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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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im 49 your point. If the site you bought it on says no refunds on preorders a lawyer will tell you your out of luck. Im not trying to argue just stating a fact. Good luck in what ever you decide


maybe you should reread where i got it from ace. I would think a 49 year old would have better reading comprehension skills than you

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I know most MMO launches have this sort of issue, but frankly I don't remember having to wait two hours to play WOW when it launched, or when Galaxies launched or when CoH launched. I know the early guild system made things complicated but I thought that it would alleviate problems not create more.


I'm not about to cancel or quit or sue (really?), but I would very much like Bioware to say something more than abandon your character and you guild-mates and move to another server.

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Aren't we nearing 2012? Hasn't there been countless MMO launches that you could of learned from that prevents this current predicament from happening? Where is the progress? I understand EGA is a privilege but still, 2 hour queues and NO server slot saves is just ridiculous.


Funny thing is people use those other launches as reasons that this kind of thing is ok. "Oh you should have seen the queues in so-and-so game! This is nothing!" It's just funny to see people excuse it as being acceptable because 7 years ago it was fine.

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Oh look its the thread that replaces the Release Date Speculation thread, meaning any and all posts from customers that are dissatisfied with two hour queue times get redirected here and summarily ignored.


Fantastic. Glad I spent 300 dollars on this experience. Thank you BioWare. Have a nice night I'm going to go back to staring at the queue and doing anything but playing the game I paid for while you all shuffle complaints into a round file thread that will get deleted every 24 hours and reposted.

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I know most MMO launches have this sort of issue, but frankly I don't remember having to wait two hours to play WOW when it launched, or when Galaxies launched or when CoH launched. I know the early guild system made things complicated but I thought that it would alleviate problems not create more.


I'm not about to cancel or quit or sue (really?), but I would very much like Bioware to say something more than abandon your character and you guild-mates and move to another server.


I had 2-3 hour queues on WoW Blackrock server when it launched for the game to crash with Loot lag soon after getting in :(

Edited by razalom
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I love the comments like "just wait in line" or "just change servers".


My guild was TOLD what server we can play on. What good is having a guild if half the people can't sign on the server they were assigned to?


The people that say wait times of an hour or two are totally common and acceptable must not live in the real world. Get a job, get a family, have a life, then see if 1-2 hour wait times are acceptable to you. No one is going to pay for this game to wait in line.

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What's the difference between you returning something unopened and a 16 year old doing the same?


because when I was 16 stores gave you a hard time if you tried to return something when you are noticeably young. its possible things have change but from my experience they havnt. It wasnt more than 6 months ago I was in a game stop and watched a kid try to return a opened game with the excuse that the game wouldnt work in his xbox. I went up right after him and returned a opened copy of darkspore without any hassle even though I know they wont take pc games back that are opened.

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Ive waited 45 min in an estimated 30 min queue time with 300 still in front of me. And im scared as I have Comcast cable thinking for the next few weeks im going to have to wait as much as i will be playing as my internet isnt exacly "stable". And no I will not reroll as im lvl 22 already.
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Dear Bioware,


Please double the existing amount of servers and open free transfers for about two weeks.


Love the game. Willing to give you years of subscription money if you make this workable quickly.


For god's sake, please don't make me go roll a panda.


Love, Lord Shadon

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To pay as much money as I have, and then for them to expect me to pay for 15 dollars more a month, I don't think I'm asking for too much when I want to play when I want to play. Let me move my characters for free from a heavy populated server. I understand delays etc. but its not like they didn't know how many people to expect with the preorders! Come on. If a million people pre ordered, then have enough bloody servers to take care of them!
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Funny thing is people use those other launches as reasons that this kind of thing is ok. "Oh you should have seen the queues in so-and-so game! This is nothing!" It's just funny to see people excuse it as being acceptable because 7 years ago it was fine.


I know right. Like there isn't a precedent or something! It's insane! I mean you would think by now McDonald's could seat more than 50 people in this day and age... but no, the McDonald's I've know for 20 years still makes me wait for the customers in front of me! Amazing.

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Adults won't sue either. At least if they have an IQ over 40, they won't. Are you really going to sue over a $5 pre-order? HELL NO! I won't even go into how you have no legal claim to actually sue. You just want attention on the forums because it makes you feel special. Well news flash, you are special.


once again tardo I have no intention of sueing its the fact that i can that people dont hassle me when returning things

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its such a shame that bioware has spent so much time, money and effort into making what is IMHO the best game i have played, yet no-one can actually enjoy the game except for watching a few numbers count down (ever so slowly)


You say no-one is enjoying it when the servers are packed with people playing the game. Oh the irony!

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