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Please fix Combat.


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This isn't a whine thread, I'm just really tired of the problems coming with playing Combat. Now I know some will say "Why are you playing Combat? Comabt sucks! Go Watchman!" I have played watchman, and while it is fantastic and powerful, it's just not me.


Popping Dots just isn't my playstyle, nor is Focus's Sweep nukes. I enjoy more dancing around people and wacking them with hard hitting Blade Rushes then dropping a Storm all buffed with Precision's armor penetration. I'm happier with Combat, plain and simple.


I'm not asking for buffs or massive changes either as I know those will come with the passage of time, hopefully soon however.


What I want is to fix the bugged talents and skills. First off, Ataru Procs, sometimes when I use Blade Rush, I notice that there's no second hit. I'm in Ataru form, but nothing. Then I remembered reading somewhere that Ataru strikes read different hitboxes than your usual skills or something so I change positions and it works again. Maybe in pvp this won't matter as they said it only happens with "large" enemies, but it's bad on FPS as that is a sizable chunk of my dps gone.


Next, the resetting adn animation bugs, this seems to have moved to the background with recent improvements, but it's still there.


Moving on, on Master Strike, specifically the Debilitation spec. This already bugs MS to not stun regular mobs but that's pointless most of the time anyway since using it on them is pointless, but now it won't even immobilize people. I've had toons escape me and score during huttball because of this.


And finally, Force Stasis. It's not stunning most of the time, someone even danced in around me one time while I used it, but I've never had Force Choke fail when used on me. And I have experienced it with other specs before, so I'm sure it's not just with Combat.


For the last 2 above, I've asked others and it seems most of those who suffer from them are near or from my country/area while those not have never experienced it, so I thought it may have to do with latency or something. But then again, there are those from my area who has also never had it happened to them as well. So I'm not sure.


Well that's it, I know there are others but I can't remember them atm. To you other Sents, have YOU had these happened to yourselves? I thought I'd bring this out as I haven't seen other topics about them.

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If you find your stuns are doing nothing in PvP, they probably had a full bar of resolve which would make them imune.


Its a widely used tactic so have a ballcarrier with full resolve do the last run in huttball.


Just check the little curved bar thats on the outside of the enemy portrait, if its full, dont use your stuns.


Also a good trick in pvp is to use leg-slash first before a bigger slow/stun. If they are not very experienced they will pop their escape button, and you can safely use your longer cooldown abilites to keep them still. This trick will not work if you meet an experienced pvp player, but it never hurts to try ;-)

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I thought of that too, but no. These guys are don't have full resolve, nor is there any reason for them to have any at times. I know becase I remember seeing someone in huttball receive the ball from that bridge right near the pit, and when I met them near the ramp and used Stasis on them to try to catch them in the fire, they kept going, no cc break or anything as my channeling kept counting.


They were also at full hp so I doubt they'd had any CCs cast on them. And yes, I was pretty much alone as ppl seem more focused on killing than the ball most of the time.

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i really hope they can make combat viable. at least up to par with watchman

ataru form is such a fail. doesn't feel like yoda when he fought dooku in episode 2

instead of being fast and smooth. the attacks feel chunky and stuttering all the time

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just wait for 1.2 guys jesus they have already announced each class is getting a skill workover... that means changes TO EVERY AC so please....PLEASE just be patient with BW they are working on it.


Really? I thought there were simply adding new skills? Not changing them. Well either way, I hope it comes soon.

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