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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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If you want to play the game, roll an alt on another server until yours clears up.

Also anybody who knows anything about mmo releases, know that there will be long Queue lines, they will fix the servers, and everything will be good.

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A lot of people is saying to reroll on another server. Why?


Even if i had no friends on the server i don't have to reroll because its crowded, or decide to go to another because it got queues. If i wanted that server, and it have queues then they should put more resources into that server.

I understand they want to cap population so there's people on all servers, but in the end, there's no people around; as i said there were 28 in nar shadda 3 hours ago and there was 2k queue; Nar shadda is a lvl 18+ and 28+ zone. Whats up? we cant even do a 4 people heroic cos there are 28 persons and theres a queue? thats not normal at ALL.

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I too am complaining about the long queue. No, I shouldn't be forced to waste my time and efforts in order to switch to another, less crowded server. The server I joined wasn't full during peak hours when I started playing. Now I have to wait 30 minutes (which actually took about an hour).


So there are new servers being added every day. And? How does that help those who are "stuck" on crowded servers?


Please don't answer, "join a less crowded server." Anyone who thinks that's the solution completely misses the point.

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What they need to do is temporarily create higher server populations. This shouldn't be a problem because they can create more phases for each server. In fact Guild Wars works only with one big server with a lot of phases for each outpost and if more people log in the more phases are created, so it is technically possible. Bying some extra server capacity for one or two months shouldn't be a problem for BW, it will cost them some money but if a lot of people leave the game because of long queues it will cost them even more.
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If you want to play the game, roll an alt on another server until yours clears up.

Also anybody who knows anything about mmo releases, know that there will be long Queue lines, they will fix the servers, and everything will be good.


With the amount of beta testing, including the stress testing, they should have been already prepared for this. Even though we are still in early release time, I paid for the early access, I should get a proper service. Let's hope this is fixed soon, otherwise they'll lose a lot of subs.


I've been involved in quite a few mmo releases and none have been this bad, especially considering this only early release.

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I was 1078th in queue last time I checked(The Red Eclipse European server) ETA 90 plus mins,I feel sorry for those that have limited time to play ie family/work etc queuing for this long is unacceptable IMHO...

20th Dec it will only get worst as more players will try and log in.


They should allow for peak times,you can't expect players to play at 2am when they have family or have to go bed for work etc....

Edited by Stel
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We want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers we want answers
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With the amount of beta testing, including the stress testing, they should have been already prepared for this. Even though we are still in early release time, I paid for the early access, I should get a proper service. Let's hope this is fixed soon, otherwise they'll lose a lot of subs.


I've been involved in quite a few mmo releases and none have been this bad, especially considering this only early release.


None of the MMO releases you've been involved in had anywhere near as many subscribers as SWTOR.

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Would we be able to get an official reply to this from Bioware please as to what they are going to do about this long wait times. I too am not prepared to wait when I want to play. My internet connection dropped out and I got booted, tried to reconnect and its 35 minutes +. I know others have a longer wait time, I'm not arguing that I am asking BW to let us know what they intend on doing about this please?

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None of the MMO releases you've been involved in had anywhere near as many subscribers as SWTOR.


It's clear you haven't got to play beyond lvl 12, its a desert. 100 chars on each starting planet thats around 800 + 400 for station+capital + 50 as an average per planet up to lvl 20 thats 1400 at most. If servers can't hold 1.4k people let's pack up.

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I was waiting almost 1:30 Hours in the que on Lettow when I had the message

"Lost connection to the server" for no reason


Now I can wait another 2 Hours to login.

That is unacceptable comeone what is going to happen after 20.12

3-4 Hours ques or only playing after 4am?????

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None of the MMO releases you've been involved in had anywhere near as many subscribers as SWTOR.


Ah really and you know this how? I'm guessing you have no idea what you're talking about? Do you even know the current number of SWTOR subscribers? No didn't think so... so please, stop making assumptions...

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Ah really and you know this how? I'm guessing you have no idea what you're talking about? Do you even know the current number of SWTOR subscribers? No didn't think so... so please, stop making assumptions...


And neither do you so hush.

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I hope they are going to do something about this. The test strested the servers and even then they was all full.


So they knew what was going to happen, and they had time to sort it out.


So far ive logged in twice at night time both took around 20-30 mins. Just hope they can get bigger servers before the 20th otherwise the game will become unplayable for abit.

Edited by cantmilkthis
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Totally Raging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

575 in queue ( 1 hour +0- )


1) i have to Think to this everytime i want to play?

2) who pay for me the electricity bill?


R A G I N G like a D R O I D!!!!!


Jokes apart, do something Bioware, cause i just lost connection for 1 second... and i need to wait 1 DAMN HOUR.

i didn't pay to see the server list.



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And neither do you so hush.


I know exactly what I'm talking about. SWTOR currently have no where near the subscribers WoW, LOTRO and Conan had on their release dates. If you don't believe me, it's simple maths to work it out, check back a few posts to see it, I'm assuming you'll need to.

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These queues are really bad and defiantly needs some fixing !!


IN beta had to queue once and got in like 10 mins now im quieing all the time and taking over an hour and half !!!


This is not a successfull launch imo if this is the way the servers are even at early access they have lot on thier hands to get this issue fixed I guess they wernt ready for the world to be let live into the game :(

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I'm 1035 in a queue for The Red Eclipse. Estimated waiting time is 80 mins.


I hope Bioware will give us a chance to move our toons to a less populated server.


And no I can't reroll - I just don't have the time.

Edited by Llostris
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