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PvP in this game boils down to...


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That's why i just went 38-0 and won 5-2 my last WZ as a marauder. Whine thread again yay.


With a guild run team, as your sig implies, no doubt. Running around critting people's faces off with a healer attached to your hip isn't really skill. Do that without a healer, while still maintaining effective pressure on objectives and I'll be impressed.

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I played WoW for 4 1/2 years, and this PvP is completely whacked compared to that. There is WAY TOO MUCH CC in this damn game. Resolve is borked and doesn't do diddly squat.


LOL omg did you get the two games mixed up? WOW pvp is crazy with CC's

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Stun, Snare, Snare, Knockback, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Snare, Stun, Stun, Snare, Knockback, Snare, Snare, Snare, Stun, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Snare, Stun, Snare, Knockback, Stun, Stun, Snare, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Knockback, Snare, Stun.


That is all.


You mad bro?

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Stun, Snare, Snare, Knockback, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Snare, Stun, Stun, Snare, Knockback, Snare, Snare, Snare, Stun, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Snare, Stun, Snare, Knockback, Stun, Stun, Snare, Snare, Stun, Knockback, Stun, Knockback, Snare, Stun.


That is all.


you can just roll an alt or dont be played pvp/facepalm stop QQ

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im a healer and i must say that its true, everyone who has free CC spends it on me if they are not tired and want to focus healers.. it's all the time, grab, stun, knockback, interrupt heal etc etc. sometimes it gets tiring because seems like all the time i feel sometimes like maybe i should grab a drink while this CC chain will end.


sometimes resolve pops up but then it's snare and after a few seconds again the same.


i think some classes have just ridiculous amounts of CC's.. yes im talking about sorc/sage, but also a few others.


Bioware knew where they were going when they were giving everyone a stun etc.

but i think they just need to fix resolve, to make it a bit different

Edited by Akyio
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im a healer and i must say that its true, everyone who has free CC spends it on me if they are not tired and want to focus healers.. it's all the time, grab, stun, knockback, interrupt heal etc etc. sometimes it gets tiring because seems like all the time i feel sometimes like maybe i should grab a drink while this CC chain will end.


sometimes resolve pops up but then it's snare and after a few seconds again the same.


i think some classes have just ridiculous amounts of CC's.. yes im talking about sorc/sage, but also a few others.


Bioware knew where they were going when they were giving everyone a stun etc.

but i think they just need to fix resolve, to make it a bit different



It's pretty simple: Bioware wasn't thinking when they implemented CC in this game. They obviously haven't been paying any attention to MMO PVP in the last, say, 10 years. People generally don't like sitting there helpless while their character gets stomped on. Before all the "pros" come in and say "L2resolve" I'll say this: what good does waiting for the "right" time to use your CC breaker do, when you're dead before that time arrives? Or, you're knocked off a catwalk/ramp, and have to run all the way back around to get back in the fight( which most likely will be over by the time you get there)? Maps like Huttball only highlight the horrible implementation of CC in this game.

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