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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The original queue was < 1 hour. It ended up in four hours and I am still queued 80... The worse is after waiting the whole day toplay it is likely by the time I get into the game I need to go out home :(


BW should split the server...

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I have been logging since 17.00, now it's 20.00 and I am still not in, got a connection error during the login and here we go, back at the end of the queue...

so much for enjoying the early access


same here, trying to play sicen 16:00, got an arror while in queue.... 20:04 and still 700 more possitions to go...

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Seems they let people create new chars on servers that are stated as "FULL"? How does that work?


Seems that its current people on server instead or active characters.

So this afternoon with the influx of new people they all picked the same server and they are all playing while the ones that made characters before get shafted.

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They are adding more resources over the next week or so to allow more users on the servers. Have patients. It does suck but you're logging in at peak hours which doesn't help. And remember, this is early access, not launch. People screamed loud and they allowed more than they were planning to stagger in. That's the double edge sword of complaining. Ask and you shall receive.


Really now ? , my guild was deployed on Tomb of freedom nadd along with other guildies we have as allies and adversaries from the old SWG from europe-chimera server, currently ive been in a queue for 3½ HOURS to play on the server we were ASSIGNED, but now because some *******es from the spaniard community made this their official hardcore pvp server, then it seems like all the *******es of the world decided to join this server.


now, the people who were DEPLOYED on this server, we should have 0 queue, straight onto the front of the line and log straight in, people who chose to reroll to the server we got deployed on, should be the ones in a queue, hell people can still create characters on this server.


At the moment BW is a joke, they should have put a stop to character creation on full servers from day 1, so only people who actually had the flag next to the server could create one there, atleast until were into the new year.


I cannot for a *********** moment accept i have to wait almost 4 hours in a queue, i started at 1669 at 16:42 GMT +1 , now its 20:06 and i'm 199 in queue.


And probally have to wait atleast another 30 minutes before getting in, see the funny thing when i logged in, it said something with 2 hours and 10 minutes in queue, outright *********** lie.

Edited by Ikox
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After 1 hour and 45 minutes in queue I finally was ready for play. Nothing happend...and nothing happend in the loading screen until I got error 9000. *** IS WRONG WITH YOU ! AND NOW IM IN QUEUE 1500 !!!!!!! :mad:








*** IS ERROR 9000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!? :mad:

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After 1 hour and 45 minutes in queue I finally was ready for play. Nothing happend...and nothing happend in the loading screen until I got error 9000. *** IS WRONG WITH YOU ! AND NOW IM IN QUEUE 1500 !!!!!!! :mad:








*** IS ERROR 9000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!? :mad:


9000 -connection to server has been lost or something like it. BW will blame ISP :) actually this is something to do with queues and freezes on server list screen

Edited by Haarb
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the problem i have is that my character is stuck on a server that is full, it was only spasly populated when i set up my character, and now when i want to carry on i cant, i dont want to set up a new character till i get this one a bit higher and get through the story a bit, it would be better if all PvE characters spaned all the PvE servers and PvP the same, instance based would be better but that would probably take a lot for them to change over to
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people cried about the staggered launch system so now they let almost everyone in. now the servers are clogged and you still cry ... people are just never satisfied


Next time be careful what you wish for because you just may get it


bla bla bla bla


are you payed from BW to tell this ********?

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Thank you for this staggered access, the wait sucks but now i can login and play without queues, which what you were aiming to do with this staggered launch.


WHAT? I'm waiting 1h and 20m on Legions of Lettow ? (i have no chance to choose another, my friends were all deployed there and are now high level and wont reroll).


As we were saying in the beggining of this launch, the people that entered the first day wouldn't stop playing so servers would have the same load right now that they would have if you let everyone in on first day.


And more, if you have let everyone in on the first day we could all start at the same time in a low pop server, because there would be more servers at the beggining, if you send invites to people and there are only 2 servers up, its sure that those first guys will have friends that have to go to those 2 servers now, and those friends will have friends.. and so on so on you get the idea.


This staggered launch was proven to be horrible. And if a lot of people buy the game at launch (which i dont really believe they will) it will be even worse then.

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Really not acceptable, I got my early access day 1 and have gotten to level 15 and can't log in to my server without an hours queue 980th in the queue when I started!


This kinda says, if you wanna play, play while you're at work or when you're supposed to be sleeping. I know it's not official release yet, but really... this does not fill me with hope for the christmas eve to boxing day period. Am I gonna have to wake up and log into a queue so I can get on a few hours later?!

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