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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nightmare KP Bugs Experienced this Week.

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Hi :)


Now, I don't know how prevelant these bugs are, we have been fortunate enough to previously never have in issue with them in KP from Normal through Nightmare since it came out. So it may just be bad luck with this week or a cause of patch. Not sure.



Animation was off more then usual. (I understand sometimes there is a lag). It was to the point some people were getting swiped halfway across the room, behind him. People were also getting exceptionally hit hard WITHOUT having his smash debuff on them (I'm fully aware of what this debuff does when somebody gets pounded but it wasn't it)


Foreman Crusher:

This was actually my favorite, had some person think it was funny to run in to the Murder Droid pack while most of our DPS was afk, needless to say we had to run back. For some reason, Foreman Crusher respawned. Could hit him for a few secs but then he'd reset over and over. However even with the reset it locked us in combat indefinately. Had to exit area and wait a good portion of time to be able to reset the instance to remove him. (Kept on saying boss fight in progress)


Fabricator G4-B3:

Animation(Crosshairs) for his AOE Bomb he places on somebody was not showing. They'd just blow up.


None of these prevented us from clearing it so it wasn't "game breaking" like a reoccuring Pylon / SOA Bug, it just made things take a bit longer then I would have hoped.


Anybody else suffer from similar issues this week?

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My raid (8 man NM) had that foreman crusher bug before the patch. We had to reset the instance as well. I found that shouting at anyone even thinking about running through a door/round a corner before the tank worked ;)


The targeting animation on fabricator worked for us this week. It was a difficult to see orange colour but definitely there (upstairs at least). Were players stacked on top of each other/too close making it harder to see? We used to have that problem with melee DPS but since we send them up to solve the puzzle now it isn't an issue.


Since the animation is orange it blends in with a lot of the explosions etc going on in that fight. Since we only have ranged DPS + 1 healer downstairs they can always be spread and it isn't an issue.

Edited by Ezion
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We had the Foreman "bug" this week as well. But we've also had it in the past. There wasn't an option to run around him. As soon as you zone into the instance, we were in combat and he killed us on the speeder. We reset the instance and were good to go though, we're kinda used to it I guess :\ Pylons does that to ya.


As for Fabricator... something you might care to take note of: I find it easier to watch debuffs on myself/raid frames than watch for the reticle--the debuff the person with the grenade gets looks kind of like a green music note.


We had a "bug" where on Foreman one of our healers was healing the tank for 10. He didn't have a healing debuff... we have no idea why it happened. It didn't happen on the next pull. I suggested that perhaps he got hit by one of the flying rocks, but they said they didn't. Who knows.

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To add to the list:


On Bonethrasher this week, he randomly reset on us after KB'ing someone. Said person didn't even fly into the acid and die, he just....reset immediately afterward.


No idea what caused it; haven't seen it before; only happened one time.



edit: Anymore, Bonethrasher's butt cleave is just funny to me rather than frustrating. I can't wait to get target-of-target to see if he really does swap targets like an ADD squirrel on cocaine or if it's just a graphics thing.

Edited by Inune
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There aren't any "game breaking" bugs that can't be avoided on Pylons or Soa either, so not sure what you mean. As for Crusher respawning...just run around him. If you don't aggro him he'll "die" again quickly.


More so those are more common and can happen in succession if you had bad rng (Once had two hours of straight SOA attempts from either floor spawning issue or him not losing his shield in phase 3 and just AOE bursting everybody to dead right away....)

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More so those are more common and can happen in succession if you had bad rng (Once had two hours of straight SOA attempts from either floor spawning issue or him not losing his shield in phase 3 and just AOE bursting everybody to dead right away....)


And all of these are mostly avoidable. We haven't had floor missing in over 6 weeks. Not dying during a transition or resetting the zone works for us. The AOE seems to still happen if you kill pylons out of order while jumping down. Shield in phase 3 I think we've seen once or twice in past 2 months. Whatever our tank does works.

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This didn't happen in Nightmare, but I thought it was hilarious.

We cleared KP on HM yesterday. We were wiping about five times on Karagga...


You may(or may not) ask how this happened? Well two or three bugs occured.


1. He spawned a second wave of mouse droids 2-3 seconds after the first wave

2. He fired off his AoE-DoT twice at the same time

3. His Enrage-timer was off. We timed our wipes with KP thanks to our Marauder's Bloodlust and somehow he went enrage after 5 minutes. In our final try where we downed him without a problem he didn't enrage at the 5min-mark and went down seconds later.

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