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button craziness


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i see good to both sides, clicking is definatly fine for someone who isnt serious, for serious gamers, yea keybinding....but their are no "pro SWTOR" gamers....and that post kinda erked me, its not Starcraft where people play for thousands of dolors on the line, so ripping hard on someone for clcking is kinda unclassy
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My setup:



Naga + nostromo.


I like the nostromo because it gives my thumb a fair share of the keybinding load.


- I have the "space" bound to jump (as normal)

- The "joystick" is assigned to buffs (adrenals, heals, stims) and the Huttball.

- The little button above the joystick is now "shift."


- I reassigned the "mousewheel" function for camera zoom to the nostromo wheel.

- The actual mousewheel is used for seven different functions:



1) MWUp = target nearest enemy

2) MWDown = target nearest friend

3) CTRL MWUp = next enemy

4) CTRL MWDown = next friend

5) SHIFT MWUp = taunt

6) SHIFT MWDown = guard

7) "Click" the mousewheel = target self.


--> This can all be done with a normal mouse. It also ties a bunch of related abilities to the same basic motion.



CC and CC defense are:



QERF --> Bread and Butter attacks

(That usually don't require specific conditions to fire. . . IE, no force requirements)


1st six buttons of the naga (+ modifier versions)

- "Big" attacks and heals




A TIP for NAGA users:

- I found that the hand posture becomes MUCH more comfortable if I "right click" with my ring finger rather than my middle finger. Middle finger is responsible for mousewheel only. For me, this gives my thumb a lot more access to the 12 side buttons.

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I have a naga and blackwidow but I'm still learning the whole keybinding thing. My biggest gripe with the naga is that if I'm holding down right click (mouse turning) while trying to press one of the 12 thumb buttons, it causes me to move the mouse slightly...which translates into my character moving a lot--especially if I'm pressing buttons rapidly--the screen "jiggles"(for lack of a better word) so much I can't tell if I'm even facing my target. Because of that, I no longer use the naga for skills/abilities, instead I mapped the forward/strafe left & right movement buttons to it--it works better because I'm not pressing them so much, instead I'm mostly holding them down. Now I'm deciding if learning single clicks or macros is the best way to string together combos, but honestly, macros don't work as reliably as I'd like...so I have memorize all keybindings anyway.
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again im still learning sent and new to mmo's, but i find myself using my cursor to acivate most of my powers but i see most of the "pros" use their numbers, it just seems relativly difficult with the WASD setup to remember to hit my numbers to activate the powers is this normal? or am i the only one who plays using the cursor? should i just start getting use to the numbers or keep my mouse for activation?


What I do is use r-u, f-j and c-n for my top middle bar. I use my Razer Naga for the bottom center bar. The side bars are shift plus the above. I use my thumb for hitting hotkeys on the keyboard which is why they're all to the right of WASD. Doing it this way I can hit every key on every bar easily without removing my fingers from WASD.

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currently I use esdf for my movement keys. I feel like it Gi es me more access on a regular keyboard as I only have a four button mouse. As for people saying clicking is just as good as keybinding are wrong. I clicked for years on wow before I setup keybinds and you will notice an improvement after you get familiar with the layout. this is do to situational awareness. when you keybind you can pay more attention to what is going on around you then if you click. if clicking works and if you have fun that way the go for it. but with a sent having so many buttons to press I can't imagine clicking. basically if you want to improve to be a better player practice keybinding. it will improve your play after a while in the end. And I used to dissect all those keybinders in forums till I started doing it. there is a reason why it is better. least for pvp.
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first a Game pad controller:

I use the Logitech G13. There are others like nostrimo and i have tried them. but find G13 to be far superior to all the rest.

I already had a Nostromo. I got a gift card for a store I didn't really want anything from so I decided to try a G13 just for the heck of it. I ended up throwing it out after a week. It's absolutely terrible compared to the Nostromo IMO. The G13 has slightly more buttons, but the shape is less comfortable, the joystick is trash and the software has a lot of problems. It also didn't seem to be as well made. To each their own I guess, but I personally would rate the Nostromo 7/10 and the G13 barely 4/10.



In fact, I know some top JK mostly using the mouse.

Ever heard of the Dunning–Kruger effect? I'll summarize it in layman's terms for you; the less skill one has the less capable one is of perceiving skill. They only think they're top jedi. Melee classes using keyboard turning are a joke.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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