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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I don't really blame the children for ************. I mean I'm bored as hell waiting in the queues as well so I can understand they need to believe that others that are dealing with the same issue care about there trouble in entering. Pass your queue time how you will I suppose...
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Just remember that it's not like they just have to plug more servers and go away, putting servers online and increasing them without shutting them down is like changing a bulb with the light still on :D


In server-land, the way you do this is to have more than one lightbulb behind a single lens, so you can change them out without interrupting the light coming out of the lens. Perhaps the light dims or flickers a bit for the duration of the change, which is why you do it when as few people as possible are expected to be around. But you can mitigate quite a lot of downtime with proper redundant systems design.


Heck, I ain't even asking for things to run in fault-tolerant mode with lockstep and constant reliability polling/voting! Just design a bloody backend that can cleanly and safely handle the occasional config change with a SIGHUP like everyone in the unix world has been able to do for like 30+ years..

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Lets get an official in here to tell us the ideas they are working on please. Id like information on your thought process. Some of us may even have input for you that could help expedite things a bit. Or if this a grand scheme maybe you should tell us if you have the max player limit down on purpose or something before launch to promote server balancing.
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Hey, you have to crack some eggs to make an omlette.


Yup, but it still takes time to do so without adding the shell to the recipe. It won't last, I'm pretty sure that by the 20th it'll be all okay, just ready to start queuing again for a time as new players will come in - and it'll rant again, of course, and after another quite short time, it'll be all good and noone'll ever think of that :)

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The game is GREAT....obviously...


The customer service is herp de derp....


Without sounding like a broken record, the game hasn't even launched yet. Huge wait times... it sucks, I know. But they still have 4 days to have everything fixed for a stellar launch. We're essentially the last beta test.

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Lets get an official in here to tell us the ideas they are working on please. Id like information on your thought process. Some of us may even have input for you that could help expedite things a bit. Or if this a grand scheme maybe you should tell us if you have the max player limit down on purpose or something before launch to promote server balancing.


This thread grows a page every 30 sec. Good luck seeing a developer post.

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I blame the aussies


Same here. Whatever brain child came up with the idea of publicly announcing and setting some "unofficial Oceanic server"... What difference does it make if you play with people in your country, as long as you play with your friends? When's the last time you ever actually met some stranger from an MMO?



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I think Bioware is holding back the new servers for launch. If they opened them early alot of people who already have their 1st character will go across to these.


It will let launch people have a fair chance of getting the name they want.


This is my 1st big Q in 3 days, so I can wait. If the wait is because they want to make sure the game is as lag free (touch wood) as the last 3 days it will be worth it.


After allowing amazon to ship early and giving us back 2 days of grace, I m willing to cut them some slack.

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And remember, this is early access, not launch.


Exactly. I get to the server select screen and you've got two or three 'heavy' populated servers, with the rest having an hour's wait or more...


and that's just the preorder crowd.


How bad is it going to be when the ENTIRE fanbase hits? BW needs to open more servers. LOTS more servers, ASAP, or they're going to lose a large chunk of their pbase in this wondrous and engaging game due to simple inability to play.


To be frank, MMO gamers aren't typically known for their patience.

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Same here. Whatever brain child came up with the idea of publicly announcing and setting some "unofficial Oceanic server"... What difference does it make if you play with people in your country, as long as you play with your friends? When's the last time you ever actually met some stranger from an MMO?




Its more so for the raiding times of most guilds and peak hours for pvp etc

Raiding times for american guilds match the mornings of australia, where most have work/school

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