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Which is first? Interrupt or dots?


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In pvp, when I start a fight, whats the first thing I should do? I'm not sure whether I should be force kicking/interrupting or starting my dots immediately after I forceleap in. I am constantly using the kick whenever its not on cooldown, but I have no understanding as to if there is timing involved ie is there a specific instance when i should press kick?




1) should I start the fight with dots, or interrupts?

2) are there any factors/timing involved with planning your interrupts?


Yes I am a self admitted n00b; SWTOR is my first MMORPG, I've always refused to play WoW... But I am a huge fan of Star Wars and bioware games.


Any advice would be much appreciated :-)

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I have little knowledge on the Sentinel, but as a general rule of thumb you want to get your dots going as soon as feasibly possible so that their usefulness is maximized during the duration of the fight.


As for interrupts, it's all about timing. Just spamming it won't help you much because you basically waste the ability. You want to save interrupts for when a player is trying to cast a heal, or is spamming a frequently used ability (so you throw off their rotation, ie, use interrupt on a Commando that is casting Grav round consistently to mess up his core rotation).

Edited by GamewizX
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I have no understanding as to if there is timing involved ie is there a specific instance when i should press kick?


1. Generally speaking, you want to interrupt "EVERYTHING" enemies are casting.


2. If you can, always interrupt the target late into the cast. But don't cut it too close just in case.


3. Against specific classes, some stuff isn't worth interrupting over other things (against a Bounty Hunter, it's much more important to interrupt Tracer Missile than it is to interrupt Unload/Full Auto).

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1. Generally speaking, you want to interrupt "EVERYTHING" enemies are casting.


2. If you can, always interrupt the target late into the cast. But don't cut it too close just in case.


3. Against specific classes, some stuff isn't worth interrupting over other things (against a Bounty Hunter, it's much more important to interrupt Tracer Missile than it is to interrupt Unload/Full Auto).


pretty much this, and a lot of times you will see them panic when you do force kick their main ability. Can't tell you how many times I have force kicked a merc while they were spamming tracer missile then they just start running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

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