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PVP Classes will fix alot!


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For many of the newbies complaining about the PVP and obtaining gear, I believe there is a simple fix to this problem. If we separate the PVP battles by what level your character is, this should fix alot of problem that many new players are having with PVP issues. I am new to the MMO thing but what I do know is that it kinda sucks when you are a level 10 going against a level 46 with crazy intimidating gear on. I can only use the abilities I have obtained, and that isnt nearly enough to kick some *****.


If we separate the PVP into classes, new comers will have the opportunity to PVP without feeling like they are getting picked on because of there level (Even though we do it anyway lol).. This will give many players the opportunity to learn how to PVP and actually have a better time with it all together. Acquiring gear should be part of the PVP progression and this way user will have the chance to be the hero of their own class. The PVP system is still I assume a working progress, however matching my level 10 to a 50 doesnt do anything for me. Just makes me a level 10 with more health, which means it only take 8 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds to die lol.


So in short, PVP battles should have classes for levels leading up to 50. For example: 10-20, 20-30, 30-40....etc. No fuss easy to do, the newbs dont cry and universe is right once again.

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For many of the newbies complaining about the PVP and obtaining gear, I believe there is a simple fix to this problem. If we separate the PVP battles by what level your character is, this should fix alot of problem that many new players are having with PVP issues. I am new to the MMO thing but what I do know is that it kinda sucks when you are a level 10 going against a level 46 with crazy intimidating gear on. I can only use the abilities I have obtained, and that isnt nearly enough to kick some *****.


If we separate the PVP into classes, new comers will have the opportunity to PVP without feeling like they are getting picked on because of there level (Even though we do it anyway lol).. This will give many players the opportunity to learn how to PVP and actually have a better time with it all together. Acquiring gear should be part of the PVP progression and this way user will have the chance to be the hero of their own class. The PVP system is still I assume a working progress, however matching my level 10 to a 50 doesnt do anything for me. Just makes me a level 10 with more health, which means it only take 8 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds to die lol.


So in short, PVP battles should have classes for levels leading up to 50. For example: 10-20, 20-30, 30-40....etc. No fuss easy to do, the newbs dont cry and universe is right once again.



i have played all the big mmos, and the thing you are saying could work if they use cross server pvp, but they wont do that. why? you have to ask bio...


to do it in a server is not going to happen to low population, Bioware is proberly going to fix it by giving away free pvp gear as they are going to do to fresh lvl 50 who have the creds

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i have played all the big mmos, and the thing you are saying could work if they use cross server pvp, but they wont do that. why? you have to ask bio...


uhhh... Bio has already said there will be cross server pvp, just won't be ready for 1.2, so to be helpful in your comments, please fact check first.

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I dont have the time look through the 50 million complaints that everyone posts like some people, nor do I have the time. So I thought I would make my own. If people have a problem with it then O'well.


Anyways, I think that cross server thing should have been implemented from the start. Now BW is in danger of loosing alot of customers, its time to make these changes now.

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In my experience of 10-49 PvP, lvl 10's can be effective and useful in any warzone.


Gear is irrelevant in that bracket because all your stats are bolstered up to 49 anyway (not just health). Yes you are lacking skills and talent points but playing a little smarter makes a big difference.


As a lvl 10 merc I regularly topped the damage charts (no tracer at that level and I don't tracer spam anyway as it's not the most efficient way to output DPS) even putting out more than lvl 49s in the same warzones, you just have to play smart.


I actually think the skill / talent gap in the 10-49 bracket is a smaller difference (and more balanced wz) than the gear gap in the 50 bracket, if you are looking at newly geared against well geared.

Edited by Loxion
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I totally agree with you Loxion that is effective. I am level 25 and ive killed 40-50's. I just think its like being thrown in the lions den, even though its effective, and in turn makes you more effective. Its always good to play within your boundaries. Some people like to learn as they go, and even though this is how I learned to play, I am speaking in favor of the ones who like it this way.


Hopefully BW bites the bullet and implements it soon. I know by the time this happens I will be 50, but it might be a good experience to have for making a new character.


Side note: I have been questing as a Jedi and have not run into anyone person playing the Empire (Other than a warzone/arena), does this happen at a certain point in the game?

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I totally agree with you Loxion that is effective. I am level 25 and ive killed 40-50's. I just think its like being thrown in the lions den, even though its effective, and in turn makes you more effective. Its always good to play within your boundaries. Some people like to learn as they go, and even though this is how I learned to play, I am speaking in favor of the ones who like it this way.


Hopefully BW bites the bullet and implements it soon. I know by the time this happens I will be 50, but it might be a good experience to have for making a new character.


Side note: I have been questing as a Jedi and have not run into anyone person playing the Empire (Other than a warzone/arena), does this happen at a certain point in the game?


you don't get anything for killing players in the open world, so no the open world pvp is dead. the only place that was open world pvp was Illium and the sides was like 80 imps aginst 20 rebs, and you only hade like 5-9 fps. so well there isn't any open world pvp in this game

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Thanks, I was just wondering. I love Star Wars but I cant shake the WOW feeling off just quite yet.


hehe me too, this game could be great but there is alot of stuff they need to work on, I'm for one pretty happy that ppl are complaining i see it that ppl really want to make this game great, the ppl that loves the game as it is are just starwars fanboys. we as customers can tell the devs to improve the game!! so we can have a great game in a near future. but i get the feeling the devs/bioware don't really care

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For many of the newbies complaining about the PVP and obtaining gear, I believe there is a simple fix to this problem. If we separate the PVP battles by what level your character is, this should fix alot of problem that many new players are having with PVP issues. I am new to the MMO thing but what I do know is that it kinda sucks when you are a level 10 going against a level 46 with crazy intimidating gear on. I can only use the abilities I have obtained, and that isnt nearly enough to kick some *****.


If we separate the PVP into classes, new comers will have the opportunity to PVP without feeling like they are getting picked on because of there level (Even though we do it anyway lol).. This will give many players the opportunity to learn how to PVP and actually have a better time with it all together. Acquiring gear should be part of the PVP progression and this way user will have the chance to be the hero of their own class. The PVP system is still I assume a working progress, however matching my level 10 to a 50 doesnt do anything for me. Just makes me a level 10 with more health, which means it only take 8 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds to die lol.


So in short, PVP battles should have classes for levels leading up to 50. For example: 10-20, 20-30, 30-40....etc. No fuss easy to do, the newbs dont cry and universe is right once again.


The problem is that the information on how to play is already here, in the forums, stickied no less. People just don't USE the information. This will not change if you separate the players into level brackets. On the contrary, if they never see the higher level and more experienced players at work, they will be that much slower in picking up how it's done.


Everyone gets bolstered to the same level in warzones. The only real difference is the available abilities. And that is not really THAT much of a handicap. I scored my first Huttball point at level 11 on my marauder, and I've ripped level 40+ players apart on that same underskilled guy.

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I totally agree with you Loxion that is effective. I am level 25 and ive killed 40-50's. I just think its like being thrown in the lions den, even though its effective, and in turn makes you more effective. Its always good to play within your boundaries. Some people like to learn as they go, and even though this is how I learned to play, I am speaking in favor of the ones who like it this way.


Hopefully BW bites the bullet and implements it soon. I know by the time this happens I will be 50, but it might be a good experience to have for making a new character.


Side note: I have been questing as a Jedi and have not run into anyone person playing the Empire (Other than a warzone/arena), does this happen at a certain point in the game?


Doubt it. Unless you play on a PvP server don't ever expect to run into a opposing side. Have a better chance of winning a scratch game before it could happen.

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