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Surge for Marauders


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Hey guys,


So started gearing up for hm operations (finished KP hm), however I'm wondering about surge. I know it's valuable, but right now I'm sitting at (self buffed, might and rakata str adrenal):


100.39% accuracy

26.12% crit

63.70% surge


This is just from standard stats on my columi/rakata gear. What I would like to know is, is it worth replacing some of the accuracy/power enhancements to the crit/surge enhancement you get from doing the Ilum daily Poisonous Strategy? I know I'll be taking a big blow on endurance, but survivability isn't an issue. The only thing that's holding me back and testing this out myself is that I don't want to replace the 24 enhancements with the 22 ones from Ilum (I like big numbers on my gear!)


Is it worth it to switch some of the accuracy/power enhancements to crit/surge from Ilum daily to hit the 75% surge rating, assuming I don't go below 98% accuracy and lose out on a ****-ton of power?



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Can't really help you with the overall question, but I can tell you you're going to see some really heavy diminishing returns after 70% surge. I'm sitting at about 71% right now, and adding 48 more surge rating gets me to roughly 73%, with roughly 96% accuracy, so I really doubt you'll be able to get 75% surge without dipping under 98% acc. My gear is 3 piece BM, 2 champion, will full BM offset pieces minus the belt (champ, I like the power over the crit).


If this is for pve, I'd be looking to boost strength and power, and maybe get crit a little higher, this is assuming you're running annihilate or carnage.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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My crit is at 30% right now, so I've been mainly stacking power & surge. However, consequently, my accuracy has dipped to 96.5/106.5. Which is kinda low...I mainly PVE. But, I haven't noticed many misses, so perhaps I will continue to stack surge until i get to 75% (72% now).
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Yeah, PvE-wise you should focus on Power and maybe Crit. Surge is really only useful for PvP and Rage spec.


Wrong, Surge is THE most important for Carnage spec as well since most of your dps will be coming from Force Scream crits.

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Thanks for the insight, people!


Ok, so I actually managed to scrape together some crit/surge enhancements from my comps columi and some champion gear I had lying around, sitting nicely at 98.01% accuracy, 27.39% crit and 70.98% surge. This is gonna be the best I can make out of my current gear, however already noticing a difference \o/

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Wrong, Surge is THE most important for Carnage spec as well since most of your dps will be coming from Force Scream crits.


And very valuable for Annihilation as well, since a sizable percentage of bleed ticks are forced crits from Berserk.

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