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ok so iam new and i have a lvl 21 sent in the watchmen tree.. but i dont do great in pvp i love pvp and do it alot trying to get better but sometimes i dont survive very long.. i have read that sents get alot better around lvl 30-40.. just wondering if u guys had any tips or anything like that that could help me out..
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well its true, we do get better 30-40 for sure, but till then your best bet is to try lower yourself as priority on target. IE: dont rush in rambo-style before anyone else, it sets you apart, people see a lone low level sentinel as closest target, you can bet your getting focused by their entire team...


Leap to people trying to hide along the sides, generally this is sorcs and bounty hunters, if they are healers, more the better. It is less obvious, and do not leap in ahead of everyone else, wait for your shadows, vanguards, guardians all to go in before you do, let someone who can take more passive damage than you, go in before you do.


basically take advantage of your oponents stupidity, they will rarely swap targets except 'the one' your hitting and he may be late to do so even :p (or not bother if his target is near death )

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ok im glad to hear that they get better cause i do love playing my sent lots of fun for sure... also thank you for the advice im new to these games i could use help now another question is watchmen a good tree to be in reading the fourms it sounds like it how is it for survial tho im not very far up right now im hopeing it gets better
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All 3 spec's are very good, all have pro's and cons


Watchmans specs main advantage is indeed its survivability, this healing from its DoT's keeps you alive longer than you will last in other two specs, the healing is not huge or fast, but if you play smart and are in and out of combats (such as hitting force camo early in fights if you start to take damage, forcing enemies to re-target, if you start fighting again they often stick with who they just switched to :p) you can have a lot of uptime.

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