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Defensive Abilities


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Hi All,


First off, best MMO I have played. I think people are far too harsh on it. So can't wait for 1.2. Love the class and how it works. I really feel like I'm in a flurry when in a fight which matches our character's playstyle.


I'm now level 38 and I've just got Undying Rage. With Saber Ward, Cloak and the rage build ability (can't remember the name) we have 4 defensive cooldown abilities. How best should I use these in PVE / PVP? Do the abilities all stack? Can anybody help with some general defensive strategies with the Mara.




Edit: I should probably add that I'm carnage

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Don't know about PVP, because I don't do that stuff :)


My Mara is Carnage spec as well. Now at level 39 :)

I generally use my defensive cooldowns one by one. Saber Ward being the least used. Most of the time it's either Cloak of Pain or Predation when I have a full Fury stack.


I even tanked with it during some Heroics. Only time I've really used Saber Ward so far :D Too bad we don't get a taunt, otherwise Marauder can be a nice tank when needed :) But only if you have a decent healer behind you of course ;)

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Thanks for the reply. So do you use them only 1 per fight, or just one after another drops? At the moment I'm hammering all three when I look like I'm going to be in trouble soon. Why do you only use 1, do they not stack, or is there some benefit to doing them in a row? Why don't you use Saber Ward, is it the worst of them?


I find with my companions, force scream is almost a taunt : ) Might not be the same for Heroics though.

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Thanks for the reply. So do you use them only 1 per fight, or just one after another drops? At the moment I'm hammering all three when I look like I'm going to be in trouble soon. Why do you only use 1, do they not stack, or is there some benefit to doing them in a row? Why don't you use Saber Ward, is it the worst of them?


I find with my companions, force scream is almost a taunt : ) Might not be the same for Heroics though.


I'm pretty sure they stack cause you can use more then 1 at a time. However by doing so it will leave you without cooldowns during other moments. That's why I use them 1 by 1.


The reason I don't use Saber Ward too often when soloing is that after pulling a big group and using Predation and Cloak of Pain, I basically have to heal up. Cause, except for the big elites, I use Jaesa as companion. By the time my health has gone back up. Cloak of Pain's CD will have refreshed. And I'm usually not too far of a new stack of 30 Fury to fuel Predation with. :) So Saber Ward get's far less used :)


In groups I do use Saber Ward more. Either if I have to, due to lack of tanks, tank the heroic. Or when I'm DPS and the healer is busy healing the tank. Then I'll use Saber Ward as well.


So for solo I don't use Saber Ward that much, in groups I do :)



I won't mind tanking a Heroic if I have to. But I won't do it in a Flashpoint. The lack of taunts there is really aggrevating. In Heroics you can usually get away with it not having a taunt.


Although if I have to tank. I really appreciate a good healer behind me, and use all available CC the people in the party have. Compared to my Sorceress and Mercenary, I feel a bit meh in that department. Since I can only stun Droids.

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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