friend. Accuracy is not great either but we troopers will take it. Basically gearing should go like this. Take pvp gear until you get to 500 expertise which is the soft cap. Than fill the rest with your best gear that has crit and surg on it. Our 4 peice set bonus is pretty meh. So a couple of combat medic pieces are better mainly the helm which has no alacarity but loads of crit and surg where as eliminator has power instead of crit i think.

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