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The battle at judgement cor


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Battle at Judgement Cor


I stumble back after receiving a reverse kick and crash down to a lower ledge. The cave is dark, the hum of our tools of death echo around the enclosed walls. A vague light reflects the setting sun on the wall. My eyes blurred from the sweat drip. ‘I must focus, clear my mind, focus, the force is with me’. Above me on a higher ledge the Sith Lord Beris paces like a caged animal.


Our forces besieged the Imperial stronghold at the base of Judgement Cor. The stronghold used as a platform for many assaults on Taris. Thousands have been lost on both sides and now the final confrontation awaits.


“You’re impressive Jedi, but not impressive enough, you’re weak I sense your indecision, you’re right you can’t best me”, stated the Lord Beris. Rising to my feet, taking deep breaths, “You’re mistaken Beris, your time has come I have foreseen it, I can’t let you leave”.


“So be it Jedi, today will be you’re Laaaaast”. Beris leaps through the air, lightsabre pointed. I try not to panic I must focus, our sabers clash, spin as I try to find his weakness. An elbow crashes into my jaw as I stumble once more to the ground. Beris towers over me, looking down, grinning, hate in his eyes. My mind wonders to my loves ones, I can’t beat him, he knows it. “Give up, Jedi, why bother to resist, let me take your miserable life and ease your worthless suffering”. Wearily I gather my last ounce of strength and get to my feet. I close my eyes to refocus, my heart is pounding, ‘I must gather myself’, I search for the force within. “Beris even if you beat me, you still will have lost, your forces are diminished and there is no escape. Soon this cave will be filled with Republican Troops”.



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