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Sentinel in need of assistance!


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Hi, Parius, level 27 Jedi Sentinel here. I have been stuck on Lord Praven for days on end, and i'm practically broke from all the fortitude stims i've bought. Gave Kira my old Blade Master saber, used medpacks, everything i've tried fails. Any advice? Note: Will disregard any posts along the lines of "you noob" or any trolling and flaming messages. Thanks!
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Why are you using Fort stims and not Might stims? And did you remember to change out the strength parts on your old saber for willpower ones when you gave it to Kira? If not, you're essentially gimping her DPS. Also, try and use your Heroic Moment when Kira's close to dead after having her aggro first; she'll die, but you'll keep the HoT and have Saber Ward ready afterwards.
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well il preface by saying some of the things il list may seem obvious, they are not intended to be insulting, we humans honestly forget some silly things at times :)


1: Make sure gear is fairly uptodate on yourself and companion and that your going for the right statistics (STR for you, WILL for Kira)

2: Make sure you keep medpacks for emergencies and use when appropriate

3: Make sure your skills are all uptodate from trainer. (important ones anyway)

4: Make sure you use defensive cooldowns early, can always heroic moment + saber ward again later.

5: can send in Kira first to let her take a couple of hits prior to leaping in yourself.

6: Make sure all your important skills are actually on the hotbar (ie if you dont activate sidebars and your hotbars are full, some may have been forgotten)

7: .... if all above is done it could be talent tree issues, but all 3 specs are perfectly viable if played correctly for all PvE content...


edit: 8: if all above is done it is a player issue, this means you are doing something wrong, not synergising skills correctly... hard to say.

Edited by Ainianu
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Why are you using Fort stims and not Might stims? And did you remember to change out the strength parts on your old saber for willpower ones when you gave it to Kira? If not, you're essentially gimping her DPS. Also, try and use your Heroic Moment when Kira's close to dead after having her aggro first; she'll die, but you'll keep the HoT and have Saber Ward ready afterwards.


I thought I needed survivability. I'll try to change the parts out though I practically broke, and i'll replace force kick with heroic moment if it helps, or should I replace Blade Storm?

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I thought I needed survivability. I'll try to change the parts out though I practically broke, and i'll replace force kick with heroic moment if it helps, or should I replace Blade Storm?


Honestly, you'll probably want all three on your bars, anyway; you can activate up to four bars at once via the Preferences menu. I have Blade Storm and Force Kick hotkeyed, and Heroic Moment in a conveniently clickable slot on my right bar.

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For any elite, as a Sentinel, my advice is to do certain things.


First, make sure your get your burns going on him. Overload Saber to start with and then pound him with cauterize and 2 big attacks to get 4 total burn DOTs going (3 from OS plus one from cauterize). Then every time those refresh, reapply them.


DO NOT spend focus like a fiend doing something useless like slash/slash/slash. You don't want to hoard your focus, but focus is better spent on abilities that do more than straight burst damage... like OS and Cauterize for the DOT effect, or Force Kick to interrupt.


Carefully rotate through your three interrupt abilities -- Force Leap, Stasis, and Force Kick. You want one of these to be "available" at all times. Don't use Force Leap spuriously after you open the combat with it. (You don't even have to open combat with it, though I almost always do.) Wait until he starts channeling something, and then use one of those interrupts... Kick if it's up, if not, one of the others. The most important thing to remember vs. a tough elite is "Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt." I cannot stress this enough. Sentinels have excellent methods of preventing incoming damage, and if you can keep interrupting the enemy's "specials" he is left with only his weakest attacks to come after you.


Make sure you pop Zen at the right time, so you can get heals off your burn damage.


I do not agree with the philosophy of having Kira take hits for you and die. Kira's best role is doing damage. When you are using Kira, as far as I am concerned, YOU are the tank. You want to take and hold aggro if possible and keep the elite focused on you. You can heal yourself with heal pack or heroic moment or zen. Kira is much harder to heal but should do about as much damage as you do. If you "let her die" as suggested, you are effectively cutting your DPS in half. This is a boneheaded tactic IMO. Keep her alive... you will do double damage with her alive. If you want an NPC to tank for you, take T7, not Kira. You can let him die if you want, since he's not great with damage output. But Kira is for damage. Don't waste her as a tank.


