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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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1. Bioware needs to enable free transfers to lower pop servers for the first month and heavily monitor population usage. Prevent too many empire from transferring to one server and such that already have imbalances.

2. Lower the cap for characters per account on a server. If you've already made a character on a server above like say 10, you can make more if the server is full, but new people can't make another char on that server.

3. Move whole guilds and adversaries/allies to another server and everyone with it in order to balance better, instead of just making a billion servers. Frequently the caps for the servers are too low, like 200+ people in one of two instances of Corescant on Veela? That's it? Lets get 500+ up in here.

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This is why they had the staggered launch.


People moaned at it for being stupid and this is what you get.

Complainers whine and get what they want and NOW it fills up.


Im personally glad for the Queue as it means they'll be able to fix and add and improve it for later. Better now on the GIFT of EA than on Launch day.

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so, im going to throw my opinion into this pile as well ;)

this game is far from being bug-free, but i understand that its launch so there are going to be bugs, hell, there never will be time when there are no bugs.


but if there is one thing you DONT want at launch, is people who cant play the game they paid for. bout first 3 month is time which make or break mmo's, bs like "you can play atm, please be patient" will do you no service. DONT tell me you didnt expect such load on your servers, because thats stupid - you know how many copies have been sold. and whats worst (at least imho) is that we have problem NOW. its 4 days till 20th.


ps while i was making this rant my game loaded, no dc's or anything. frankly its wasnt so long for me (bout 5 minutes, i know others had it a lot worse) but like i said, its those small annoying things that can alienate your customers. game is solid - dont break it with stupid crap like that......

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for west coast there should be three servers max. PVE/RP/PVP...the cluster creates as many instances that are needed or not needed. people can move from instance to instance to group up with friends and put a hard cap on the instance so we can't pile in.


do this and you never have to add servers or merge servers as the population goes up or down. The instances are your servers....need more instances add more hardware.



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FrostClaw - 2 Hours if waiting so far to reach +250 in queue.


Just in case some people say hey its not even released yet...... well they advertised early access and thats only good if you can actually access the game.


Just in case some people say you should reroll on another server, 2 points;

  1. The Servers are all Jammed
  2. They allocated my guild Frostclaw so thats where we all are and its not practical to have us ALL move


You need to sort the over population out Bioware. Shutting down threads when people are venting there anger is also not good. You created this problem and your only solution so far is to tell people to switch over to other already jammed servers or shutdown peoples threads to try and hide the problem.


Maybe you should stick to single player RPG's if you cant handle keeping promises.

Edited by randolf_meaker
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for west coast there should be three servers max. PVE/RP/PVP...the cluster creates as many instances that are needed or not needed. people can move from instance to instance to group up with friends and put a hard cap on the instance so we can't pile in.


do this and you never have to add servers or merge servers as the population goes up or down. The instances are your servers....need more instances add more hardware.



This is the exact opposite of what people requested during development.

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In my opinion the guild launch system was a failure. The server my guild was assigned to was already full at 3PM.


Rerolling our entire guild on a new server is possible, but the population is so volatile right now that there's no guarantee the server I reroll to will not become overpopulated too.


This was the whole point of the guild launch system.

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I am going to get flamed for this but I feel that people should speak out over issues like this when they have paid money, so flame away.





With all due respect, I realise this is the early game access period, you are loading the servers slowly and steadily, I and a lot of people respect that. However, people have paid good money for your game and at the very least they deserve a response to their frustrations and anger over the wait times currently in place.


The only responses so far have been in the vein of "We know this is a hot topic of conversation, head to this thread, where it is being discussed", so we know there are mods online.


I think it is only fair you notify your customers of your plans or future schedule, to relieve the current load on servers. This at least shows your customers that you are not ignoring them.


This is an excellent game, and I look forward to playing it for many years to come but your customers deserve a response.



Edited by Tharka
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I am simply adding here to /sign


but how is it that there are any queues at all? surely the early access period was either going to fill up a series of servers or you (bioware) would have filled up a percentage of the servers' capacity allowing space in the future.


surely there is no reason to queue to get onto the server? can you please explain (bioware) why this is the case? i could understand if the early access system had not been done in waves but i find this all very strange


Please note i am a KOTOR player and not an MMO player so maybe this kinda thing happens but how is this working well. on Monday its going to hell and back with the influx of people playing the live game?


Well sure its all been said but hey had to raise the questions and hope for an offical response from someone high up the food chain here because this is silly (especially before you start taking subs!)


Regards and best wishes lol (no hard feelings)

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Its not the queue that bothers me, in fact I expected it.


What bothers me is waiting 45 minutes to log in, then finding zones barely populated. Saw zones with almost 300 people in them at all times in beta. Dromund Kas, Imperial Fleet, major hubs. The max I've seen so far is 120, and thats one time. Usually its around 70.


What the hell am I waiting 45 mintues for? There's no one on here.

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What server? all EU servers are full.


I just checked and 15 of them were not full, but heavy or very heavy. I'm not suggesting they shouldn't open more. What I'm saying is...how many people would be willing to abandon their 2-3 day old characters for a new server? Doesn't seem many here would, but expect free transfers for their entire guild instead LOL.

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This is the exact opposite of what people requested during development.


what? instances? there are still instances on each server already. my way would mean instead of each server able to do say 100 instances they could do as many as needed. never a queue to login as more instances are created as needed.

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Its not the queue that bothers me, in fact I expected it.


What bothers me is waiting 45 minutes to log in, then finding zones barely populated. Saw zones with almost 300 people in them at all times in beta. Dromund Kas, Imperial Fleet, major hubs. The max I've seen so far is 120, and thats one time. Usually its around 70.


What the hell am I waiting 45 mintues for? There's no one on here.


More confirmation on server caps.

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