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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The problem and great annoyance with the queueing is that: I didnt choose this server, it was chosen through guild deployment.


I would have chosen a low populated server if it wasnt for my firends and guildies.


I just hope BW is working with a group transfer, divide the server or something simmilar to ease the pressure from the servers that are overpopulated.



Doesn't mean your guild had to stay on that server, we moved our whole guild to new server where others from our sever on SWG were playing, we had guild set up the same day.

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It's totally irresponsible and a disservice to the Community.


I'm talking about OceanicPvP single handedly making Swiftsure and Harbinger inaccessible.


They're spamming everyone in the Pacific Rim to switch their guild to these servers AND all Pacific Rim randoms to join these servers, which it's just stupid, and exactly what they did to WoW Backrock.




We will move our large guild to a new server. BW, can we send the bill to OceanicPVP?


We have as much right to play on swiftsure as you do, I am part of the oceanic PVP daisy chain and we put alot of effort to put it together, why dont you move to another server if your so unhappy!


stop crying and deal with it.

Edited by Yolandarx
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This is not only outta control, but UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!! To think that someone is paying you for a service that should be immediate, but making them wait 30-50mins (which may be their entire time they are able to play) to ignore their customers pleas for support would be unwise and will lead to utter failure of this MMO.

The solution is very simple though, add new servers offer free transfers of toons to that server, when the population goes back down thet the people go back to a more populated server. This being done by the comsumers will keep friends and guild together and will solve the temporary population proplems.

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It's ********. The fact that they don't even care to talk to the community or help us out, really speaks for how bad their costumer service is.


I was number 200 in que at 01:00, then I got thrown back out to number 700. No logic.


This is why I've put in a request to cancel my preorder. It's not a problem with queue times in early access it's the utter disregard of their customer base.

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Queburgers, anyone ?

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Dear Bioware,


I am neither complaining nor criticizing you on the matter of full servers and queue times. I however as well as many others here would very much appreciate an official post regarding your intended course of action for this matter of contention. As you and I are aware, many of us have been enthusiastically awaiting this moment for 3+ years so naturally, we want to play and play now. Whether this is a matter of patience or not is a moot point as we know the rule of business "the customer's always right." However, we also know that despite the gripes everyone here will still play regardless as this is the new thing. So, thank you for working so hard on releasing the game as most of us have no comprehension of the intricacies involved in such a process as well as the fact that the technicians are most likely sleeping in the office working around the clock.

Edited by Arte_Sauve
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I, too, dislike the long queue times. But this *IS* the beginning of a new mmo - this happens with every mmo. Granted maybe not to this scale, but we DID ask for more early access, sooner than they were planning to let us in. If the servers are overtaxed, we're as to blame for it as they are. You can ***** and moan about free transfers as much as you want, but thats never gonna happen instantly, its not gonna solve you're problem straight away, its just gonna solve it a little down the line. I'll grant you it is a little ridiculous that at peak time, every single EU server has a queue, but shouting about "I've paid for this service, blah blah" at the moment is complete bull - I've bought a CE, so i've bought into this service as much as the next person, but until the 20th, we're in this for free - and theyre allowing access as their own discretion.
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I don't mind creating various alts on lower populated servers and I did expect some queueing from past experience of MMO's, but the wait times seem to be a bit rediculous at the moment. 2 hours on average for the server my guild got deployed on (Frostclaw).


Today I started myself off in the queue after coming home from work, read a book, watched some TV, tidied etc. I got in after about an hour perhaps a little more I was doing other things while I waited. I played for all of 10 mins with my guildies when I got booted from the server with an error 9000 and ended up back to server selection screen.


By this point the queue had got even higher 1091 there was no way I was going to wait 2 hours to get back in.


So I decided to create an alt... unfortunately when I looked at the entire list Every single one of the English EU servers was Full and all bar 3 had massive queues. I did make an alt but I had been expecting to level with my friends tonight and I got bored after all. For me the enjoyment of an MMO is playing the game with my friends. A fair number of my guild have given up trying to get into the server, some are talking about giving up on the game completely if the servers are not sorted out by the Launch


We appreciate that Bioware are experiencing problems with the large amount of interest there is in the game. And perhaps there are plans to fix the issue which haven't been announced yet (I truly hope this is the case). As I said I expected queueing but not for any longer than an hour tops.


I don't expect I will get to play much this weekend but as it's an early access / grace period that is ok as technically we've not really paid yet. I just wanted to share the fact that I don't think the queue lengths are acceptable once it has launched and express my hope that it will be fixed on Launch day.

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This might sound crazy..... But....



If you try a server that isn't full, you get in instantly.




None of my friends have scene any queue at all. Full servers = the devil.


Thats all well and good if you havent had your guild server chosen for you. This current situation sucks for anyone with a job, life and guild. People like me who dont have 4 hours to spend playing a game.

I have now been forced to leave my guild behind because I cant get into my server. If Bioware fixes this problem and I go back to play with my guild, Im going to be stuck with a character named jedisteve1138. I bet thats already taken.

