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Implement ME 3's story mode in class instances


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One of the things that really frustrated me playing my first toon to 50 in SWTOR is all the class quest instances where you need to kill an elite mob. Often these elites are difficult or impossible to kill at the level you get the quest or when the mob is the same level as your toon. This causes the story to bog down as you go do side quests and other activities to outlevel the instance and be able to complete it. The prospect of going through that all over again also has limited my desire to take other classes to 50 and has contributed to my decision to cancel.


How about adding the feature from Mass Effect 3 where you can select how hard you want your class instances to be? This would be optional so players who want to die over and over while they figure out some way to defeat their elites could still do that. But those who want a smoother ride for their class stories would not get held up by elite mobs every few levels. Since you can't farm class instances over and over to get items, letting players select to have them be easier wouldn't impact other players or the economy.


tldr: add the feature from Mass Effect 3 where players can select how hard the game is but only apply it to class story instances

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Would very much like this. My problem is completely opposite though, haven't found a class yet that would have any major trouble with class quests, and most of the time the bosses are way too easy. Giving people the option for easy-mode would also allow them to tune the encounters to fit with the taste of little more experienced/skilled/etc people, who can't really get much challenge as it is (unless you stay 4 levels below, which with current xp pace is next to impossible).
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