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Talent tree for watchman


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And yet you offer nothing constructive to back up your claim that I'm clueless? I'd destroy you, whether I know how all the mechanics work or not. Pointless post is pointless.


I agree man, but he's a waste of my time. I looked through his posting history, and all he does is troll. I'm just going to ignore him. The other 90% of the forum posters actually post constructive things and don't troll, so I still enjoy these forums

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I agree man, but he's a waste of my time. I looked through his posting history, and all he does is troll. I'm just going to ignore him. The other 90% of the forum posters actually post constructive things and don't troll, so I still enjoy these forums


I'm tired, so my BS/troll defenses are weaker than usual. :-/

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