Just a word of advice for Bioware/EA/whoever. Its not the best idea to penalize the guys who earn their own money. The very same money that you are asking us to pay.

The first time this happened I could understand. Its the launch of the most ambitious game Ive ever seen. However, when they shut down the servers for maintenance I thought tonight would be better. I logged in to find that not only was it worse on my original server, I now have a 50 minute wait on my new server. I didnt buy this game so I could wait to play.

I love what I have seen of this game so far, but I am not going to keep abandoning toons because of mismanagement or creepy marketing. And thats exactly what it is.

If this persists through the first month, I will come back when the game is less popular. Unless I find out that they did this intentionally to make it appear that the demand for the game was much higher than they could have imagined. Apple always under produced the latest iphone so that news reports would talk of shortages to imply demand and justify price. When in reality they were simply making it hard for their customers to get one. At least thats what occurred to me as I read the news on my android.

if its a problem, please fix it. If its creepy marketing, why? Your product is so awesome and doesnt need steve jobs to sell it.

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swiftsure also had a ton of aussies on it so it had queues for 40 min, so i just re rolled my character after i got to level 8.


i figured early access would be like te final beta with guilds being assigned, etc.


just take it in stride, better to move early than late.

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How about I throw in my own say.


I preordered the game because of the lure of early access, which meant my characters would be high enough level not to swim in n00bs on the 20th.


I worked hard at building up a guild for early deployment so that me and my mates could discover and enjoy the game together, before the flood of newbies.


Then the miracle happens, we deploy and are in!


Oh wait, Jack ain't in yet. Called him, hes in queue. Should be logged in about an hour. Annie just went d/c while we were in a flashpoint. Lets us know on Teamspeak she cant get back in for another hour, so we should carry on without her.


This is the real live experience. Now we'll barely make it out the n00b zones in time for the 20th, since we all have lives and mostly play in the evening with the hour(s)-long queues. Thank goodness I gave my money to Bioware months in advance and gave them all that free publicity by recruiting for my guild ahead of time.


Now we're stuck on a high-pop pvp servers, queuing and hoping to spend an hour or two together before we have to hit the sack because we work in the morning. Two of my friends ran and bought cables for their laptops to avoid the risk of wireless hiccups that would cost them their evening of play.


I love this game.... I just wish I could actually PLAY it.

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Pre-order/early game access or not... Queues are ********.


People saying they going to add resources when game launches in full... bs, why wouldn't they make early game access smooth so people have a good experience... therefore building trust and excitement early, and in turn increasing stickiness of customer base.



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why didnt they think of this in the first place..........


They did, Hence the staggerd EGA. But people whined and threw a fit, So they let more in faster then they should have. Now we have this. We only have ourselves to blame for this. NOT BW.


That dont mean some of these things like people being dced and having to start over in que couldnt be fixed, But meh.

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This! You people whined to be let in early and even said you would rather wait in que and at least know your going to get in. Now you complaing about que times? You have got to be kidding me? You people are sad, you asked for it now suck it up.


No. We want reasonable customer service. Allow people in the game for early access. That's done now. We also want reasonable amount of servers for low queues... That's certainly not the case.


The problem is they only had a few servers assigned to the guilds for early access and that was a mistake. Our guild said we had 8 people preordered, but around 20 will play. That's not unusual so it'll mess up their counting.


Bioware was overly conservative in the beginning and now long queues is the result.

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You could almost guarantee that bioware has reduced pop cap levels on servers to try and have a more even balancing before launch. While I approve of this as hopefully over the life of the servers we will have healthier populations, I do admit it does leave a bitter taste in ones mouth given that early access was part of their marketing strategy from the beginning.


Currently sitting 1098 in queue on Swiftsure....


Hope you get this sorted pretty promptly Bioware.

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They did, Hence the staggerd EGA. But people whined and threw a fit, So they let more in faster then they should have. Now we have this. We only have ourselves to blame for this. NOT BW.


That dont mean some of these things like people being dced and having to start over in que couldnt be fixed, But meh.


we have the idiots who were complaining about not getting in when they didnt dedicate the time to pre-order it as soon as it was anounced! too bad i say, wait your turn

its like complaining to Mc Donalds that the car infront of you got his order before you got yours.... ugh

Edited by High_Voltage
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So the hole thing with guild deployment and these so called roll out is to balance the server. Well that is not working at all.


the last two days i and other guildmates have had to wait for over 20 min to a hour to get in??!!


and look at all the west coast servers and very few east coast ones. alot of us have limited time to play the gane and there is no reason anyone should have to wait to get in to play the game.


Why did no one have the brains to fix this. it is not hard . Put a cap on the servers.


you all moved the guilds over. you can see how many people thre are in the guilds . x8 for all the slots. then just add x number more non guilds x 8 to the server and then lock it.


mind trick is so bad right now. My guild and our ally want to get our people moved to anther east coast server or start moveing people of this server asap. This is not a FTP game with a few servers.

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