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BW fixing medium armor?


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When is BW going to fix the belt and wrist problem of medium armor sentinel. I was hoping BW would just allow sentinel to wear heavy armor since there doesn't appear to be a whole lot of gear suited for sentinel jedi. On imp side it's worst since you don't have any orange boots from the dark side vendor. Plus, there seems to be more variety of gear for heavy armor classes and it looks better too.
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His 'yes' is far too vague to be able to say with any kind of certainty that we will have any sort of reasonable access to moddable belts and bracers. The original info was that we would be able to take out the BASE mod, ie; the armor or barrel or hilt, of an epic piece of gear, in addition to the already removable mod/enhancement slots. I have never seen a partially moddable epic belt or bracer on the GTN, they are all just plain items.


His 'yes' could be nothing more than they are going to add boots to the dark side vendor.

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