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SWTOR pvp has finally turned into Tank with guard and healers


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shock wither shock force lightning, wither shock wither force lightning, shock wither shock force lightning.


Theyg enerally won't use any melee attacks at all unless they;re going for that energize burst, simply because of force constraints.


What about this is 45s-1min cds to you?


Any tank with that rotation fails. Just sayin. He'd be standing there waiting for each ability to come back up. No melee hits for energize? What are you people smoking. The ideal combo is 1 tank 1 healer 2 dps. Why? Because no 2 tank 2 healer combo is going to kill anything (unless that happens to be 2 mercs & 2 pt's (or repub equivs).


Don't blame tanks for bad warzone designs. Tanks generally are shafted when it comes to pvp.. Damage from wither is abysmal. 500 dmg per hit up to 5 targets who are all huddled together.. The debuffs of a snare and -5% dmg -5% accuracy (because you know we tanks also use that little thing called "Discharge" which also hits for ***** but at least has a nice debuff and a 500hp heal attached.. OP I say! :rolleyes:


In other news group of baddies failed to use their toolsets, news at 11.



I would suggest CC, but I guess that is not a part of your damage ''rotation''


Edited by Aethyrprime
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And then, dps classes learned that they could focus a target and use CC, and they were amazed when enemies once thought indestructible died in seconds...



Oh, no, wait, we're talking about players like the OP.


And then, dps all chased after a different target from each other and whined when they couldn't win. The end.

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And then, dps classes learned that they could focus a target and use CC, and they were amazed when enemies once thought indestructible died in seconds...



Oh, no, wait, we're talking about players like the OP.


And then, dps all chased after a different target from each other and whined when they couldn't win. The end.


what exacerbates the problem, honestly, is hybrid classes still having viable heals when DPS speced. I dont mean - they are great healers, but they are viable in a pinch, and it contributes wildly to this problem.


Just fought a voidstar team that "only" had two dedicated healers - and two more dps sages and two dps troopers. On the shockingly rare times when both of their heals were CCed or pulled out of range, the "dps" classes would switch to healing, and while not SUPERZOMGHEALS, they are enough to weather the storm - or keep the healer that you FINALLY manged to shut down alive long enough to get back on top of things.


Base healing amounts on those healing abilities possessed by DPS specs need to be neutered and the healing re-added to the healing specs through deep tree talents.


The problem would clear up almost overnight.

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If you have a good tank healer combo, even the 4 man option you stated above, the easy option is to rush another turret (Alderaan), switch doors (Voidstar) those four people can't cover everything regardless how 'good' they are. If you don't attack them they are no use whatsoever.


So what you're saying is they can't be beat, so go somewhere else. Yeah. I know. At least someone is finally admitting it.


Seriously, listen to yourself. QQ.


So, out of arguments. Got it.


The solution to any problem relating to healers is to put a sent/mara on them


Works with one healer. Doesn't work as well when said healer is guarded and protected by the tank. Doesn't do anything when there's two.


Have a player charge/Force leap on tank,at same time pull healer away and into group of dps. Stun/cc healer and smack his/her face off while the tank is stunned by the leap......


Wow, it's like they think they have some kind of amazing original idea. Stun the tank, stun the healer, pull the healer away into a "group of dps"!


It's not like I've already addressed this multiple times, so let's keep suggesting this fantasy solution! Let's just keep snarking about how dps classes are too stupid to use CC.

Edited by EternalFinality
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shock wither shock force lightning, wither shock wither force lightning, shock wither shock force lightning.


Theyg enerally won't use any melee attacks at all unless they;re going for that energize burst, simply because of force constraints.


What about this is 45s-1min cds to you?


Wither has a 7.5 secondcd, and shock has 6 second, plus we will melee as this is where we get our self heals from.


I dont know where i got 45s-1min, that was meant to be 90 second, and im on about recklessness. these is where we get the big crit ticking Force lightning with harness darkness.

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Guard has limited range. You can theoretically knock players that are guarded away or hell, even the tanks, and then kill them.


Healers are squishy.


commandos are squishy my ***

commandos are the paladins of swtor

Edited by darkthsith
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I have noticed that teams with 2 tanks and 2 healers turn into unstoppable forces.


I believe some balancing has to be done in the longer term. Being DPS seems pointless at time.


