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Toon Effectiveness Check


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Hey everyone,


So, just to give a quick run down for the meaning of this post, I'm a lvl 47 right now and am trying to get an idea as to how my toon is geared, in terms of effectiveness. My goal (just like everyone else) is to have a mean killing machine, with the best stats I can get and the best gear I can afford. As I sit now, because training cost so much, I have not been able to obtain enough credits to purchase much gear. All of the gear I have is from quest rewards/loot.


These are the current stats for my lvl 47 Marauder..Are they good, bad, decent? What should I change?


Base Stats:


Strength: 907

Presence: 227

Aim: 56

Cunning: 56

Endurance: 811

Willpower: 105


Melee Stats:

Primary Damage: 369-462

Secondary Damage: 108-162

Bonus Damage: 182.8

Accuracy: 99.2%

Crit Chance: 23.77%

Crit Multiplier: 57.07%


Defense Stats:

Armor: 2624

Damage Reduction: 20.46%

Defense Chance: 5%


Force Stats:


Bonus Damage: 365.2

Bonus Heal: 120.4

Accuracy: 109.2

Crit Chance: 30.67%

Crit Mulitplier: 57.07%


PVP Stats:

0 all the way down

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