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24/17/0 Fulltime healer spec discussion


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I've been trying out a 24/17/0 healing spec for pure pvp. Despite the number distribution I wouldn't call it a hybrid, it's a pure healing spec that sacrifices emergency scan for utility and knockbacks.


There are a few filler talents that can be moved around slightly (reactive armor, cure mind, custom enviro suit etc) but the core is pretty set in stone. Up to kolto shell in Bodyguard and up to jet escape in Arsenal.




Anyone else tried something like this? After using it I just can't go back to full bodyguard, 30 sec cd on jetboost and nothing else...awful. Compare that to 15 sec cd on jetboost, bigger knockback from it, less cd on cc break, extra knockback on rocketpunch. It's a no brainer to me, but I don't know of anyone else who uses it.



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I often switch between the hybrid and full heal, and I find it quite easier to heal with the full heal. Bacta infusion doesn't seem much at first sight, but it really add burst healing and put some "breath" in the rotation, helping ammo (heat) managment.


I use the hybrid spec more with a hybrid gameplay (maybe 40% dps 60% heal), or when I go solo and I decide for one nigth to play it more "selfish". I put the point in grav round of course. One great advantage of this build, even if you play it as a (nearly) full healer is the damage reduction talents, which I see you haven't taken, both in bodyguard and arsenal. You can add 14% damage reduction, which stack additively witth the other reduction stuff, and you can easiliy reach 46% or 56% with supercharged gaz buff, or 81% with everything... You don't need to spam grav round (powershot), just refresh the buff from time to time. Thats what makes the hybrid build (with still good heals, good DPS, added knockbacks) amazing in solo gameplay, bordeline OP to me.


But again, in a group setting if I focuse only on heal, if I know I will be guarded etc... I prefer the full heal.



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I did originally take the other talents from the dps tree as I originally planned to heal and dps in equal measure, but I just found myself healing more and more often and decided to adapt it to full heals. I could take the power barrier talent but I just don't use power shot enough to benefit from it, despite it being a good talent.


I realise this build is probably slightly inferior from a raw healing output point of view, but it's brilliant for huttball in particular, I'm an excellent ballcarrier support as I can heal the carrier and knock people off the walkways all day.

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I run with and am working towards a similar build, a 24/17/0.

I'm only level 37 at the moment on my merc, but this is the build I'm working towards and I use it for leveling and pvp.



The knockback from rocket punch I couldn't live without in pvp, specially since pre 50 you get huttball 90% of the time. When they introduce the dual spec, or when I hit 50 I'll probably go pure Bodyguard, as I want to primarily heal. For now tho this works great for me. Might look into removing Integrated Systems and putting 2 into Powered Insulators or Jet Escape.


Originally I went pure healer spec, but I found leveling and pvp to be horrible as I couldn't put out enough damage or defend myself very well. So adding tracker missile and the extended knockback for jet boost and knockback for rocket punch really helps. Specially in Huttball.

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I know what you mean with rocket punch, it's so awesome when you're on a platform and there's a lone warrior or something left beating on you who thinks he's safe cus you already used jetboost, and you punt him off with a punch. :D


Personally I don't take tracer cus I'm 95% healing with this spec, and when I do need to throw a bit of dps it's with power shots/unload. Can see that you would want tracer for leveling/pve though definitely.

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i've been running something like this on and off for a while now and love it. i play more of a 60% heals 40% dps playstyle and spam the sh*t out of power shot so i love the power barrier talent. i also can't live without the knockback talents.


my mentality with this build was partially to maximize the alacrity talents for both heals and dps. i often combine supercharged gas with my alacrity trinket for heat free, 1 second power shot spam.




i feel that this build has the best possible talent synergy of any hybrid healer build for my playstyle.

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I use rocket punch for dps whenever I can, so I'm hesitant about trying out the knockback talent because I don't want to randomly grant resolve points.


Is it truly worthwhile?


I would definitely take both Power Barrier and Powered Insulators, they almost seem like the point of a build like this.


I would also take tracer missile, for the armor reduction and interrupt backup.

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i've been running something like this on and off for a while now and love it. i play more of a 60% heals 40% dps playstyle and spam the sh*t out of power shot so i love the power barrier talent. i also can't live without the knockback talents.


my mentality with this build was partially to maximize the alacrity talents for both heals and dps. i often combine supercharged gas with my alacrity trinket for heat free, 1 second power shot spam.




i feel that this build has the best possible talent synergy of any hybrid healer build for my playstyle.


Hey, why don't you free one point to take Kolto Shell since you are already >22 points in bodyguard. Free, launch and forget, can proc several ticks at once (bug?)...

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I use rocket punch for dps whenever I can, so I'm hesitant about trying out the knockback talent because I don't want to randomly grant resolve points.


Is it truly worthwhile?


I would definitely take both Power Barrier and Powered Insulators, they almost seem like the point of a build like this.


I would also take tracer missile, for the armor reduction and interrupt backup.


I stated in the OP that this is a full time healer build, it's not a dps hybrid at all. I did originally take the power barrier talent but I just don't use power shots enough to make it worth the 2 talent points.


As for rocket punch, I'd say that it's definitely worth taking it for the added utility (I use it as an interrupt when a jedi/sith uses ravage/master strike, stuff like that), just don't randomly rocket punch the ball carrier :p


And to the one above, I'd echo that and say hell yeah take kolto shell, it's an excellent extra layer of security, it costs nothing to keep it refreshed on yourself and basically makes you immune to DoTs and softens the blow of incoming Dps, I love it.

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Hey, why don't you free one point to take Kolto Shell since you are already >22 points in bodyguard. Free, launch and forget, can proc several ticks at once (bug?)...


ya i was considering kolto shell, i've just never found it to be that effective. for the one point im sure its a worthwhile talent, im just have trouble finding the necessary talent point so i can grab it. suggestions?


also regarding my spec i should have mentioned that i use 2 pc eliminator and 2 pc combat medic which further enhance the knockback and energy shield talents i have selected.


as for rocket punch, its a no brainer talent in my opinion, having all the increased knockback talents add a whole new aspect to BH gameplay with JB and RP on small cds with talents+set bonuses. it more than makes up for not having a 31 pt heal spec. i personally think its better to have the utility than the heals.


i cant count the number of times i've aided in either scoring or prevented a score in huttball or even just saved myself/teammates by clearing a walkway/area.

Edited by jorgehyde
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