To sum up: Burn, burn, burn. Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. And, if you're using Kira, protect her, don't waste her.

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lvl up more Praven is teh one on tatooine right? i was lvl 31 when i faced him and had no trouble, learn how to play watchman better, a lot of the guys here helped me get a lot better w/ my watchman build. its learning your rotations i do the same in PvP as i do in PvE cept instead of the leg slash i hit blade storm
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For any elite, as a Sentinel, my advice is to do certain things.


First, make sure your get your burns going on him. Overload Saber to start with and then pound him with cauterize and 2 big attacks to get 4 total burn DOTs going (3 from OS plus one from cauterize). Then every time those refresh, reapply them.


DO NOT spend focus like a fiend doing something useless like slash/slash/slash. You don't want to hoard your focus, but focus is better spent on abilities that do more than straight burst damage... like OS and Cauterize for the DOT effect, or Force Kick to interrupt.


Carefully rotate through your three interrupt abilities -- Force Leap, Stasis, and Force Kick. You want one of these to be "available" at all times. Don't use Force Leap spuriously after you open the combat with it. (You don't even have to open combat with it, though I almost always do.) Wait until he starts channeling something, and then use one of those interrupts... Kick if it's up, if not, one of the others. The most important thing to remember vs. a tough elite is "Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt." I cannot stress this enough. Sentinels have excellent methods of preventing incoming damage, and if you can keep interrupting the enemy's "specials" he is left with only his weakest attacks to come after you.


Make sure you pop Zen at the right time, so you can get heals off your burn damage.


I do not agree with the philosophy of having Kira take hits for you and die. Kira's best role is doing damage. When you are using Kira, as far as I am concerned, YOU are the tank. You want to take and hold aggro if possible and keep the elite focused on you. You can heal yourself with heal pack or heroic moment or zen. Kira is much harder to heal but should do about as much damage as you do. If you "let her die" as suggested, you are effectively cutting your DPS in half. This is a boneheaded tactic IMO. Keep her alive... you will do double damage with her alive. If you want an NPC to tank for you, take T7, not Kira. You can let him die if you want, since he's not great with damage output. But Kira is for damage. Don't waste her as a tank.


To sum up: Burn, burn, burn. Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. And, if you're using Kira, protect her, don't waste her.


Thanks. I didn't remember to use stasis, only carried kick. Also, I thought you could only use Leap from a good distance away? Ty for everything. My new tactic for opening combat is Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, Master Strike, Cauterize, then Strikes and Slashes, then repeat, sans Leap, using Kick when needed (Stasis too, I guess.) Does that sound ok?

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Thanks. I didn't remember to use stasis, only carried kick. Also, I thought you could only use Leap from a good distance away? Ty for everything. My new tactic for opening combat is Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, Master Strike, Cauterize, then Strikes and Slashes, then repeat, sans Leap, using Kick when needed (Stasis too, I guess.) Does that sound ok?

I would personally go with Force Leap, then hit Overload Saber while in the air, then Zealous Strike, Cauterize and then wtv else you want. I think this is the opening sequence most people use, but I may be wrong.

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Thanks. I didn't remember to use stasis, only carried kick. Also, I thought you could only use Leap from a good distance away? Ty for everything. My new tactic for opening combat is Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Overload Saber, Master Strike, Cauterize, then Strikes and Slashes, then repeat, sans Leap, using Kick when needed (Stasis too, I guess.) Does that sound ok?



Personally I would do Leap, OS, Zealous, Cauterize, MS... but the order is probably not that important.


For Force Leap... I forgot that you probably don't have the talent yet that lets you leap at 0 range. I'm so used to it now I didn't think about that. If you don't have that then you have to be MUCH more careful with your interrupts, since you only have 2 of them and you can't always keep one "up." So you're going to have to watch what he is doing and only interrupt the really bad incoming attacks, which IMO is a huge pain in the neck. I much prefer just being able to interrupt everything... but you might not be able to at your level.


I don't really remember the Praven fight in any detail... is there something in particular he keeps doing to you that is causing you to have problems, like constantly KBs, AOE attacks, etc?

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