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Vanguards Rock


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So I'm soloing green heroic quests on Tatooine, on my way back to the quest giver from having completed a mission, and I run into a group of four dealing with a large number of Sand Peeps. Two of them drop as I approach leaving just a Guardian and a Sage. The Guardian is getting gang ***** as everything is now aggroed on him and the Sage can't heal fast enough. Sure enough the Jedi drops.


I mortar volley and then storm in. Stockstrike one mob's face, sticky grenade one guy, taser shot another, reposition myself and then harpoon a distant shooter to group them all up for explosive rounds and ion pulses. I drop maybe five or six strong and elite Sand Peeps in maybe twenty seconds.


I /salute the Sage and speeder off. Over general chat I see "OMG <Me> you !@#$% rock! Thank you!" Now mind you, I out-leveled the Sand Peeps by two or three levels, but still.


I love being a !@#$% Vanguard. *thumbs up*

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Sometimes, it feels real good being a knight in transparisteel armor, eh? :)


heck ya it does.


and it just gets better as you progress planets and level.


my favorite line from the past week as a Shield Spec Vangaurd upon helping a Jedi "hey, I thought I was supposed to be the DPS...." :p

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