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Purpose of legacy


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whats the purpose of doing the legacy thing? i cant find any material to read further into it. I'm understanding that you can create multiple characters and thats about it. can someone tell me whats cool about doing this? because if its fun i would love to try it. Also what the heck is trolling? hahahah seriously, i dont know.
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well first off Legacy as it stands now gives you acces to.......... a last name!


but as of the upcoming patch 1.2 you will be able to have all kinds of extra's.


the ones i know now are

-cross class ability(heroic moment)

-setting up a family tree(roleplaying thing me thinks)


watch the trailer on youtube and youl get some more info.


Greetz from holland

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WARNING: Incoming Wall Of Text!



Currently the Legacy System only gives you access to a last name. And it´s more or less mandatory unless you want a window popping up everytime you switch to a new zone. (aka after each loading screen) That Legacy name is shared by all of your characters (both republic and empire) on your server. It doesn´t transfer to characters on a different server.


You also gain Legacy XP (Experience Points). That is more or less like normal XP except that it is, again, shared between all your characters on your server. So, the question is: What does legacy XP do?


Well currently...Nothing! But, with Patch 1.2, which is scheduled to release in early April, there will be many features coming that will involve the Legacy System. They are:


The ability to create a family tree for your legacy. (you can have parents, children, brothers, sisters, husbands, wifes, etc.)


You can unlock new race options. Once you get a certain character to level 50 that race will unlock for classes that it wasn´t previously available. We don´t know however if it will unlock for all classes or just for certain ones. Consider Sith Pureblood Trooper. It might not go along well with the story. But we will see.


You can unlock iconic abilities for other classes. For example, a Smuggler with Force Choke, or a Sith Inquisitor with a Flamethrower. Note however that this abilities are "Heroic Abilities" that can only be used with a Companion and have a cooldown of 20 minutes. So it will have no effect on PvP or Operations. And it will have minimal effect on PvE.


You can unlock new items. Armor, weapons etc. That are only available trough the Legacy System. Note that they are probably going to be Custom (Orange) Items, so that they don´t have any impact on gameplay, but are more of a vanity thing.


Also you will be able to buy some of the stuff with credits instead. That is so that players that play only one character can enjoy the legacy as well as people who create multiple characters. What exactly will be available for purchase is currently unknown.


Details overall are scetchy, but theese are the basics of what the Legacy System will offer in Patch 1.2.


I hope that helped! :D


And if you want to see what else will come out with Patch 1.2 you can check this video

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And trolling?


Saying something stupid/inflammatory just to get a reaction out of people.




But yeah, the legacy system is just a bunch of features tied to your legacy level but also available for credits.



Species unlocks: If you play a species to 50, you will be able to use that species for classes that normally do not allow it (a cyborg Jedi Knight, for example) as well as unlocking all appearance options in cases where the appearances differed by faction or even class.


Since humans can already be any class, playing a human to 50 gives your character a presence buff (meaning their companions become more effective). I am unsure if specific human appearance options, such as trooper tattoos and BH face paints, will be made available to other classes.



Class heroic abilities: Level a class up to 50 and all future characters get a special heroic ability.


These will vary by faction. Republic characters will use the Republic version and Imperials the Imperial version of the different abilities.

Each mirrored pair offer up a different ability. Levelling a trooper or a BH to 50, for example, would unlock one ability for all of your future characters of either faction.



Super-Buffs: As you level a class to 50, their buff becomes a part of all future characters' class buff.


These are again faction specific.

You do not get hunter's boon and fortification stacked on top of each other. You get one or the other, depending upon the faction that you are playing.

Eventually, you would have a single character capable of giving themselves (and any teammates or targetted friendlies) every class buff in a single casting.



Legacy gear: There will be 'bound to legacy' items introduced.

These are okay, and they say that they will be powerful items, but the bigger point here is that you will be able to mail them to anyone in your legacy.


Anyone. That means that you will be able to mail things to characters in your legacy even if they are a part of the opposite faction.


These legacy items are purported to be powerful items that will be of limited value to someone that finds them because of level differences.

For example, your level 30 character might find a very potent level 10 item. So you have apowerful item, but it is not powerful enough to make up for the level gap, so you pass it down to alower level character.

That is the intent.



Ship Droid changes: You will be able to buy gear for the ship droid that will give them skill bonuses in the skills of your choosing.

Want your droid to have a crit bonus in armormech and an efficiency bonus in underworld trading? You should be able to buy them.


In addition, you will be able to gain affection with your ship droid.

These changes will make the ship droid as good as, or probably better then, any of your other companions when it comes to crew skills.



Ship upgrades: Just grouping a couple of things together here, but you will be able to put a mailbox and a neutral GTN terminal on your ship.


The legacy level required for some of these things is unknown.


There is more, but I am done for now.


When they post the videos from the guild summit you can watch the legacy section for yourself, or just wait until 1.2 and read the patch notes for the full list. :sy_bountyhunter:

Edited by Mithros
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