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Snipers imune to all CC! How?


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They're also not interruptable.


It's funny how the 'worst pvp class' has all of the best PvP skills and utilities. They're monsters.


People just don't know how to play.




We annihilate all sorcs. What do sorcs have?


"The best CC!"


-Entrench- lolnope


"The best healing!"


-MM burst-


*Light armor*


And then?


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20 sec Imuity? What a bull...hit:P. Now i got my answer. This is pure OP and favoritism. At list when they are in cover the dmg they put should be lowered considerable.


You think this is OP? Snipers are stuck in one place and we are squishy as hell! If we move even slightly we lose the entrench! Are damage is comparable to any other class! If you think are damage is too high then its obvious to me you’re not playing your class correct! If you had no problem killing us a few weeks ago then you should have no problem killing us now as nothing has changed! We have always had entrench! Just deal with it!

Edited by Covax
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This ability is fine. As a combat specced Sentinel, the mortal enemy of Snipers (roots prevents from entering cover and I have many ways to apply it) I can say that Snipers/Gunslingers need this ability desperately.


Any CC brings them out of cover. Then you root them so they can't go back in. They need some way to defend themselves...

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Ya, i didnt know? So what is the problem? Do u think i should stay and learn all classes abilities? Perhaps u right, perhaps not.

Do u know all my class abilities? Gues not. So let chill.



I know shadow very well. I just find it hard to believe anyone who has 77 ranks worth of valor hadn't figured this one out yet. My comment was more along the lines of the state of and popularity of the sniper/gunslinger classes. Go ahead an be upset though you ol' kill trader you.

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Maybe you don't fight good snipers. Different servers have different players playing different classes. The snipers on my server are bad.


Well, I just understand them better since I have a lvl 42 Gunslinger too.

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