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Huttball is terrible.


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= no medals

= ****** rewards

= very boring gameplay

= a slap in the face "answer" for a class that serves no function in any serious premade WZ group for huttball (or any WZ really).


I'm assuming the OP is an OP. They're pointless in organized play because any other class can serve their function infinately better. Stealth ganker? Sin, now with more utility (of course anything is more compared to zero)

Healer? Sorc/merc. With utility

That's it.


I will take a well played OP any day over any of those other "best for huttball" classes played by some of the min/max idiots that post in here, min/maxer's have a certain "comfort zone" you take them out of that zone and they flop around like a fish out of water, a well played OP will know how to adapt his gameplay to meet any situation, he is used to making his skill set work for anything, so when a team plays unconventionally he will be able to adapt and handle it better than those who allways pick the "best" class for the zone.

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As a DPS Scoundrel, asking one to sit in the end zone and wait for a pass is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


The primary reason for this is Bioware's implementation of the medal system. In 1.2 they are moving even further toward using medals earned in Warzones as the determing factor in all the rewards you receive from PvP. More medals = more Valor, more commendations etc etc. even to the point that medals are almost more important than winning the actual match.


Sitting in the end zone in stealth waiting for a pass that may or may not come gets you absolutely zero rewards. Even scoring the ball gets you zip.


Now if doing this got me every medal I needed to get full rewards I'd sit there all day, but that's not the case.


Ops/Scoundrels bring exactly ZERO to a huttball match that another class can't provide while ALSO bringing more utility in the form of knockbacks, pulls, speed, etc.

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Seriously. I can't force throw or force push or force run. I hate this wz. I attempt to leave whenever I see that I'm stuck with it. It's totally based around two or three classes, and not all the classes. It's like someone built an entire warzone around the skilset of three classes, putting all other classes at a huge disadvantage.


suggestions: I hate huttball. That is all.


L2P seriously.. why u guys have to be failure like that? if u stay in RIGHT position u never burn or die in acid.. maby few times u will but still its about your position.. Dont blame the game when u fail that hard..

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Stealth to the enemy side of map, and have the ball thrown to you, score or pass to another = win


Don't think about it too hard though.....




And when you've won the game for your team, start killing people for medals.


A stealther in the enemy goal line and another player with traveling skills (charge, intercede, force speed, etc) is about as deadly a combination you can get in huttball.

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At least I'm not in denial or alone. Many people dislike huttball. It's by far the least popular wz for the very reasons I have listed. My theory is that you guys must be one of those classes.


I have a Op in 50

s huttball and I die like once per match. I love huttball. It just sounds like you suck and can't play your class. I'd suggest rerolling.

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Scoundrels/Ops rock in Huttball, your role as a stealth burst dps is to hold mid, dps enemy carriers and grab neutral balls and pass them. My ideal Huttball team has an Op at mid. If you are an Assassin you are arguably the best ball carrier in the game. A sin/shad functions as a carrier (force shroud + disjunction=score), passee (stealth to the ez and catch the ball) or mid-tank using pulls (stay alive, grab neutral balls and pull enemy carriers. Ops and Sins are some of the most powerful and useful classes in Huttball, maybe a simple change in tactics is in order. Hope this helps.
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When asked that question at the Guild Summit BioWare answered the same way cause they have the metrics to show it, they know, Huttball is the most hated WZ.


1) Proof please or it didn't happen.

2) Proof based off of the forum posts is not proof. We know the majority of the failures come to complain on the forums. Couning the number of people who have ever posted on the PvP forums to the 1.7 million subscribers doesn't really work. If you want to work the standard deviation + sample angle then go away because your sample is pretty bias.

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Huttball is the best warzone Swtor has. The only people who don't like and/or appreciate are bad's. the good news is if you really want to PVP you can learn. Every class has a job in huttball. Don't try to do what isn't your job. Spend time reading tips and posts. Ask people who play after a game for help/advice. Choose someone you think is the best player and when you zone out send them a tell ask for advice. Maybe that person will play with you and show you how to maximize yourself.


Voidstar is one door and it's over. I find the Civil War map boring. I think anyone who likes PVP in SWTOR and would like to play competitively if you asked them would tell you Huttball may be the only WZ they like.


It's the only WZ where it can go back and forth if both teams are equal.

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Huttball is the worst PvP map in the history of MMO's. It is nothing but a gimmick game that becomes old after the first 10 times you have played it.

What makes it worse is that you have to play it endlessly, the concept of a faction v faction map is a good one, unfortunantly this pos map is not.

End of story.

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Huttball is easily the best PvP in the game right now.


If I had any problem with it's that the map is aesthetically ugly. It looks like a crazed industrial park designed by way of Las Vegas.


But the gameplay itself is fantastic & probably the most fun I've had with group content in this game.

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