The biggest hit they could make to this playstyle is to do what should have been done at the start - since they made the mistake of giving all members of Commando/Sage/Scoundrel the base heals for choosing the AC instead of making them talent-spells, they should have gutted the base heal values on the spell to make them worthless to cast as a hybrid or dps spec. Put the healing power back in Tier 6 of the healing trees. Leaves the healing spells idenitcally effective for actual healers and prevents the viability of the 2 tank/2 heals/4 hybrid dps/heals ive seen almost all day yesterday and today.

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I have noticed that teams with 2 tanks and 2 healers turn into unstoppable forces.


Only because the opposition isn't coordinated or smart. All too often I see dps attacking without thought or seeing the big picture. They get red tunnel vision and will not take a moment to think why they can't kill that healer or can't kill that tank.


I've been in matches where 3 dps kept beating on a tank while the healer sat in the corner chain healing him. I finally had to stop and type "QUIT IGNORING THE HEALER". I would have been more descriptive but I can't type that fast.


As soon as I typed it though, one dps ran over to the healer and cc'd him and the tank dropped like a rock from the other 2.


In contrast I've seen the opposite where 2 or more dps beat on a guarded healer and have no idea why he won't die because he's guarded and chain healing himself. It's like some players think that all they have to do is continue to dps and eventually win. Also, the tank isn't just standing there either, he is going to cc and taunt the dps making it even tougher to kill the healer. Then guess what happens, yep, they realize something is wrong and they turn back on the tank leaving the healer to focus back healing on the tank.


Coordination and brains goes flying out the window.

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Only because the opposition isn't coordinated or smart. All too often I see dps attacking without thought or seeing the big picture. They get red tunnel vision and will not take a moment to think why they can't kill that healer or can't kill that tank.


I've been in matches where 3 dps kept beating on a tank while the healer sat in the corner chain healing him. I finally had to stop and type "QUIT IGNORING THE HEALER". I would have been more descriptive but I can't type that fast.


As soon as I typed it though, one dps ran over to the healer and cc'd him and the tank dropped like a rock from the other 2.


In contrast I've seen the opposite where 2 or more dps beat on a guarded healer and have no idea why he won't die because he's guarded and chain healing himself. It's like some players think that all they have to do is continue to dps and eventually win. Also, the tank isn't just standing there either, he is going to cc and taunt the dps making it even tougher to kill the healer. Then guess what happens, yep, they realize something is wrong and they turn back on the tank leaving the healer to focus back healing on the tank.


Coordination and brains goes flying out the window.


your talking about 1 healer 1 tank that strategy doesnt fly with 2 tank 2 healers

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Wanted to add that in every warzone, 2 tanks and 2 healers means they have to be in range of each other or else it comes down to 1 tank and 1 healer. Remember, the goal is to capture/defend the objective (except huttball) and if you see 2 tanks/2 healers together, then go to the other objective which makes them useless unless they pursue. It only takes 1 or 2 players to slow them down leaving the bulk of the attacking team to focus on the other objective.


In the reverse, if the 2 tank/2 healer is the attacking force in voidstar, then all you need to worry about is keeping them from capping period.

Edited by Ozzone
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People think its so simple.


"Just go kill the healer".


Its not that simple. When the tanks pull you right off and the healer is guarded he is nearly unkillable.


Nothing wrong with smart play but this is a little more than "smart".

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To suggest that tactics that work against the average player are the measuring stick is ridiculous. In heal spec I can keep a tank alive indefinitely in PvP, especially in a 2 tank, 2 healer group; it's really easy. I frequently go in with tanks as heal and see them through the match topping DPS and kills. That's not without effort, but it's certainly not hard to do.


Right now Smash spec'd tanks coupled with hybrid heal Sorcerers are ruling warzones with little to no effort on their parts. Anyone who thinks this combo or these specs will last is, frankly, delusional.


It's something we have to deal with for the time being, however. The only time we'll no for sure whether they're not WAI will be in the next balance patch, whenever that may be (couple of weeks, I imagine).

Edited by indelible
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Wanted to add that in every warzone, 2 tanks and 2 healers means they have to be in range of each other or else it comes down to 1 tank and 1 healer. Remember, the goal is to capture/defend the objective (except huttball) and if you see 2 tanks/2 healers together, then go to the other objective which makes them useless unless they pursue. It only takes 1 or 2 players to slow them down leaving the bulk of the attacking team to focus on the other objective.


In the reverse, if the 2 tank/2 healer is the attacking force in voidstar, then all you need to worry about is keeping them from capping period.


theres also a combination of 4 other ppl as well wz isnt 4 ppl

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